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Everything posted by beardad

  1. Our CO is the local boys and girls club. they charter the cubs, troop and now a crew.
  2. Yeah Most Millenials are still youth in the troops. I think we are getting Millenials confused with us Gen X'ers.(maybe some Gen Y's) We as a group are the ones that don't want to get involved. There is a study I read recently. I don't remember where, Where some company's are having trouble finding managers among Gen X'ers because we don't to be out front leading, and are content to just go along for the ride. That is not everybody of course, but about as general as you can get.
  3. Popcorn isn't the only fundraiser you can do. In fact, the amount of work compared to the rate of return makes popcorn sales not really worth it. Our pack quit doing it years ago. Have a car wash, or a walk a thon, and have the scouts get sponsors. sell See's candies. or make dryer lint and wax fire starters and have the scouts sell them. A local troop in our area was just outside Lowes last weekend selling Oberto peperoni sticks.
  4. beardad


    When my son was a Webelos, I had my bro come in. He is an RN. he brought in gnarly pictures of injuries, that were just gross enough to keep the boys interested. he made each boy a little starter 1st aid kit, and then had the boys demonstrate how to do some of the stuff. they seemed to enjoy it. enough that the pack asked me to try and get my brother again, for this year.
  5. In my sons' troop the parents are forced to sign up as committee members or our kids can't be in the troop. could be one of those deals.
  6. we are one of those Rank at B&G Packs. I have been CM for about 2 years now, at the beginning of this program year, after The Lady's that Ruled The Pack crossed over with their sons, I tried to change this. Shot down cold by the committee. My son crosses over today. not my head ache anymore. maybe my replacement can change things?
  7. We are one of those wait until B&G packs. this was my 2nd full year as CM and at the beginning of this year, I tried to change this. I waited until the two ladies, who essentially ran our pack moved up to Boy Scouts. I was shot down cold by the rest of the committee. tradition and all. oh well. Sunday was our B&G. my son is crossing over tomorrow. I'm out! it's my replacements head ache now.
  8. We do our Montly activity for the summer time pack award. I also adopted the "wednesday night hike with the cubmaster" usually at local parks, bring the whole family type things. I got the idea from here. I have recieved a lot of positive feeback from it. my replacement plans to keep it going this summer.
  9. Just out of curiousity, when did they rename the first 10 amendments of the constitution. the Bill of Needs? edited to add: what does it matter what weapons the state has, when 99% of the military would be home protecting their homes and family from tyranny.(This message has been edited by beardad)
  10. I was there about 5 years ago for BALOO Training. It was the first time I had ever been to a scout camp, so I didn't know what to expect. It is a nice property. I remember being right on a lake. I think the only problem with it, is it's so darn far away for most of the council it serves. Camp Fire Mountain is so much closer. out of council camps like Brinkley and Piggot are even closer still.
  11. Our Pack has a "no drop off" policy. It is spelled out to the parents when they join, and during the first meeting of the year, so there are no surprises. Most Parents like it better this way. and we seem to always have a few extra hands if needed.
  12. I am the cubmaster of my pack. I would have no problem with you going directly to scout parents with news and info for district/council events. I would in fact, appreciate it. I can't keep up with everything, and a lot of times I don't even know about the events. I especially would have no problems with it, if there was a prior relationship with the parents through school or work. This lady seems like a control freak. and after reading the whole thread, so do a lot of you. man, we are all on the same team here. it's for the kids. some of you need to get over yourselves.(This message has been edited by beardad)
  13. That is cool that you can pick and choose your leaders. In my son's troop the only qualification seems to be: do you have a pulse? yup then your in. they asked me if I wanted to be an ASM. I have no people skills. I don't really care for other people's kids. I have no outdoor skills. but they wanted me anyway. why? because I was there anyway. ha. too bad. I'm busy being the cubmaster for the pack anyway. as to the OP ask this dude why he wants to do it. maybe he came from one of these troops where the parents are automatically a MC or an ASM (like my son's)
  14. Why are the two mutually exlusive? my son is in scouts and football. occasionally he has to miss a scout event due to games and what not, but he is in both, and he does BB in the winter
  15. The culture in my son's troop is so that the Dad's are who is SM. we don't have any leadership in our troop that doesn't have a son in the troop. when the SM son quit's or ages out, the dad leaves too, and somebody else is SM. my son has been in the troop for about 3 years and we are on our 3rd SM. for good or bad, that is the way it is in our Troop. I don't know if it has always been this way, since troop has been around since 1928, but at least the last few years it has.
  16. We handed out fliers at our 4th of July Parade yesterday. Maybe even the same one you were at SP? We have done this every year since I have been in this pack, and from hearing about it, for as long as anybody can remember. we gave out a bunch of fliers, but usually don't get much of a response. we had better fliers this year though. we did give out about 4000 pieces of candy though.
  17. The first time I took BALOO training about 5 years ago, they actually told us that mom was not allowed to be in same tent with cub scout son.
  18. My son got a Optimus Crux lite for his birthday. used it for the first time this weekend. I really like it and will be getting one for myself.
  19. Back from our camp out, and it was a success. the weather broke friday afternoon, and it was sunny all Saturday and Sunday. our little group arrived to a camp that lies within our councils bounderies, but belongs to the council to the south of us. (Camp Pigott) with way to much stuff, much to the amusement of some boy scouts that were camping there also. We got the last laugh though when we were able to drive up to our spot to offload, passing the boy scouts lugging all their stuff. Did some hiking and fishing, where almost every boy who fished caught one, and we cooked them up later. hopefully these boys will have some good tales to spin at the pack meeting on Wednesday to get the other kids psyched to go next month. The best part was when little 7 year old Joshua (my nephew) says "Can we go camping and fishing again next year?" I told him heck, we can go next month. ha.
  20. That is exactly it. We have our first camp out today. (of course it's pouring rain here in Seattle) but we do have a good size group going. they are mostly my son's Webelos den though. and two tigers. one is my nephew the other is the brother of one of the Webs. We have about 7 out of 25 or 30 going.
  21. It is hard to get parents to sign on to camping even once a year in my experience. I have been in my current pack for about 4 years now, since my older son was a bear and my younger son was a tiger. Younger is a Webelos. I am the cubmaster. In that 4 years, I can't recall our pack having ever camped. when I took over as cub master I asked about it, and they said "we just aren't a camping pack" ok well I want to change that. I asked around and had a couple parents take baloo training. I even went and retook it. everybody is all gung ho and want to plan a trip and really excited and kids are looking forward to it, then nothing. nobody can go or a bunch of other excuses. Our CC is a former eagle and grew up in the council directly south of us. he booked us a camp spot at a Boy Scout camp (with in our council bounderies, but technically belongs to the council to the south of us, Tour Permit?) for next weekend. out of the 30 or 35 scouts in the pack, I think 4 or 5 are going. Mostly Webelos, and one tiger, who happens to be my nephew. Parents didn't even have to do anything. pack payed for the site, just show up and camp.(This message has been edited by beardad)(This message has been edited by beardad)
  22. My son is starting on year 3 with his troop and he is still tenderfoot.
  23. We did something similar to that, only I don't remember what it was exactly they were looking for. It turned in to them ignoring the trash, and only looking for the "doubloons" This was cub level at an outdoor pack event though.
  24. We nipped everybody's #2 in the bud head on. Our pack requires EVERY parent to stay. we make it very clearly known that we are a "no drop off pack" This is one of the things that drew me to this pack after our old when folded. works well. we still have parents that don't really want to get involved, but if you hand them a task, they will do it.
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