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Everything posted by MattR

  1. If anyone asked me for help right now in starting a troop, and I had the time and energy, I absolutely would because I could do it the way I wanted. There would be no baggage to deal with. I'd explain to the adults how it is going to be and they'd vote on whether I should continue. I'd have a list of job descriptions that they'd have to fill to get things going. I'd come up with a list of games that involved teaching outdoor skills for the scouts to understand what meetings and campouts looked like. The scouts would pick a calendar. As for leadership development every single sco
  2. I wouldn't know. Google is my friend. I just read the one paragraph. But thank you for the explanation. I do enjoy this type of thing. I haven't asked for it. And in all honesty I'd be a bit afraid of one. It might sound odd because I really do enjoy reading bits of wisdom from people much wiser than I. But I'm not sure if it would work. I'm a bit cynical but how many scouters really do respect the religious beliefs of other people? The only way it would work would require everyone to accept any and all beliefs of everyone. Pagans, Baptists, Wiccans, atheists, Hassidic Jews, .... Witho
  3. @David CO and @The Latin Scot, I've sent you both a PM.
  4. Good. Competition will float all the boats. But it's rich that they say they're experts at it. If so, why do they need North Face to help?
  5. Well, isn't this kind of like squirt guns? People will ignore it. It's sad that it's gotten to this point, though. Two can play this game. I mean, if I camp at the trail head then I'm "there." Did you recently walk away? If you'd like to share, is this from frustration or it's just time (i.e., Mrs EagleDad said so)?
  6. And you need to be able to add small numbers. Thanks for the correction.
  7. Hi @Jacob9, welcome to the forum. To answer your question, you need a minimum of 14 months to complete Star, Life, and Eagle (for the position of responsibility requirements). If your age, to the day, plus 14 months is less than 18 years then you have time. So, when were you born?
  8. My son is a scouting youth. Does this mean I can't have a beer while eating dinner with him? Okay, that's a bit far fetched. How about this scenario. Two families, both in scouts, get together for a BBQ. Again, there's beer. Is this a violation? Or a parent offers to pick up the scout son from soccer practice of another parent that is sick. I know what the likely scenario is they're after. A troop wants to do something that's not in the G2SS and so calls it a non scouting event. But that's not what the new rule says.
  9. Well, I promise not to shoot the messenger. Thanks.
  10. Really? So no going to a bar anymore? I would have lost all of my ASMs. Is this rule documented somewhere?
  11. I would not have a problem with that at all. I also know that if I talked to my DE (he is one of the good ones) he'd encourage it. The problem, as I see it, has two parts. The first is a really vague description of what is allowed. The second is that parents interpret it to mean the scouts can't ever be on their own. I do understand where it's coming from. Vague used to be fine because all kids did things on their own. And I have no doubt that there were times when they got into trouble. No doubt because I got into trouble. The glue that can hold things together is good training. Again, n
  12. And the above continues with ... This world is a form; our bodies are forms; and no visible acts of devotion can be without forms. But yet the less form in religion the better, since God is a Spirit; for the more mental our worship, the more adequate to the nature of God; the more silent, the more suitable to the language of a Spirit. Please explain. I can figure out something for most of it but the term "of one religion" is stumping me. Could one mean any, or a particular one? Of course, I could have the whole thing wrong. One thing great about doing this from passages originally wr
  13. Our troop has a very simple ceremony when a scout completes a rank. Someone shouts "KA-CHING!" and everyone claps and congratulates the scout. It can be right in the middle of a meeting. Right after an election the new scouts are announced. At the COH they get their patches. For merit badges we don't do anything before the COH. So, the scout is recognized verbally. Now, for the Scout rank, I tried to have patches available to hand out right away. Unfortunately there are other processes that make it harder than it sounds.
  14. I really enjoyed doing that as a SM. It made a simple hike into an adventure. The scouts got serious. They knew it was important just from all the questions they got. What bothers me so much, and is probably where @Oldscout448 is coming from, is that I just couldn't get this idea across to the other adults. They can cook on their own but that's not an adventure.
  15. Along with that smart phone is 200 emails a day. Sometimes smart phones are just black holes for data. Trust me, I have been there before and I understand your frustration. I really hate to say it, but maybe this is the issue? Is this about communication or buy in? I think it's a great idea but what do the scouts think about it? My guess is they have no idea. Just a thought but how much preparation was there for this event? Do the scouts have any idea how challenging it is to cook that much food and serve everyone quickly? Did you ask the scouts to take ownership of say, c
  16. Thanks. I'll try to have fun with it. If When I get grumpy, send me a PM. BTW, @desertrat77, is off at camp this week.
  17. We also have the added $200/scout fee that is replacing FOS. As for all that money on the campouts, if the scout is going on every campout then he's having a ton of fun and it's not an issue. If he's typical he's only going on half the campouts, so cut that number in half. On the other hand, there are high adventure trips. I always pushed for a less expensive trip. It used to be $300 but now it's more like $500. I had a lot of scouts tell me how much they appreciated that. @David CO, makes a point in that some sports are not absurdly expensive. Also, some scouts really do need to be
  18. Welcome to the forum, @Koolio. This is an old thread and I didn't go back and try to re follow it. One thing to note is both Hedgehog and Krampus haven't been heard from in a while. We consider this a virtual campfire, so pull up a virtual chair and introduce yourself. It might be easier if you go to the new to the forum section and start a new thread. Thanks, Matt
  19. Oh, we did have rough equality. Maybe my scouts are just spoiled with sugar at home. What turned out being better was just bragging rights. It's not that they were doing end zone dances or anything but we'd just give a big cheer to the patrol that won and that was a bigger dopamine fix than the sugar. We had an axe competition at our last camporee. All they got was a cheap ribbon but wow did they get into it. Sudden death in an axe competition is quite tense. Not only that but just the term sudden death in an axe competition got them excited. But back to patrol motivation for jte, ma
  20. I don't know. All those new parents that are just trying to do a good job for their kids likely don't know what they don't know. Especially in cub scouts. Who is telling them what is expected? In my case the cub master and CC were in the same boat I was, they didn't have the experience of boy scouts to know where cubs was going. I'm not surprised that parents don't take the training. They're busy. They learn from what they see in their pack. So if the whole pack is doing something wrong then nobody knows. We did have a commissioner and she was really enthusiastic but she couldn't convey that a
  21. We did that for a while. The first time we did it it was huge. After 3 or 4 times it was: okay sure. After a few more times it was: before we do this, do you have dark chocolate? It was kind of an addiction, except I heard no reports of them stealing from their parents for the next fix.
  22. Well, I'll admit, while I knew of using a necker for first aid I hadn't thought of other uses. I always have a bandana with me while camping. But a 36" bandana would be more useful (except for blowing my nose). It turns out my troop's necker is made from a 36" square and it looks large on just about everyone. Unfortunately it's made from really stiff material and is consequently useless for much of anything else. We finally got some better material. Maybe if it were used for more things and got a bit dirty and torn the scouts would like it better.
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