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Everything posted by jr56

  1. Each victim gets about 6k, the lawyers get about 5k, the perverts who committed these terrible acts go unpunished, and future generations of american youth are abused by being deprived of a scouting program. Yup, sounds like a real good solution to me.
  2. Yup, I would be reluctant to donate to FOS, knowing that it is going into some lawyers pocket.
  3. This happens sometimes. National requires a class and then provides no way to take the class.
  4. Is there any such thing existing anymore, like COMMON SENSE. Something similar to what happened to Penn State, when the NCAA came to their senses and realized all their penalties were just hurting innocent people who had no connection to the university when that all went down. Hope these lawyers are proud of themselves after doing away with the BSA.
  5. True, don't give any opinions National has much weight.
  6. Plus a violation of camp policy by not signing out when leaving camp.
  7. 1. If the claims are being reviewed by the courts (thanks for the info, no sarcasm intended) why is a lawyer needed? 2. No, but they don't have to collect 33%. 3. Instead of giving cash settlements, have the BSA offer to pay for counseling for the victims.
  8. My question is, how much of this is being driven by real claims by people that have been abused many years ago, and how much is being driven by greedy lawyers. Since many of these cases occured long before our current preventive techniques have been put in place, and there is probably not much proof after many years, the BSA is giving settlements to avoid drawn out court battles.
  9. Was quoted to me by a law firm once. Others are obviously different. Still, the fact remains, this is a big payday for lawyers. Some victims get some financial compensation, but is that really going to make much of the pain go away?
  10. Every settlement, 50% goes to the lawyers. Lots of lawyers are getting really rich at the expense of the youth in this country who will not have a scouting program left after the lawyers have gutted it out.
  11. Thanks much. If we ignore things like that, over 100 years ago, and pretend they never existed, we as a society will not learn from our mistakes.
  12. Am curious what Hornaday did that was so outrageous that his name has to be removed from history.
  13. Some scouts get very active in the OA. Others not so much. It is their own personal decision. With soccer thrown in the mix, sounds like your son has his hands full. It is his decision to set his own priorities.
  14. I think employees of National Scout shops have had their's capped at 6 also for awhile now.
  15. Of course, there are not very many Scouters out there who have that many knots anyway. There will be even fewer of them earned since most of the Cub Scout program knots have been done away with. I guess when you get to the point where you have to prioritize, it's kind of like telling the youth that there are over 100 merit badges you can earn, but you can only wear 35 on your sash.
  16. It has been put in the most recent insignia guide that 3 rows is the max. It is what it is, and I will respect it. I find it interesting that nobody seems to object to Wood Badge people wearing their fist full of beads.
  17. Yup, Good luck to you. Too bad there are some adults out there who think BSA stands for Baby Sitters of America.
  18. If the boys want to build gateways etc, they can usually get all the materials they need from the camp Quartermaster. They don't need to wait for adults to give them stuff.
  19. Eagle scout records are kept by National. They would be able to find out.
  20. I remember reading in the advancement policy, that if a scout comes from another country, individual requirements can be reviewed and counted toward applicability to American requirements, but an Eagle rank would not be awarded.
  21. Two things I have noticed. Changing the elections so that all eligible youth can get in, cheapens the program. The ceremonies that are mandated by National are so lame. Last year at the tap out ceremony, I asked myself the question. If I were a first year scout who knew nothing about the OA, I would have left the ceremony still not knowing anything about the OA. The legend is non existent.
  22. This was back in 2000. Has probably changed since then.
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