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Everything posted by jhankins

  1. Thanks for a good report. It sounds like things are moving very well for your boys and your leaders. If they haven't already, be sure to introduce your new/tired leaders to program helps/CS 2010 and fast start training so they know they don't have to reinvent the while to succeed.
  2. Something we did to accommodate an added patrol member was hold a patrol leader oath ceremony at closing flag of weekend 1. This allowed for a PL for the mid-course patrol meetings and for a large leadership role. I was pleased with the result of doing that. I wish more councils took into consideration that the 30% staffing request is just that -- a request. If it means short-changing your course to have a perfect ratio of old:new staff, it's only penalizing the participants of the best program that could be given.
  3. I took my course while I was a wolf dean leader. I had just finished my first year as a tiger leader. Having never been involved in the leadership side of scouting before (My dad was a Scoutmaster, and I was a tag-a-long for five years), I learned a great deal about the relationship between the four arms of Scouting, a taste of tenderfoot to first class, networking skills in our council, as well as practical application of all the textbook leadership classes I took in college. Working my ticket proved to be an adventure that I'll continue to apply to my daily life and not just m
  4. We are desert units, so we prefer boonie hats. Military surplus solid color boonies are my favorite head wear to protect necks and faces. Our pack even has them available as a "class B" option for outings since the sun is brutal here. Most of the time, though, I wear my AB100 white hat, or my first Wood Badge staff ball cap.
  5. Having a boy sign a pledge to do more than 100 hours? That's some serious appeal fodder should anything happen along the way.
  6. I've been wondering about troop discipline after a committee meeting last night (I'm the UC). 2 instigators started a messy situation at the CO's building, and well, let's just say it wasn't pretty what happened thanks to their actions. The Scoutmaster wants to suspend the boys, the committee wants to talk to the parents and the boys (their 2nd offenses), and I wasn't really sure what to suggest, except it needs to be a strong statement and the other boys should have some sort of "talk" with the offenders.
  7. Wow, that does change things! Thanks for pointing that out. It might be easier understood if that last part was put before the time requirement, I think. This will be a boon to boys who start the program late, but it certainly doesn't change things for boys who are just waiting to move up to 5th grade or 10 years old.
  8. In my opinion, if they were trying to hide something, there would be no documents to subpoena. Keeping a paper trail is a way to protect yourself to show you've done everything you can.
  9. Any clubs are welcome on my alma mater's campus so long as they do not violate a code of conduct, have a teacher as a sponsor, and are willing to report their activities to the ASB. That includes a gay club, glee club, christian prayer club, chess club, a club for atheists, a Varsity Team, and a Venturing Crew. There, I said it. I'm proud of the way all those organizations work together to support each other, too.
  10. For the record: The Arrow of Light is not a rank, it's an award. The award requirements don't really say when you can start working on it, but you do have to be: active in your Webelos den for at least six months since completing the fourth grade (or for at least six months since becoming 10 years old), and earn the Webelos badge. to earn the award itself. In our pack, the boys start working on it after they have received their Webelos rank, but don't receive it until six months or more after the new year. If the boys are earning more activity badges, those will co
  11. Once you inform your ticket counselor, they usually will request to meet with you (phone, email, in person, etc) to discuss your completed items. It's kind of like a debriefing. Once that's done, your ticket counselor has to inform the course director, who has to file the appropriate paperwork with the Region to order your certificate and regalia. Be sure to call your Course Director if you don't hear from your ticket counselor soon.
  12. 100 hours is our rule of thumb, too. That being said, we try to encourage the boys to consider all their organizing hours as part of the planning -- phone calls, meeting with the project approval people, driving time, etc... The hours stack up quickly if they really pay attention.
  13. Yeah, campsite gadgets and pioneering stuff is what they're looking for. In the past, they had tipi type poles, but they were quite heavy and long. I'll have them inquire about the non-native trees and see what our county parks think. Thanks!
  14. Welcome! I do miss the spring and fall of New England, but I prefer California in the winter. Shoveling ice was not my best friend! MC is used on all the BSA paperwork, so it's not confused with CM for Cubmaster
  15. Definitely follow the steps in the new unit formation process. It helps to have everyone trained and your charter/by-laws and all formed before you start inviting new kids. Also, having a charter rep who understands their role in the troop is key to your longevity and success, so be sure to get one on board early!
  16. I just got mine a month ago, so I'm guessing it's a restricted item on scoutstuff.org, and the council probably just doesn't give many of them to recipients
  17. I attended my second troop meeting as a UC last night and the scoutmaster was asking the committee where to find new gadget poles for camporee. No one seemed to know so I took on the task of finding some. Anyone have ideas where I should look?
  18. When my son went from Orange to Yellow, I about lost my mind. Was that really my grown up little 7 year old?! When he went from Yellow to Blue I was convinced he was growing up too fast. When he went from Blue to Plaid, I was proud. Now, here comes Plaid to Black/Red and it looks like he's grown 3 feet more when he tries on the new necker!
  19. The suggestion made in our council is that a boy finish whatever rank he's working on in the previous edition, then once he finishes that rank he move to the new book. It has been working pretty well.
  20. Yup, communication between divisions has been on a downslide for the past two years. The reorganization is only making it worse. Think of it like growing pains. Really painful, drawn out.. growing pains.
  21. In my district of 140 units, it's difficult to get even 2 patrols worth of people to attend Scoutmaster Specific let alone IOLS. Granted, mandatory training next year will change that, but it's a chore to teach the patrol method when you have such small numbers attending a course. I'm talking with a neighboring district to see if we can't combine our efforts and offer a joint program for Specific and IOLS training to better teach the patrol method. But, as supplemental RT training, we're doing lots of things: like BOR sessions, Life to Eagle Seminars, LNT info, EDGE principles, and
  22. We have a CO around here with a P/T/C, and they're starting a second troop once they get more than 60 boys. 10 patrols is alot for one unit!
  23. This will be great for round table -- thanks for sharing!
  24. Couldn't hurt to email Gilwell Park and ask?
  25. Have a great time! I'm staffing my second course this year and enjoy offering some of the very best training BSA has to offer.
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