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Everything posted by Fehler

  1. Ok, my turn! Cub Scouts are like Pawns, they go forward, and always forward. Den Leaders are like Rooks, they go forward, sideways, and back all day as often as they need to. Cubmasters are like Knights, they jump around everywhere. It only seems like there's two of them. Committee Members are like Bishops, they slide in where needed, and try to stay out of the way. The Committee Chair is the Queen, expected to move anywhere and everywhere. The Chartered Org Rep is the King. Doesn't move much, but if you lose them, the game is over.
  2. Program produces recruits. If you fail in program, no amount of flyers/school visits/boy talks will grow your Pack/Troop.
  3. Long term, I have no idea how this played/plays out. I've only been tuned in for three years. The general public doesn't know what a "council" or "chartered organization" is, they believe that the policy is national until they hear otherwise. The "lost" units I'm aware of were due to the normal CO drama, nothing related to open leadership (CO wouldn't let the Pack use its classrooms for den meetings anymore, so they merged en mass with a neighboring unit/CO that would). Our District Membership Chair wears one of those "Scouting For All" rainbow knots. Not that anyone would recognize i
  4. NSC Cubmaster here, with a Catholic Church CO, and I've pointed out this page to many parents that have had questions about the policy. Has it helped? Sure. Those parents who have questions are leaning towards scouts anyways, and just need reassurances. Those parents without questions would have rejected scouts with or without the statement. I find it a bit confusing myself, but the way I read it, it says "A unit can set its own policy, for or against having openly gay leaders, and the Council will defer to the COs. However, the Council will not reject openly gay District or Council
  5. I don't care for the Cub Scout Law, sorry, the "Law of the Pack". Its very disjointed. And it skips from Cub Scout to Pack, and back. The Scout Law sets out what a scout _is_. The Law of the Pack describes what a scout _does_. That semantic difference is lost on that age level, but its there. I also wish there was a 1:1 coordination between the Cub Scout "Character Connections" and the points of the Scout Law, but that's another topic.
  6. From wikipedia: "The American Medical Association called chiropractic an "unscientific cult" and boycotted it until losing an antitrust case in 1987."
  7. I believe within 12 years. Unless something big drops, like this "Secret Committee"'s actual members, testimony, and procedure get exposed as an absolute fraud, then drop the timeline to 6 years. An organized pro-LGBT movement within the LDS church, with a non-token number of adherents, could shave off another year or two.
  8. Unless a policy is spelled out on either the Adult Leader Application or the Cub Scout Leader Book, I will ignore it. If they expect me to be their cop and gatekeeper, they need to tell me what position I'm enforcing for them. I don't cotton to press releases.
  9. Hmm, ok, there was a time when I couldn't modify the information on my Pack's pin (maybe I was still registered as a Den Leader, not Cub Master at the time). I see that I can change it now. Thanks! (But still, when I look at past leads for 2-4 years, I only see that one inquiry I made myself.)
  10. Honestly, the best thing you can do is recruit. Get more boys in your pack, and you will expand the pool of available parents to act as leaders. Simplify your job (even if that means Blue and Gold Pizza), so the other leaders don't get intimidated by it. Make sure they see the distinction between "Cubmaster" and "Den Leader" and "Committee Chair" in what you do, so they can take over one part of it.
  11. I tried submitting my own info on this site, just to see what would happen. Six months later, I got a call from my DE, asking me if I wanted more information about scouting. I was not impressed.
  12. Maybe something added in the "Scouting Heritage" merit badge would do the trick.
  13. Sew the buttons on a Den Flag, and then the Tigers can hang things on their buttons throughout the year.
  14. I plan on having my Webelos den sew backpacks/totes (Craftsman) for carrying their handbooks and log/notebooks and other supplies to Den Meetings. Basic rope/canvas things, but with plenty of space for sewing on patches to personalize them. I need to do something, by the end of the Bear Year only one boy was bringing his handbook to the meetings. If its kept in a bag to grab-and-go, maybe it will arrive better. As for my badge method, I hand-sew only, starting by sewing down 2-3 corners to anchor the patch and then completing the seem. I don't have to cut the thread while doing this,
  15. For the Pack: Sell two things: Popcorn and Christmas Wreaths. People will often choose one or the other. Have buy-in from the parents/leaders who've been there before. If the returners don't want to do it, the new recruits won't, either. Some parents question the amount going towards Council/District. So make sure they see/know what the Council/District does directly to support your Pack, and how they serve the community, too. And don't forget the prizes. Have the boys who earned prizes last year tell what they got (and what they spent their Gift Cards on). Make
  16. We do the Raingutter Regatta, outside at a park where people can walk by and see us.
  17. It's said that you need 6-8 "touches" to make a sale. Consider the parade one touch, and if you get them to take a flyer home, a second touch (if they look at it again before recycling it). Summer plans are set, but they will reconsider in the fall. Make sure your flyer is for _you_, either with a contact, website, or other "google-able" reference to pack/troop number. People want to join the group they just saw go by, not some random address-located reference point. If a parent specifically asks for the "more information" flyer, give them 2-3 for their friends (but if they ar
  18. Did she sign such a contract, or was it "assumed" she was bound by those terms as an employee? And were such terms applied fairly, to all employees who signed similar contracts? i.e. is a remarried divorcee allowed to teach? How about gambling, drinking, and other vices? You can't selectively enforce contract terms.
  19. Wander off to talk with their friends? Why aren't they in the same patrol as their friends?
  20. Fehler

    Chess pin

    Does "Famous Chess Player" mean "A person famous for playing chess (Bobby Fischer)" or "A famous person who plays chess (Ben Franklin)"?
  21. SO, he can't register under the "adult rules". But it sounds like he (and perhaps his partner) could register with a Venturing crew. They're under the "youth rules" until 21, right?
  22. Actually, it was voted down in AZ in 2006 (prop 107). Passed in 2008, but still, a defeat.
  23. Actually, you can e-mail to text messages, usually something like "phonenumber@provider.com", and they'll receive it like a text. But gotta keep it short in those cases. But yeah, I put up an online survey for our camp to see what people liked, and e-mailed a link to it, and only one person filled it out. Glad I didn't waste paper on it.
  24. Couldn't you copy/paste from one of the .pdf versions, and edit it to fit your Pack's specifics?
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