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Everything posted by Eagledad

  1. I'm not trying to sound condesending, but ask the scouts. That is how ours started doing lock-ins. They just wanted to do something that is totally fun for them. Tell your scouts that they can do anything they want, and see what comes up. Actually sailing sounds like a great day to me, I'm just not sure how much they will like it. I learned to quit guessing how a teenager thinks. And all women in general for that matter. Barry
  2. Our PLC does a lock-in twice a y (after each election) where all they do is eat pizza and play computer games all night long. No offical stuff, just camaraderie building. I am always amazed at the computer stuff they bring just for this activity. They love it. Barry
  3. >>Personally, I feel the idea of boys trowing axes goes against everything we try to teach them about safety.
  4. >>I've never seen a teenager with as much ability as our JASM to provide leadership and mentoring without having to be the center of attention or getting everything done his own way. He's got a gift, that one.
  5. >>A JASM should be used as any other ASM would be used. As a mentor, guide and source of knowledge.
  6. >> I think that helps boys who come from troops not using the patrol method to experience it and get ideas on how to make it work in their home troop.
  7. >>Personal attack is the unsinkable rubber ducky of Leadership Development.
  8. Our SPL was responsible for loading the cars and making sure nobody got left behind. I didn't care how he did it because we never had problems, although I'm pretty sure it was delegated to the PLs. It did take new drivers a little time to get use to meeting with the SPL and not the SM. The only time our troop ever left a scout behind was when the adults took responsibility for loading the cars. The new SM learned his lesson and gave it back to the SPL, and all has been well since. Barry
  9. >>Anyone else experiencing a similar situation?
  10. Do you really think that average American understands it Beav? It is really a very complex issue to comprehend. Like most things that happen with our government, the people watch the machine in ignorance. Until we can get a media that wants to educate instead of manipulate, it won't change. Barry
  11. >>There has been a rumbling that some members of the Nominating Committee were going to ask if I would return as Chair. The chair we have now also serves as the Council Camping Chair. And that really is his first love. I have made it clear that I don't want the job. I don't want to fall back into having meetings 3 and 4 nights a week. I do think that there must be a way of rebuilding the District and bringing back at least some of the District Spirit and fellowship that was once there. I'm just not sure how.
  12. >>Now, I'm not usually a cynic, but this sounds pretty hokey to me.
  13. Well for the Cub Scouts, building and racing Cubmobiles is a blast. Boy Scouts can do it as well, but I've not seen that much. BArry
  14. >>As to my council, no adultless patrol camping at camporees or summer camp. At least two adults must be present.
  15. >>As for the lipstick comment, I couldn't count how many times I've used the same comment about politics, Scouting, ad naseum.
  16. >>Most of what you're complaining about sounds like those internet warning e-mails, a grain of truth (maybe), 99 44/100 percent hooey. No, you cannot beat the kids into submission. "Cannot touch"?
  17. >>I have spied on one such Patrol who did a three day paddle down a local river.
  18. >>It'd be nice if positions on issues actually matter, but I'm well and truly cynical anymore.
  19. Yes, you are right that Palin is changing the rules, which is precisely my point. Obama and the media started attacking her experience and all that really did was force more discussion toward the Presidental nominees experience. They dont want to go there. If Obama and the media push the Bridge to Nowhere, the discussion will boomerang back at Obamas earmarks. Even though McCain has earmarks as well, he also has the reputation of reducing porkbarrow. Palin appears to be bullet proof, so Obama and the media have to shift the focus away from her if they want a chance. They have to make it an ele
  20. >> Where does National draw the line? Right now, I think where it is isn't too bad.
  21. >>I don't have a problem with Alaska dropping the bridge project and keeping the money for other infrastructure needs - except that earmarks are earmarks.
  22. >>The question your COR should be asking your District Chair and Council President is how convenient are you going to make training for volunteers?
  23. >> That's aside from her actual views and policy preferences on those issues. Given her obscure background and limited experience, first she just needs to show she understands the issues, then we can talk about what she wants to do in regard to the issues.
  24. >>What I want to know is, what does she actually know, how does she think on her feet, and what are her true beliefs (as opposed to what some speech writer scripted for her).
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