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Everything posted by Eagledad

  1. sports is not boy led and it generally only develops natural leaders. Scouts done correctly is aleadership development program for all boys. Iwas also a coach while was a scout leader. Barry
  2. aims and methods are what sets this program apart from the others. I can't think of another that is better or even equal. Sports & church youth groups don't develop the confidence & independence a good troop does. Barry
  3. I'm. With GWD Scouter, you don't need to stay for your son or visa versa. The district needs you, the troop won't change without you. Go where your energy can help the most boys. Barry
  4. Call your DE and ask for a couple numbers to Scoutmasters. Then call the SM and ask for a scout that will help you prepare for the campout. We typically ask a scout to volunteer to help a den get ready when they want to camp with our troop. It's a good fun learning experience for everyone and usually the scout and the Webelos leader bond really well. Barry
  5. GREAT post Mike. Once the PLC starts working as a team as you described, bad behavior seems to almost disappear because the scouts learn to deal with it quickly before it turns into a problem. Barry
  6. >>Cubs seem to do better at focusing on a wide variety of different progams (Tiger -> Webelos) and not run amok. Why can't the BS program do the same thing?
  7. >>Maybe the emphasis on accomplishment of certain measurements isn't the route to go. Is wearing the SPL patch the ultimate goal of leadership? Maybe the JASM is the ultimate goal of leadership. Only a few get to wear those.
  8. Since the vast majority of older scouts dont get the Eagle, the BSA numbers never made sense. Even if Eagle was the base number, a 14 year old Eagle scout would skew any real numbers. Dont we really want to know how many scouts stay in the program to 17? And, those of us who have watched the process the BSA uses to track their rosters can honestly say they arent accurate enough to know anyway. That being said, if the discussion is really about fixing a problem, then the discussion first needs to understand where there is a problem. In general, the statistics for loosing scouts over the a
  9. >>But please don't expect me to be a cheerleader for vanilla when I prefer chocolate, and don't dump assumptions on me that because I like chocolate that I think vanilla isn't as good.
  10. >> Dah? Wake up here. This is why the JASM leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. It's the kiss of death that the brightest and best get saddled with.
  11. I'm not trying to sound condesending, but ask the scouts. That is how ours started doing lock-ins. They just wanted to do something that is totally fun for them. Tell your scouts that they can do anything they want, and see what comes up. Actually sailing sounds like a great day to me, I'm just not sure how much they will like it. I learned to quit guessing how a teenager thinks. And all women in general for that matter. Barry
  12. Our PLC does a lock-in twice a y (after each election) where all they do is eat pizza and play computer games all night long. No offical stuff, just camaraderie building. I am always amazed at the computer stuff they bring just for this activity. They love it. Barry
  13. >>Personally, I feel the idea of boys trowing axes goes against everything we try to teach them about safety.
  14. >>I've never seen a teenager with as much ability as our JASM to provide leadership and mentoring without having to be the center of attention or getting everything done his own way. He's got a gift, that one.
  15. >>A JASM should be used as any other ASM would be used. As a mentor, guide and source of knowledge.
  16. >> I think that helps boys who come from troops not using the patrol method to experience it and get ideas on how to make it work in their home troop.
  17. >>Personal attack is the unsinkable rubber ducky of Leadership Development.
  18. Our SPL was responsible for loading the cars and making sure nobody got left behind. I didn't care how he did it because we never had problems, although I'm pretty sure it was delegated to the PLs. It did take new drivers a little time to get use to meeting with the SPL and not the SM. The only time our troop ever left a scout behind was when the adults took responsibility for loading the cars. The new SM learned his lesson and gave it back to the SPL, and all has been well since. Barry
  19. >>Anyone else experiencing a similar situation?
  20. Do you really think that average American understands it Beav? It is really a very complex issue to comprehend. Like most things that happen with our government, the people watch the machine in ignorance. Until we can get a media that wants to educate instead of manipulate, it won't change. Barry
  21. >>There has been a rumbling that some members of the Nominating Committee were going to ask if I would return as Chair. The chair we have now also serves as the Council Camping Chair. And that really is his first love. I have made it clear that I don't want the job. I don't want to fall back into having meetings 3 and 4 nights a week. I do think that there must be a way of rebuilding the District and bringing back at least some of the District Spirit and fellowship that was once there. I'm just not sure how.
  22. >>Now, I'm not usually a cynic, but this sounds pretty hokey to me.
  23. Well for the Cub Scouts, building and racing Cubmobiles is a blast. Boy Scouts can do it as well, but I've not seen that much. BArry
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