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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/01/21 in Posts

  1. My opinion is that this has been one of the best threads on this site--great, timely, and unique raw information, excellent analysis and multiple perspectives even when they differ, and thoughtful moderation. That's sad, because it's not a program thread, which is where I think most of us would rather be. But in our current reality, I feel it is helping all of us try to wrap our minds around the incomprehensible. I have no doubt that there are some individuals in the BSA upper tier organization that I would respect and trust. However, the ones I have encountered so far, as well as some of the
    4 points
  2. BSA likely doesn’t want to show Summit as it will prove what we all know. It was and is a giant pit where they threw and continue to throw money into and is likely worth less than the debt owed. Give it to the TCC along with the debt assigned to it. BSA would be better off.
    3 points
  3. In a bankruptcy, the burden is on the debtor (BSA) to demonstrate it is operating openly and honestly regarding its finances. BSA is deliberately trying to hide information about the precise status of Summit, the debt for Summit/Arrow, WV, and where all the money went. I suspect it is one of two things: 1) SOME money went to pay down Summit/Arrow, WV debt. SOME. Where the rest went? Let's see the financials. That is ALL the sexual abuse victims are asking for. 2) The theory @Eagle1993just mentioned: ALL the money went to pay down Summit/Arrow, WV and has proven to be an unm
    2 points
  4. "The lady doth protest too much, me thinks."
    1 point
  5. Just to follow up in case someone else gets in a jam. I had the kids play Ga Ga ball as a gathering activity. We then came together and I had 1 den lead the Pledge and the other lead the Scout Oath and Law. I then asked who enjoyed the Cuboree, favorite activities, and pumped them up for future camping trips. After that, I had them play sharks and minnows as a team-building game. We had a family join a few weeks ago, so I'm trying to help their Tiger and Bear get as many requirements knocked out as possible. After a couple of rounds, the kids were tired - possible ulterior motive from a
    1 point
  6. There are no bears where I live, and I don't think there are any in Ames Iowa --- or in most of the more populated areas of the country. I have feeders out and filled all year round. I do know to periodically clean them with detergent and water.
    1 point
  7. This is no joke. This spring, during the pine siskin irruption and concurrent salmonella outbreak, online birding groups sounded just like online corona discussions. One I'm in had to ban "feeder shaming" when people who'd never seen a sick bird did not go above and beyond recommendations and remove all their feeders for a month. People posting old pictures of birds at feeders felt the need to qualify their descriptions by explaining that the photos were not recent. Lots of ugliness.
    1 point
  8. That's where you lose me. Somebody lent the BSA a boat load of money to buy and develop Summit. BSA never had that kind of money to throw around, and JPMorgan didn't become JPMorgan by giving money away. Whatever twists and turns of rolling over that debt looked like, the idea that the Summit is unencumbered defies sense. Is there some assertion, let alone some proof, that JPMorgan or some precursor to JPMorgan didn't issue a bunch of debt and send out the cash to buy the property and improvements? You can make a lot of transfers of both debt and equity between LLCs more or less c
    1 point
  9. EXACTLY! This is LITERALLY what they say during the YPT video: is it NOT your job to play investigator. It is your duty to report and let BSA handle it. I really, really do not understand why people are trying to defend/protect this behavior. I really don't.
    1 point
  10. Scouting is not based upon the idea that "A Scout is Trustworthy" or that "Boys can be trusted" like it's a promise. Scouting is based upon the idea that boys are "capable of being trusted" and that by utilizing the program we can help the boys/girls develop the leadership skills and personality traits to live the Scout Law and Oath. People like to parrot "A Scout is..." phrases from the Law like it's a magic spell of some kind, but the assumption inherent in having a "Scout Law" is that failures are going to happen; if that wasn't the case, the Law wouldn't be needed because those traits wo
    1 point
  11. Your anger is understandable. People have to put their anger somewhere. Statistically, scouts is not that much different than other organizations. We've been thru this. I don't see the 1000 reference you are producing and don't accept the premise. You say 1000. So high school sports has 17,.000 over four years. That's over 4,000 per year in high school sports. Perhaps it is best for kids to stay home and do nothing.
    1 point
  12. I'm sure that's one of the core arguments for liability; the problem with conducting this analysis, as I see it, is threefold: It appears to be very difficult for most people to consider the issue in the context of the time in which it was occurring. I regularly read comments and posts (not necessarily on here) from people talking about how "The BSA should have always been doing background checks" or "There's no excuse for not letting other agencies know someone was a pedophile". This of course ignores the fact that until the 1990s, there wasn't really such a thing as a background chec
    1 point
  13. Let me simply ask please. Can anyone realistically; Make any of the claimants whole, if their claims are accurate? How much effect was there from families if the report was made? How much outside pressure from societal forces occurred when reported? How, especially when BSA was not yet a required reporter, were they to override the community responses common at the time? Today, IF the actual perpetrator(s) or even their families are still around, is anything being done to bring them into the case? And, if the facts should suggest that the family, or someone in
    1 point
  14. The BSA is in a tough spot when it comes to balancing the fact that they "care about survivors" and the practical issues surrounding the operations of an organization. Frankly, the ultimate duty of the BSA Board and top management is to the organization and the members it serves, NOT to survivors; so I never expected this bankruptcy process to be anything but adversarial and acrimonious. If they had simply sold everything and given every dime to the lawyers, they would have failed in their responsibilities. The PR implications of the situation mean that actual honesty isn't really possi
    1 point
  15. Until a decision is made about HA bases, legal status of LCs and an estimate of the abuse claims, the proposals and voting should stop. I'm surprised we are 14 months into this and we have yet to have a single court rule on these critical aspects of the bankruptcy.
    1 point
  16. Uh, no..... this is stealing the opportunity from the scouts to actually learn from doing the requirements for the merit badge. I am so tired of Merit badges that are just hand waved, Eagle projects that are just a bench, and positions of responsibilty where the scout doesn't actually do anything for six months. My scouts know that I am "a hard grader" but they also know that when I sign of on a requirement, they know it and are proud that they earned it. There are too many people that are awarded merit badges and ranks that they don't deserve.
    1 point
  17. I was asked to be be a Camping mB counselor for a Merit Badge U. The director said it would be focused on first year scouts with little/no experience. She asked me if I wanted a 2hr or 4hr morning session for them to get the badge. After explaining that I would be happy to do an "intro to camping mB" session but that camping mB for new scouts could not be done in that time frame. She then asked if another session in the afternoon would suffice for them to get the blue card signed off. Grrrr.
    1 point
  18. That is such a neat and simple way to go. You can get them at a million places and get fancy 5.11 versions or less expensive versions. It is up to the end user.
    1 point
  19. Anything short of full and honest (and prompt) disclosure by the BSA is unacceptable. Spending settlement money on unnecessary filings is just more of the same. BSA is responsible to the damage they caused me and so many others, by blatant disregard and pure negligence in allowing unvetted "leaders" to have private custody of young children. And each time I see another legal tactic it makes me care a little less about its survival. I'm torn on the whole topic. I worked so hard for my Eagle, Order of the Arrow and other achievements but they were all relegated to a box of memories so taint
    0 points
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