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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/19 in Posts

  1. Personal liability insurance doesn't protect the insured from a false accusation or being defamed. I get the sense that you are confused as to the protected party as it pertains to such insurance. If I have an excess liability policy that includes a clause for defamation, then that protection is for me if I defame someone else unknowingly or unwittingly (intentional defamation is excluded). It does nothing to protect me from being a victim of such. If the OP is being defamed, then additional insurance won't be a solution. Regardless, BSA should have a policy as it pertains to protect
    2 points
  2. It would seem pretty reasonable for the BSA to have a statement prohibiting retaliation of good faith YPT concerns. Simply saying that retalation in response to good faith YPT claims can result in revocation of membership in the BSA ought to be sufficient. Leave it to the BSA to arbitrate what good faith means on a case by case basis.
    2 points
  3. It all depends on how the parent "brought forward" concerns. Even if BSA had a retaliation rule, it might not apply to this situation. I am a teacher. My school has a retaliation policy. This policy would protect me if I were to make a statement to child protective services. It would not protect me if I were to start bad mouthing my school at PTA meetings, sporting events, and parent/teacher conferences. Retaliation policies do not give me free reign to shoot off my mouth whenever and wherever I please. People have different interpretations of the term corporal punishment. Some wou
    2 points
  4. Speaking of protecting brand identity, I wonder if a Girl Scout or the GSUSA obtained permission to rebrand Somoas to Momoas from Jason Momoa, Aquaman, DC, Warner Brothers, ... https://www.today.com/food/girl-scout-creates-jason-momoa-themed-samoa-cookies-t149052
    2 points
  5. The quote from the scout was "what I did was take a knee against racial discrimination." I would definitely not feel supportive of anyone taking the opposite of that position. As to political statements on the other side of the political spectrum, I have a few scouts who regularly wear MAGA hats to meetings and outings, we don't have a uniform hat, and I don't feel like I have much standing to object to their wearing them even though they are clearly politically partisan. A couple of them brought and flew a Trump 2020 flag at a campout. I did make them take that down from the flag
    2 points
  6. I discovered this surprising fact after raising a complaint to the Silicon Valley Monterey Bay Council in 2017 about my troop leader explicitly calling out a parent who brought forward concerns that children were stressed and one suicidal in part due to punitive scouting practices. The leader claimed the parent was spreading false rumors and threatened consequences (all documented in an email) when in fact, a scout did have suicidal thought and implicated the stress to problematic scouting practices which involved hazing, corporal punishment and inappropriate manipulation of advancement proc
    1 point
  7. My understanding that a retaliation clause would more directly effects those who are friends of the YPT offender. i.e., we're going to make your life tough for making a YPT report against our good friend Scoutmaster Joe.
    1 point
  8. I have to assume that in a one-on-one meeting, either parent (male or female) could serve as the second adult. It wouldn't make any sense otherwise.
    1 point
  9. There were siblings selling cookies at our Pinewood Derby. I wonder what that report looked like.
    1 point
  10. I don't think the OP is talking about litigation at all. His or her point is that with all the encouragement to report YP violations one aspect is not covered which is retaliation against the person who reports the violation. And this person is right, there is no explicit protection. So for instance, if you're a parent who reports a YP violation, even if the report is valid and the council takes action to repair the violation, both you and your son could have action taken against you by the unit in retaliation for doing the right thing and making the report. This is a real problem beca
    1 point
  11. These arguments always arise because of vague postings. OP, if you want meaningful responses then provide details about what happened.
    1 point
  12. I knew the wise Owls (Foxes,Buffalos,Beavers...) would have a better idea. I have a photograph of his daughter and my daughter in their Bobcat paint that I know he likes, a framed copy would make a more personal token gift.
    1 point
  13. Facts entered into evidence: "The Council swiftly stopped the hazing, corporal punishment and inappropriate advancement procedures" The Council clearly indicates that something was wrong. The interpretation really isn't in question. So some retaliation is warranted? Your position is that a scouter is warranted in taking negative action toward a parent if that parent didn't follow some undefined procedure in trying to fix a hazing incident? What is more important, that we stopped a hazing incident that could have lead to suicide or that a parent didn't follow the chain
    1 point
  14. In these parts they have e-days, so while they are not in school, students must log-in by a certain time, do their assignments, and it counts as a school day That way no extended days
    1 point
  15. Check out Post 53 in Darien CT! Their program is quite old and well developed, but their Post exclusively covers EMS for the entire town and operates three ambulances. According to their website, they just received three new donated ambulances! They are the subject of a documentary, High School 9-1-1. Check out the trailer and show this next time someone tells you kids can't do anything!
    1 point
  16. ...Penn State. Thanks for pointing me to the Ride Along training. I didn't look under the Law Enforcement Exploring section before. I am also on my way to a national EMS conference this weekend and am presenting on engaging youth to improve emergency services volunteerism on Sunday. Explorers is one opportunity that I am recommending to complement the more generic "junior" EMS and fire membership categories that organizations have. In Pennsylvania, the Senate Resolution 6 Commission that just recently issued their report on solving emergency services' problems included recommendation
    1 point
  17. Fuzzy math with ride-alongs and youth protection. There is a training module on Ride Along Safety on my.Scouting. IMHO the BSA needs to understand when you are in another person's house, it is their rules. Sure the BSA can "certify" police, fire, ems departments and personnel for ride-alongs, but not micromanage the patrol car , engine, ambulance crews. At what point do we teach self-protection from blood-borne pathogens, patients, and co-workers? My $0.02, We are...
    1 point
  18. 5 days here in Wisconsin for us, and the school year has to be lengthened because we went over the built in make up days. Not for my kids though, we planned a trip, and they won't make them up. Darn!
    1 point
  19. My mother-in-law is in Dubuque, IA. They are adding a half hour a day to make up the lost time. Sounds like a gimmick to me but it won't mess up calendars too bad (except for all the sports and other after school activities). They should have just assigned homework to be done during the snow storm. Kind of like working from home. I guess you could call it homework.
    1 point
  20. Yes things adapt and change. No more "Blacksmithing" MB. And I must remind folks that there is no truth to the rumor that BSA is planning to fold the Pet MB into the Cooking MB.....
    1 point
  21. I really wish we could stop picking posts apart. Yes you are correct that fire is not needed for Whipping a rope but the requirement says "Whipping and Fusing" a rope. Which they apparently did not do but got signed off on, which is what this Commissioner's concern was. I'm not here to argue the fine points. I am not here to be picked apart from a discussion I had with another Commissioner because I did not pick apart his visit with a Troop. I come here to get advice from long time Scouters who might have had the same type of situation in their Scouting and learn something possibly. Latel
    1 point
  22. There have been many stories of "retaliation" without recourse on these forums over the years. Scouters and Scouts have had their memberships revoked for cause, and some for causes known only to the Scout Executives who seem to have the final say in such matters.
    0 points
  23. This does not surprise me at all. The Boy Scouts or Scouts BSA, or whatever they want to be called, have lost their way and might as well just open it up all the way. Take God out of the oath, allow atheists and/or anyone with a desire to fork over the membership dues to join. Adults should be allowed to earn the Eagle Scout Award just like the youth, requirements should be lifted and it should be a participation award. This comes from the thoughts of a former professional scouter and a family of Eagle Scouts. I am currently a COR as well and that will be cut short very soon.
    -3 points
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