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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/17/23 in all areas

  1. And as a lifelong NL fan, I think if they wear the uniform they ought to make 'em hit.
    3 points
  2. My son hit Webelos this year. I took a look through the available adventures and saw some really good ones that are retired. This weekend, we tackled Fix-it. My autistic 8 y/o loved it. I haven't seen him this engaged in anything outside of books, Legos, or something on the computer, ever. I think having a huge menu of tasks to pick from really made him feel empowered. Getting his own tool set just added to it. He was super excited to push the cart through Lowes to the tool aisle. We went around the house fixing some of the things that needed fixing and creating issues to fix for those
    1 point
  3. Our contingent heads out Wednesday AM at the crack of dawn — I’m the ASM1 of the girl troop from our council. I do not believe there will be patrol competitions in scoutcraft. From reading on various scout boards, the amount of freedom scouts will have to operate “independent” of their unit may differ from contingent to contingent. Our unit basically said the scouts can do their own thing (with a buddy at all times, of course), so I expect our unit will be spread over Summit. In other posts, I’ve seen Scouts say that their unit was picking activities to do as an entire unit.
    1 point
  4. My daughter loves Fix-It the most out of all Webelos Adventures 3 years back.
    1 point
  5. Go for it. There is much to be said for reviewing stuff from decades back for use today, keeping safety and YP issues in mind of course. But many of the activities are not unsafe if done with skill and care and of course real supervision. Much of the time the youth take to it with vigor. .
    1 point
  6. The Crossroads of America Council in central Indiana appears to have finalized on a new fee structure. From a PDF council volunteers received last week: A couple of things to note. When this plan was first introduced back in February the yearly amount was not $160 but $240, with the preferred payment mechanism being $20 a month automatically charged to a families credit or debit card. There was such an outroar over this the council leadership retreated for several months and have returned with this. Yay. I still hold to my personal opinion that this will decimate membershi
    1 point
  7. I'm fine with going back to our roots...this medal was all about that: adventure!
    1 point
  8. Thanks for your wise and gentle counsel. You've always had a steady hand on the wheel.
    1 point
  9. Friend Fred: You think you'll get out of Scouting that easily, huh? Hey, maybe out of Scouting, but you'll find the Scouting won't get out of you so easily.... Bleed khaki? Scout cookies are a true addiction. As is Cub (overpriced) popcorn and Scout car washes and Scout BBQs when you drive past,,, and,,,, Those hiking boots will still be pretty comfortable..... See you on the trail. Even in "real life" : KiS MiF.....
    1 point
  10. Take care. Enjoy the memories. Make more.
    1 point
  11. Here're some that have worked for me... Go the extra mile: Send out a notice that you will sew on one patch for any Scout or leader who brings their uniform to the meeting. Bring a sewing machine and your box of sewing notions to a meeting and set up shop. Hand or machine sew... it doesn't matter. Offer to teach a Scout how to use the machine or hand sew. Keep track of who you sew on a patch for. They get one and only one, and you might help or guide on the rest. Bring sewing notions on a camping trip! Same idea... Incentivize the behavior you want! We hold a quarterly u
    1 point
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