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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/14/20 in all areas

  1. Or, maybe not. Consider the trajectory of membership growth since the addition of And agressively promotion HA bases. If BSA isn't squandering $$ on swaths of property inaccessible by most scouts (by miles and fees) it might just afford to keep costs down, thereby affording more members. If all the litigants asked for were titles to property, I'd give it them in a heartbeat.
    4 points
  2. Because it's an outdoor program, I'm seeing ways to continue getting kids out of doors even if it's not necessarily advancement related. Camping is out but hiking isn't. You can easily maintain social distancing on a day hike. A lot of parents are going to be home with kids so two deep shouldn't be a problem. Buddy system can be parent and adult. Bird Study. Forestry. GPS & Orienteering badge components can all be worked on, some of it even in the backyard. Getting outdoors and away from other people may actually be the only recreational pursuit open to many Americans in the weeks ahead. I
    3 points
  3. I know what I saw in January at the Summit. Why build such a massive learning center with a dining facility, huge classrooms, lodging, and an auditorium in the basement. I got the usual dumb answer when I asked about the reason for this building and was told by a guy with gold shoulder loops that "we are going to rent it for corporate use". What corporation is going to pay the cost of renting that place for a huge number of employees and then figure out how to get their employees there. There are no local airports so the only way to get there is by car, bus, or fly into the "Presidental Hel
    2 points
  4. Now is the perfect time to knock out those Homework Merit Badges required for Eagle. Save summer camp for what it supposed to be: outdoor activity. I concur with @yknot It is also a great time to get outdoors and hike. After being cooped up inside for several days, the scouts will welcome the opportunity. Parents too!
    1 point
  5. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but, I suspect the ads are user context specific. Mine are about data security and bulk used golf balls. Stuff I've searched on lately.
    1 point
  6. The BSA successfully lobbied to change the WV Constitution. In Nov, 2014, voters approved the amendment which allowed just one non-profit (BSA) to rent their facilities to for-profit groups. As far as I know, the Summit has not been financially self-sustaining as promised.
    1 point
  7. The effort was originally simply to have a jamboree site. The Goshen Scout Reservation in the Shenandoah was chosen as the site (National Capital Area Council). A group of national volunteers decided to amp-up the concept into something that would transform BSA programming with extreme sports and other things. That led to where we are. The use of the facility during the non-Jambo years is the fundamental weakness.
    1 point
  8. Our CO has put all the state precautions into effect. That includes trying to keep a small distance, six feet, between individuals that ARE meeting. All group gathering are postponed, including our weekly church services. Much is precautionary, but in the case of our church, half or more of the congregation is in the higher risk categories. And many groups that use the facility are already higher risk individuals such as the Anonymous groups. So here we sit.
    1 point
  9. Thanks, but no worries now. Our B&G is March 27. I made the attached at canva.com.
    1 point
  10. For those of us that live in the West and really don't want to fly to the Bechtel Thingy, it would be great to have two jamboree sites.
    1 point
  11. I will not comment on the misled, in my opinion, mis-managed or mis-judged Yes the land maybe was provided, but costs spiraled up as the wish list was made. Also two driving factors, and honestly cannot find the original documents, the Summit was to be paid in two main ways. Donations - which lag behind Attendance in NON Jamboree years - which lag behind The attendance was supposed to be heavy as the typical marketing stuff, 65% of the BSA is within XX hours to drive there. It will be the new Scouting mecca. I know for a fact that Summit reached out to local council c
    0 points
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