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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/19/19 in Posts

  1. What??? If you've got a scout involved, all BSA policies apply.
    2 points
  2. She didn't really annoy me before. She does now. This "board of review" wasn't very scout like in it's conduction. She also seems to not understand that her age won't be a factor in 2020. I really think she just wants to be "first." I really hope the BSA makes a giant deal of the first class of female eagles and intentionally doesn't include her in any of it.
    2 points
  3. I spoke with my attorney and he told me that this document is too broad and open ended. I am ok with criminal background checks but this appears to be an agreement allowing the BSA and their employees to look into every aspect and area of my private life (my attorney agrees). I plan to make several pen changes, and have that form notarized before turning it in. I also dont like the idea of them sharing information. I'm a retired Marine and law enforcement officer and held a final top secret security clearance so clearly I have nothing to hide. But I dont think that the BSA should have acces
    2 points
  4. ... as Cubmaster. Its a Council camp specifically for new Scouts and their families, but everyone in the Pack is invited. Meals will be in the dining hall, and there is program all day long ending with a big campfire. I don't have to plan meals, cook, or provide much. After the big fire we are going to have a small fire at our campsite just for the new Scouts to not feel like they are missing out. I plan on having the Pack sing Vespers before going to bed, aside from that I don't have much "planned". If I dont make it back alive, please don't forget me. 🤣
    1 point
  5. Ridiculous. Another glaring disconnect is that the statement from National says they are setting up a donor funded BSA registration assistance fund. Nothing has been issued to date on a) whether the fund will in fact exist, b) if it does, how it will be accessed and what kind of process will be required, and c) since nothing BSA does at a process level is speedy, how this process can be accommodated within the current rechartering deadline. I don't fault National for struggling some with challenges. I fault them for being so utterly unprepared despite the fact that lawsuits, liability insuranc
    1 point
  6. But the leadership does not have to be of scouts. The candidate could lead a group of friends from the marching band, or the football team, or the church youth group.
    1 point
  7. Do you really trust National? I have been told a lot of things that National would not do over the years, only to see them change policy and do it. And National does not have a history of being Trustworthy. Look at the "Prohibited Activities FAQ" found here: https://www.scouting.org/health-and-safety/prohibited-activities-faqs/ . One Questions is "Q. Why can we no longer play dodgeball? A. Dodgeball has never been an authorized activity in Scouting....." Even after pointing out this error to National by showing them a Scouting.org link it saying it is an approved game and asking them t
    1 point
  8. Two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required at all Scouting activities, including meetings. from G2SS. Nothing reads as conflicting to me about that.
    1 point
  9. Good , remove that clause. This would give the accused and his/her attorneys time to review the CRA, any other documents , and respond. Over the years, we have had a few good people rejected for reasons unknown and no appeal. If Council knew, they were not saying. Second point, understood. If I reject their conditions, I am free to serve elsewhere. Well at least there is no "do not disparage" clause , well not in writing anyway. Where would I be then?
    1 point
  10. Even saying that might count as disclosure to a third party to the Chartering Organization. And most lawyers have seemed to say that the language used is broad because its directly quoting the FCRA.
    1 point
  11. Since they are separate legal entities "clients" probably includes your council and troop. Without that clause then the most they could do would be to respond with "nope, not that guy." What private information are you worried about? They have stated they aren't doing credit checks. I think people should be ready for these things to just be rejected if they have pen changes on them (if anyone actually reviews them). You guys should see the authorizations I signed for every healthcare job I have had.
    1 point
  12. Most of that post was due to dumpster fire of a week (scouting and non) and a aggrivating comment a den leader made last night. I feel better, thanks. I like the therapy here. 😂😂
    1 point
  13. For what it's worth. In this case I think we have two choices: Describe this all as some kind of colossal screw up and blame national. i.e., "clearly these guys at national were not paying attention and let this turn into a big mess." Be transparent as best possible and provide an honest update. i.e., "National is under tremendous financial uncertainty and pressure. While I don't know the specifics, it sure appears that something unusual is keeping them from setting the fee for 2020. National is aware how important it is and hopefully we'll get it soon." Myself, I try to d
    1 point
  14. Poor choice of words on my part, failure to edit my post. Ya got me... I really don't blame anyone, not National even... My comments were directed at the poor timing and wording of the statement, failure to plan, and now volunteer leaders such as myself having to deal with the fallout. We are the face of the organization to our families, and it makes us look unprepared and inept. That's why I am deflecting the criticism towards Irving.
    1 point
  15. Everything you said is true. Still, I've said before that if this litigation happened 20 years ago, I believe the donors would have saved the BSA. The membership social inclusive situations (not sure what to call them) has drove away much of that support. If National did anything wrong, they didn't give their followers any by-in of a future. Barry
    1 point
  16. Leave? No. I’m going to be right where I am, as CC of my daughter’s troop until she ages out, then working with my sons’ Cub pack as they get older. The program is solid at its core. I’ll take care of my local kids and they’ll have a great time. National can do whatever National does, and it doesn’t affect the day-to-day unit program a whole heck of a lot. I do agree that Cubs has gotten far, far too long. If my boys join, they’ll be waiting until Tiger or more probably Wolf. Lions is pretty ridiculous. There are only so many times you can visit the police station and go pumpkin-picking a
    1 point
  17. My son was non-verbal due to his autism until he was almost 4. We used sign language to help him communicate, but, it wasn't standard ASL. Rather, we used word-order. I'm not an expert but, as I understand it, when you see the signers along side a presentation they aren't signing a word-for-word translation. Rather the signing has a different structure. Word-order is basically learning the signs for "Be" and "Prepared" and using them in that order. Anyway, I think this is the book we used. It was 20 years ago now so the memory is foggy.
    1 point
  18. @FireStone, sorry to say I can't help you. I've used online sites for religious terms in ASL, but not scouting. However, you might want to call around to agencies that serve hearing impaired. Your local hospital or county courthouse could be a good start. Round here, I would call the school for the deaf. Sometimes they can send a volunteer. They might even know a few scouts in your area who sign ASL. It's definitely more fun to learn from someone who uses it as a first language.
    1 point
  19. Interesting question! I can't imagine that such things don't exist since ASL is one of the "languages" in which you can earn an Interpreter strip.
    1 point
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