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Eagle Scout neckerchief - quick question

The Latin Scot

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Okay, this isn't as much a policy question (as there isn't one on this issue) as much as a protocol question.

Another boy in my neighborhood is holding his Eagle Court of Honor next Saturday. All is well and good, and then he comes to my home this morning to present me with ... an Eagle Scout neckerchief to wear. You know, the bright blue embroidered one they sell at the Scout Store, very bright and very pretty. Now, his reasoning was that he noticed I didn't wear one at the last Eagle CofH, and so he wanted me to have one to wear at his next week (he's doing an "Eagle's Nest, gol' darn it (I hate those)). 

I have never purchased one for myself because I thought it was more something a youth member would wear, not a leader. I earned my Eagle almost 20 years ago myself, but I get mistaken for a youth member often enough as it is, and I am mildly concerned this will exacerbate that misperception. I will of course wear it to this Court of Honor, as it was after all a gift from an eager young friend (and since I am sure his parents were all too happy to fork over the cash for it and who-knows-how-many-other unnecessary luxuries); however, I am not sure about making this my regular fashion choice at future C'sofH. So my question is:

Is it normal for an adult such as myself to wear the Eagle Scout neckerchief? Shouldn't it be worn more by youth members themselves? I feel like it calls undue attention my way, so other opinions would be appreciated. Thanks all.

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Well fortunately the boy's mother dropped by and actually asked if the blue Eagle necker was something that I was comfortable wearing or if she should have gotten something else. We had a rather delightful conversation mostly centered on the over-eagerness of her son, and we opted to switch out the blue on for the white NESA necker instead. This way the boy still feels like he is sharing the moment with me (which is far too kind of him already), while I can still be distinguished as a leader and not as one of the Eagle recipients. The boy's mom joked that I should just go with it and pretend I was one of them just to see how much cake I could get out of it. I can't say I didn't think about it. :p

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I collect neckers (I love them) and have several different Eagle versions (Blue, White NESA, Lifetime NESA, NESA Jambo, Staff etc).

I usually wear my white NESA to Eagle CoH. But I have seen various versions worn by adults and think it is appropriate no matter which color, after all, Once an Eagle Always an Eagle. And I have never considered the blue one to signify anything other than Eagle Scout (no age qualifier I mean).

BTW - if you are looking to return the favor, NESA makes a red "Eagle Awarded in 2018" necker that would be a nice gift

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1 hour ago, HelpfulTracks said:

I collect neckers (I love them) and have several different Eagle versions (Blue, White NESA, Lifetime NESA, NESA Jambo, Staff etc).

I usually wear my white NESA to Eagle CoH. But I have seen various versions worn by adults and think it is appropriate no matter which color, after all, Once an Eagle Always an Eagle. And I have never considered the blue one to signify anything other than Eagle Scout (no age qualifier I mean).

BTW - if you are looking to return the favor, NESA makes a red "Eagle Awarded in 2018" necker that would be a nice gift

Wear can I obtain this? I searched the Scout supply site to no avail; do you have a link? I LOVE the idea!

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Just now, The Latin Scot said:

Wear can I obtain this? I searched the Scout supply site to no avail; do you have a link? I LOVE the idea!

If my brain had been working properly I would have added the link in my original post. 


NESA is usually pretty good about getting things turned around in quick order.


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@The Latin Scot If you want to make the event special for your young friend, may I suggest that you pull out your Eagle Scout medal and wear it to his court of honor. I did that for the first time last month. There are so few occasions where wearing your medal would be appropriate, but that is one of them.

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I collect such memorabilia, too.  Packed away in plastic, I Show it off sometimes...   

Any Scout Necker is appropriate .   Woodbadge, Eagle, Jamboree, Troop, District,  old time.  "Wear it as long as thee canst". ..  

I sometimes do a "Necker" talk at some BoRs, I like to compare the one I wore as a Scout (big, 36" on a side, bright (faded) red, big design "ALWAYS ON THE GO" with dusty boots), how it was designed by the Scouts,  talk about how the necker was treated as an emergency tool (first aid, extra rope, signal flag, etc. That's how mine got the holes and edge tears in it), and compare it to the modern Troop necker (about 24" on a side, light blue, standard BSA issue), how today's necker is more of a symbol, a ceremonial thing....

How times have changed...    

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1 hour ago, SSScout said:

I collect such memorabilia, too.  Packed away in plastic, I Show it off sometimes...



Definitely, take them out and show them off.  I use mine and loads of other memorabilia to teach Scouting Heritage.

It is electric to see the Scouts eyes light up and hear the ohs, ahh's and wow's (and a few snickers at things like the red beret and garters) when they see the piles of old stuff.

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I definitely pull out whatever I have when I teach the Scouting Heritage merit badge. My stuff generally isn't that old, but the boys are pretty motivated when they see that a youngher guy like my can still be interested in all the old stuff, and they get excited when I find little odds and ends to add to my collection. Maybe someday I will acquire enough to have a really legitimate collection! Aside from my collection of Handbooks (I have one each of every single edition now), most of my stuff is pretty recent.

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