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New Requirement for Star


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A Council rep announced during our May roundtable that effective March 1, 2010 a requirement that scouts complete a 16 hour Wilderness First Aid course will be added for Star. Cost in our council to take this course is $100. Has anybody else heard of this new requirement?



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No, haven't heard that. WFA is a good idea, but not as a rank requirement (IMO). Some places, it might be quite challenging to find someone qualified and willing to teach it on anything like a regular basis. Around here, it is offered by a couple of different groups, but only once or twice a year. And yes, it is pretty expensive to expect every 1st Cl scout to do it in order to advance.


On the other hand, I have heard that WFA will be required for all high adventure trips (for someone in the group - not for all, or even any, scouts - could be an adult leader). Maybe your contact got that confused?



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I know there was a survey on myscouting about this topic that inlcudied a pole and alot of folks thins it should be taught via the BSA, and it sounded as if the BSA would may be looking into creating such a program. After all,we got our own ropes course and lifeguard certifications, why not WFA And yes there was a suggestion to incorporate some aspects of WFA into the FA MB.

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No, but I'll ask my District Advancement Chairman.


Whenever someone says something like this, I find it interesting to ask: What was your source, please?


I agree with Lisa, it's potentially a very good idea, but cost and age would seem to be barriers. ... especially since a lot of Scouts (myself included, in the day of my youth) earn Star before they're 14.

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It probably is a good idea to include WFA into the regular FA MB or even add it as a separate MB and make it an optional Eagle required MB in place of FA.


However it's totally out of place as a rank requirement, especially at the STAR level. If the general advancement expectation is 1st class in the 1st year, that makes it a requirement for the next rank for 12 & 13 year olds. Doesn't make sense.


Besides, if we are to believe other threads, scouting is supposed to be de-emphasizing the whole outdoor adventure thing anyway. Why then promote WFA? Maybe better to promote urban trauma first aid. Sorry...my cynicism comming through.





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If anything it would be a watered down requirement rather than a full-blown WFA course, that would be easily handled within the Troop setting with a council-approved trainer. No way would BSA put a $100 fee on passing STAR.


Why would the BSA squeeze out or freeze Scouts that couldn't afford the course to advance rank?


Now, as a prep. for high-adventure back country trek...ok, sorta reasonable...but for rank advancement, no. I'll believe it when I see it on paper.

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Why is it that anytime someone "hears" something from someone, rather than asking that someone for more info, the person comes here and asks uninvolved third parties about it?


The best place to get more info is directly from the person making the claim.

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That's got to be bogus. Around these parts, there's no way that would be even seriously considered without a major infusion of funds. The regional Red Cross doesn't even offer a WFA course, but instead refers inquiries to the only two WFA instructors in the area - both Scout leaders. Two volunteers can't handle hundreds of kids.


On the other hand, at least one of the two instructors doesn't charge anything beyond materials - so it's like $35 for a weekend-long course. A great deal.(This message has been edited by shortridge)

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For your information I did press the individual for information but including the rest of the details in this forum was not relevent to my question.


Your comment, which serves only to drive some away, is why more individuals don't post to the forum.



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