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evmori last won the day on December 2 2015

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11 Good

About evmori

  • Rank
    Junior Member

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    Not Telling
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    Pittsburgh. PA
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    Music, woodworking
  • Biography
    20+ years in Cub and Boy Scouting

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  1. I think what has happened to this once great organization is now irreversible and will eventually lead to the demise of this once great organization.
  2. If a Scout shows up for a BOR in flip flops and shorts and a tank top, he can! You can't refuse to hold a BOR or stop a BOR or cancel a BOR because the Scout isn't in uniform. Wearing his uniform to a BOR isn't required! Heck, you don't even have to own a uniform to be a member of the BSA!
  3. Let's see.....this guy admits to a felony conviction for violent behavior ....... doesn't participate much ...... I'd say no and there is no need to accept his application.(This message has been edited by evmori)
  4. What is your position in the unit 5yearscouter? A parent guide is a good thing but should not be part of the bylaws. Constitution? For what purpose? Bylaws should be no more than when meetings are, what dues are, etc. that kind of stuff! Other than that, the Oath and Law should suffice. Who is "they"?
  5. BadenP & Eagle92, You are talking about kids 14 & older. That's not Cubs.
  6. Adding girls WILL change the program. Boys don't act the same with girls in the mix as they do when it's just boys. And the same goes for girls. I will drop if the BSA goes coed and I would bet so would a lot of others.
  7. Cub Scouts is part of Boy Scouts. For boys. Not a bad thing! Girl Scouts is for girls. Not a bad thing. Yes life is coed. So what?
  8. I'm with Eamonn regarding the cell phone thing. And isn't the real issue here the potty mouth girl?
  9. Which way to the beach?
  10. Are we sure we are still here? Maybe we are there? Or there? Or even there? But here? Hmmm.......................................
  11. How do you address the mom issue? Well, don't sign her up come recharter time!
  12. Is she gonna eat with that mouth? If that happened in my unit, the Scout would be in the parking lot waiting for a ride home. There is no call for that type of language!
  13. Gotta applaud your council with following the procedure! Most don't. They place the burden on the Scout or the unit to get letters when they are not required then they hold up EBOR's because they don't have them. Also not the wording The council advancement committee or its designee contacts the references on the Eagle Scout Rank Application, either by letter, form, or telephone checklist. (The council determines the method or methods to be used.) Nowhere does it state anyone, INCLUDING the Scout, contact any of the references by any method.
  14. No rule against it but I don't think it's a good idea. Too much control.
  15. You make an excellent point about lack of outdoor skills in leaders, BadenP. It's a forgotten art! Everything being taught now are management and youth protection skills! My favorite part of the basic training I took as a leader was when outdoor skills were taught! Heck, if I wanted management course I woulda signed up with Dale Carnegie!
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