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DeaconLance last won the day on June 30 2023

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About DeaconLance

  • Birthday 07/09/1972

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    Washington, PA
  • Occupation
    Byzantine Catholic Deacon/Welfare Caseworker

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  1. I am surprised the facilities use agreement was even contemplated. Catholic Mutual advised dioceses to stick to charter agreements or do not allow any use at all.
  2. Update. Local Scout awarded. No medal. Just certificate and knot. Embarrassing.
  3. Yes the Order of the Arrow has seperate events for its members. Aside from the Ordeal weekend required to become a member no other events are mandatory. At the Ordeal level a Scout is being recognized by his troop as an exemplary Scout worthy of recognition by the OA which is Scouting’s National Honor Society. The Scout is expected to continue giving exemplary service to his unit and pay his lodge dues. Lodges will have service and fellowship weekends for members and Sections (groups of several lodges) will have a yearly Conclave but these are opportunities not obligations.
  4. You didn’t pay attention to the Penn State scandal? Many youth sports have week long camps and weekend trips requiring overnight accommodations. The opportunities were and are there.
  5. I am COR for Pack/Troop dropped by a Roman Catholic parish and picked up by my Byzantine Catholic parish. My pastor voluntarily not only paid the increase but asked for an additional 1 million in coverage. We are not a large or wealthy parish so it can’t have cost all that much to do. I think many pastors/bishops who disagree with BSA are using this liability/insurance cost as an excuse. Note in this case the bishop did not say parishes couldn’t charter units. The pastor decided he didn’t want to charter the units after we met with him to ask if the Pack could go co-Ed.
  6. I would be more impressed had he said he was declining confirmation as an Eagle Scout because by accepting the award he did compromise.
  7. It would be the BSA’s congressional charter that specifies the outdoor program. Trying to be everything to everybody does not work.
  8. So is this: The Code of Canon Law promulgated by Pope John Paul II in 1983 contains eighty-four canons that call for or permit legislative action by the episcopal conference. Since that time the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (designated the National Conference of Catholic Bishops prior to July 1, 2001) has taken action on twenty-nine canons, thereby establishing particular legislation for the dioceses of the United States.This website contains a compilation of the complementary norms approved by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. In some instances the bishops voted to retain existing norms or regulations, with due regard for any change or modification warranted by changes in the revised Code; in other instances they revised existing norms or created new norms where necessary. Those actions requiring recognitio or review by the Apostolic See, in accord with canon 455, §2, have been reviewed by the appropriate Roman dicastery.It is our hope that this compilation will be a useful resource to bishops, canonists, chancery officials, and pastoral ministers. It is our intent to update this website periodically as additional particular legislation is established for the United States. https://www.usccb.org/committees/canonical-affairs-church-governance/complementary-norms#tab--canon-276-§2-3º-permanent-deacons-and-the-liturgy-of-the-hours
  9. Not true. The bishops are answerable to their metropolitans and conferences in a limited fashion and are also bound by canon law and all nations have complimentary canons called particular law. If they can have particular law on leasing property (they do) they can have one on sponsoring units. Would they do it? Unlikely, unless more lawsuits crop up.
  10. Since it involves youth protection and the Church is self-insured I think they could if the lawyers and underwriters were recommending it.
  11. I camp out a month is a goal to strive for but cannot always be met. JTE gold is 10 in a year. Most Troops in my district can only do 6/7 in a year due to schedules.
  12. Not true. The USCCB could decide to vote and adopt a national policy that each bishop would be obliged to implement. Not sure what it would take for that to happen though.
  13. https://www.umnews.org/en/news/30-million-from-united-methodists-in-bsa-bankruptcy
  14. I guess I am flabbergasted that after all this the BSA and every state isn’t requiring background checks and clearances. 6 years ago Pennsylvania by law requires any one 18 and above involved with youth organizations to have: 1. A State Police background check 2. PA Childline clearance (no accusations of abuse) 3. If you have not lived in PA for 10 years FBI background check.
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