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Everything posted by johnsch322

  1. 1 Even though I am 67 I feel as if I have plenty of time left. I feel much better about what happened to me now that I have been able to be public about it. 2 I can’t say how much more exactly I can get but I will say that I don’t believe by voting no I will get less. 3 If my no vote helped result in a defeat and only the BSA national was part of the exit my next step will be state court. I am tier one, aggravating factors and in an SOL state.
  2. Is there anyone on this forum that could give me a rational objective reason to vote anything but NO on the current proposal?
  3. It’s not that I care when you down vote me (and you do quite often) I would like you to explain what it is you actually disagree with. Maybe I was wrong so put your down vote thoughts together and explain. Maybe I will change my view or learn something new. If I am down voting I always try to explain why. I might even disagree with a post write out my thoughts and not down vote the original post or I might do both. Or I might disagree and do neither. To me aside from being informative a forum is a place for discussion and debate.
  4. BSA entered Bankruptcy voluntarily and new of this requirement and even knew that more claimants would come forward. They were not forced into bankruptcy hence on their own volition.
  5. Let’s be honest. BSA was afraid it wouldn’t survive if it had to go to court on all of the lawsuits it faced. So they then entered bankruptcy and even on their own volition asked claimants to come forward. That with the help of law firms has resulted in the claims being 82,500 (they were facing less than 300 when this started). The amount that BSA has come forward with though not substantial on its own is a higher percentage of net value than what the LC’s have come up with. The amount the LC’s have put forward is pathetic. What is worse is the amount that they negotiated supposedly for the v
  6. The truth is in front of everyone’s eyes. Some just choose to ignore it. In your view what are the lies?
  7. No the legal case is not about punishing BSA...it is about the BSA looking to survive via bankruptcy by giving the least amount they can legally get away with to survivors.
  8. So I checked out the link and I couldn’t find anything about abuse in the BSA. Where should I look
  9. I agree with you to a point but I also see a need for legal representation when it gets to the point of being in front of the trustee. The lawyers who just sat back and did nothing and if they continue to do nothing will find that their clients will get next to nothing. And they will get their cut of next to nothing. I think this is why the TCC is pushing for claimants to have representation. Of course if I was a lawyer I might feel I could represent myself.
  10. First I don’t think you totally understand contingency cases. If there is no award the lawyer gets nothing. Also there are quite a few lawyers with 10 to 20 clients. If 20 clients received 10k each should the lawyer worked for 500 to 1k? Also all claimants signed on their own volition a contract which specifies what portion of any award that they may get in writing or they could have represented themselves. So they had options. You might not like outlandish awards but that is the purpose of insurance. You can criticize the system but it’s a little late to use that excuse when the system is
  11. When you say balanced and fair who would it be balanced and fair for? Why would it be fair to ask lawyers to take less and not those holding the liabilities to pay more? The current options are currently weighted in balance to BSA, LC’s, CO’s and insurance company’s. A fair amount for victims would be comparable to what the victims of other CSA cases received and the current options are well below that payout. If the BSA ceased to exist (and I am not advocating for that outcome) the only larger effect would be youth would have to find other activities and there are multiple options for them.
  12. I am not a lawyer, only a rational human being with opinions based on longevity and personal experience So how do you propose if not thru the course of this bankruptcy that the CSA victims be compensated? I believe you have been asked this question in several ways and multiple times by many forum members.
  13. This is a bankruptcy it is about business. The only caring can come from individuals and I am amazed at how many don’t care about victims. If the RSA is passed as is the only ones who will be short changed will be the survivors who’s abuse happened in open states or are within the time limits to sue. Under this version the LC’s, CO’s and insurance companies are coming up smelling like roses. If this becomes a cram down/BSA only bankruptcy then there will be survivors in closed states that will lose in the current time frame. As more states open up those from closed states will be able to file
  14. Just by always JMO does not legitimize your opinions. As a victim I do not feel you wish me well instead you are basically constantly saying no amount of money will make you whole in a way that suggests why bother getting anything when you won’t be happy anyway. You also are always demonizing lawyers so my first question to you would be do you work for free in your primary occupation? We may not all agree with Tim Kosnoff et al but he does have the right to his opinions whether they are inconsistent or not and the right to be paid for his work. I think you would have more of a legitimate b
  15. It’s not that I feel you don’t care it’s more that your caring is more leaning away from victims and more to peripherals. As far as value for the damage caused it is well laid out in law and determined by a judge or jury if a state court trial is pursued. If my case went before a jury trial it might bring 10 to 20 million dollars or not. That is for a jury or judge to decide. As for the entity’s that should have protected me well they didn’t. They showed poor judgement, lack of process and in my honest opinion lack of caring.
  16. Which brings me back to Los Padres Council. 17 million in assets offered up 10% or 1.7. They are in an open state and I am sure that they are just hoping to get this RSA passed with channeling for them. If not the sky is the limit for their liability. As of now I am inclined to vote no.
  17. Under the current RSA the BSA will not lose billions in fact between local councils and the National it is less than 1 Billion. Yes there will be some camps sold but from what I have gathered most of those have been under utilized. As for plummeting membership that has been going on for quite some time and yet I have already read posts where troops are talking about increased membership. Dues and fees were bound to go up due to inflation and decreased membership. This is where you have to make a personal decision of whether to continue to be a member of BSA and try to make a d
  18. I just read and I do not believe that @Muttsywas referring to @CynicalScouter. I am sure that the majority of those on this forum are well aware of @CynicalScouterpositions and appreciate all of his hard work and his opinions at least I know that I do.
  19. That is substantial depending on their operational expenses. On the flip side there are LC's with 10M plus who are giving far less a percentage. Take a look at Los Padres with 17M assets and giving 1.7M. At 28% they would be contributing 6M and having 10M plus left.
  20. What does that look like in your eyes? This is a great question and was asked to me by my therapist and honestly I had no real answer. In the context of how this bankruptcy is unfolding I think there will never be enough monetary compensation to make a difference. It appears at this juncture that I as an abused will have no real recourse but just to accept whatever will awarded to me and what that amount will be is anyone's guess. From what I have read and all that I can glean from comments and lawyer statements it looks like I will be asked to vote for something that really prom
  21. That by itself should be enough to vote no. Why should I share my LC’s contribution with someone who is getting money from the LDS pot that I can’t share in.
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