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  1. I get my beads tomorrow, congratulations! I definitely recommend the course to any Scouter, a highly enjoyable experience that gave me several new tools in my toolbox, and allowed me to establish many new friendships.
  2. thanks for the feedback everyone.
  3. Does anyone know the proper placement of the American Legion scouter/scout patches? (Our unit is chartered by an American Legion Post, so I assume the boys can wear this patch) Scouter shoulder patch: http://emblem.legion.org/BOY-SCOUT-SHOULDER-PATCH/productinfo/720.415/ Scout emblem: http://emblem.legion.org/3-BLUE-EMBR-EMBLEM/productinfo/720.003/
  4. How are the tents at Goshen? Is it worth bringing our own vs. using the tents there?
  5. thanks for the response - our kids are Web-1s now, so they will be Web-2s next summer. We took them to Tuckahoe this past summer for the webelo program. Our plan is Snyder for the tiger/wolf/bears, Tuckahoe for Web 1s, Goshen for Web 2s. It looks like we're heading to Ross due to availability.
  6. Hi, we're looking at sending our web-2's to Goshen next summer but we need help deciding between PMI and Ross. Are there any major differences? What should we consider when choosing between the camps? Thanks in advance!
  7. Hi All, we took our Webelos to Tuckahoe this year and had a great time, but there were lots of complaints about the run-down tents & pit toilets. As a result, we're considering Goshen next year (we send our Tiger-Wolf-Bears to Snyder but prefer going to a more rural location for the Webelos). Has anyone out there been to the Webelo camps at both places? If so, what are your thoughts? For those of you who have only been to Goshen, would you go back? Thanks in advance!
  8. thanks for all the responses - we're heading to Pohick with about 50 people, wish us luck!
  9. Hi There, we're planning a cub scout pack camping trip for May and are looking at the NCAC approved BALOO list (http://www.boyscouts-ncac.org/openrosters/DocDownload.asp?orgkey=1933&id=39458) Has anyone been to any of these sites? Any recommendations for a good site for maybe 30-50 people? Thanks!
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