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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. LOL, even that question is trolling 😜 For the benefit of those you have successfully trolled: Trolling The art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly p&&&ing people off, usually via the internet, using dialogue. Trolling does not mean just making rude remarks: Shouting swear words at someone doesn't count as trolling; it's just flaming, and isn't funny. Spam isn't trolling either; it p&&&es people off, but it's lame. The most essential part of trolling is convincing your victim that either a) truly believe in what you are saying, no matter how
  2. Now @Calion is just trolling. No further responses needed for this one. "Don't feed the trolls."
  3. A 2015 council-sanctioned event: https://patch.com/new-jersey/baskingridge/cub-scout-pack-451-camps-out-rides-hovercrafts "Then the boys put on their helmets and rode hovercrafts across the gym floor—Back to the Future style."
  4. This is what ours looks like! https://m.facebook.com/Troop276ByramNJ/videos/hovercraft-building/1015360082344677/ And another! But this guy is whipping it around in a "target rich environment" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dTQjchn1KHE&ab_channel=videopapa
  5. Not off topic at all! We have a home-made hovercraft we ride during our Webelos Open House recruiting event. It is an electric leaf blower mounted on a large plywood disc with a plastic sheet for a skirt. We have it on a tether for safety. The kids love it! Wish I had a video. Oh, Lord!! Is that a "vehicle"???... I guess it is... so now that's prohibited, too! Here's the concept... (ours works much better) https://www.facebook.com/Pack109ValleyStream/videos/-bullyhovercraft-project/1031681453610163/
  6. @RichardB, what is the best way for us to give constructive feedback regarding the G2SS (and related policies)? Should that feedback be funneled to you, or somehow to another office of the BSA staff, or through our local council as a starting point? I sincerely hope the answer is not the last, as, over the years, I have had many valid concerns and observations disappear into that black hole. Most councils are very much afraid of seeming to have dirty laundry, and avoid (or ignore) these exchanges like the plague. (Why is that?) Thanks in advance for taking to time to share you
  7. Thank you for answering. Your method of clarifying never ceases to amuse.
  8. I'm not convinced you do see. Here is the way for you to do this successfully: 1. Convince the SPL (& PLC) of the need for Patrol Yells. If you need to convince them, "appeal to the resource" like I did in my post above (copied here for you.) ------------------------ If they don't have a yell, then they are not a patrol. It is part of the Patrol Method. Scout Handbook, page 26: "Patrols have yells, too. If your patrol is named for an animal, you can use that animal's sound - the howl of a wolf, for example, or the hoot of an howl. Or
  9. There is no prescribed "when or how." That's why I said "Yes" to all your presented situations and all those of the other posters. The original problem is actually only this: Your patrols are not doing patrol yells. Now, for your Scouts, that may not be an actual problem, because they could think it is goofy, stupid, and unnecessary. But, I would argue, patrol yells are fundamental to the Patrol Method. Does your SPL see the need for Patrol Yells? If not, start there. If your SPL agrees they should be done, then just challenge him to find a way to implement.
  10. Yes I know those, but that did not really address the question. Is a physician signature required on the agency form for all BSA SCUBA participants, whether the agency requires it or not? That is, if a participant has NO medical contraindications, must they still be cleared by a physician, with a signature on the agency form?
  11. @RichardB, the current online version (Feb 2023) (and Feb 2022 download version) incorporated a change in BSA SCUBA Policy, Medical Contraindications section. Currently, prior to doing SCUBA events, each participant must complete the specific dive agency's medical form with the following additional instruction. "The BSA requires review and approval of the completed form by a physician." The last time we conducted a SCUBA event, the 2019 policy applied, and it was written thus: "The BSA requires review and approval of the completed form by a physician even if the scuba agency itself
  12. OK, I can see where that might need clarifying, then.
  13. Just learned today that E-bikes are now specifically prohibited. I guess BSA had that question posed several times, even though it is obviously a "motorized vehicle." February 2023 version, Prohibited Activities, Item 6 (no page available yet, as updated pdf is not posted for download): 6. Motorized vehicles used as program or activities—including all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), off-road vehicles, motorized personal watercraft (PWC), snowmobiles, E-Bikes and motorized speed events (exceptions: council-approved ATV and PWC programs that comply with National Camp Accreditation Program [
  14. There are a lot of different threads relating to specific policies or activities discussed in the Guide to Safe Scouting. As this is a fundamental document in BSA literature, I thought we might have a thread with just that title. @John-in-KC had created some threads with the dated versions, but I think it might be useful to have an enduring topic with all things "Guide to Safe Scouting." Please include in your posts the version date, section, and page for reference, so folks may easily find source info on their own. From time to time, I review the G2SS, and I always seem to find someth
  15. First I heard of it also. Was part of BSA PR releases yesterday: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/the-boy-scouts-of-america-bsa-announces-confirmation-of-plan-of-reorganization-and-emergence-from-chapter-11-bankruptcy-to-equitably-compensate-survivors-while-ensuring-scouting-continues-across-the-country-301802086.html
  16. YES! To all the above, and more! Would you believe I actually had a professional Scouter once tell me I had "too much Scout spirit"??? Could have knocked me over with a feather 😜
  17. Or, "the way I was taught..." This mindset is death to any organization. Better yet, "What does the book say?", and "What makes sense?", and "Why not?" (versus "Why?")
  18. If they don't have a yell, then they are not a patrol. It is part of the Patrol Method. Scout Handbook, page 26: "Patrols have yells, too. If your patrol is named for an animal, you can use that animal's sound - the howl of a wolf, for example, or the hoot of an howl. Or your patrol might decide on some other shout that identifies it. Members can give the patrol yell whenever they do well in a troop competition or reach an important goal, and even when they're ready to chow down on a camp meal." (Reading between the lines... not optional...) Scout rank requirements:
  19. We do it at all meeting openings and whenever we gather for an activity. The adults have a "Patrol Yell" also... "Ask your Patrol Leader!!!
  20. Transferring is no cost. Do you know of another good unit nearby?
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