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About RangerEagle

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    Junior Member

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  1. 2004 it was Dan Beard to Abreu. Hiked to Dan Beard after dropping a crew and met up with my partner. Had full packs as we both had just been with crews. Ate spaghetti with the staff then headed off about 4am the next morning. Hit rain coming over Shaefers. Finished the hike in my sleep clothes as they were the only dry things I had. 15 hours, 43 minutes. Wore 1960s era Class A for it.
  2. Volunteered to be Cubmaster for next year, turning over in a few weeks with the current leader. I've been den leader, assistant den leader, awards chair, many things within a pack, but first time being Cubmaster.I know I'll learn a lot of things along the way, but what things do I absolutely need to know about before taking the reigns?Never worked with district or council before. How beneficial do you find roundtables and district executives? How have you used your pack committee? We've (leadership team so Cubmaster, committee, and den leaders) been meeting virtually, COVID remanent,
  3. Campout went well. Weather was cold with snow on the ground, so Thursday night had a quick powwow with the parents to ensure all were willing and prepared for it. Last den meeting the boys planned the menu. As expected, hot dogs, PB&J, were the main items. First night, boys put up their tents. We had a quick meeting about expectations for the weekend and told them staying dry was key to the weekend. They also made a fire without matches. Last year they all got fire starters and learned how to use lint to start a fire, so this was a good opportunity for them to use
  4. Planning an AOL campout for March. The boys wanted to do another campout together before crossing over. Will be in the mountains of southern California, so a chance of being cool to cold. Planning on having the boys plan/cook the meals. We will do a hike, probably 5-6 miles, minimal elevation change with lunch on the trail. Flag retirement ceremony. Of course they will do fire building! Looking for additional items to add into the weekend. Want it to be fun, outdoor educational, but also be a capstone for AOL and Cub Scouts. Will use it to review outdoor skills we've lear
  5. My uniform tells a story, but it's the story I want it to tell. I don't put on all the knots that I could, just the story I want to tell. For me, Scouting revolves around the youth, so I mainly have items on my uniform from my youth. My religious knot and Eagle knot. I don't have a good reason to not wear the Arrow of Light knot, just not in the story I tell with my uniform. On the right side, almost always with a Philmont arrowhead. Either staff or Rayado. Belt always Philmont. Only "adult" item I have on it my pack position and the pins associ
  6. Greetings from California. Been involved in Scout most of my life. Did Cub Scouts from Wolf through Arrow of Light, then Scouts through Eagle. Worked at Philmont a couple of summers and was in a Venture crew in college. Been involved with a couple of Packs for my oldest son as we moved around the country and served as awards chair and assistant den leader through Webelos. Now a den leader with my two youngest involved in Cub Scouts. Scouting has changed over the years and is still changing, but remains the best program for the youth of our natio
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