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Everything posted by InquisitiveScouter

  1. My intuition says something is just not right here... And the whole exchange is rather... weird. I am choosing not to engage further. Over and out.
  2. Kleenex? No... You got a negative reply from me for your post: "Well, this conversation appears to be unnecessary as the questionable replies appear to no longer exist which is kind of telling in and of itself. Good day to all." You got people who did not see eye-to-eye with you on an issue that we have only one side of the story on... I certainly did not understand what your message meant... "questionable replies appear to no longer exist..." But then you become condescending and dismissive with "...which is kind of telling in and of itself. Good day to all." That is wh
  3. Additional background: https://www.bloomberglaw.com/external/document/X42S2V68000000/bankruptcy-professional-perspective-constitutionality-of-non-con https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-bill/4777 Wonder why this bill died in Congress??
  4. My observations over the years: Turnover of DE's is extremely high. In general, those that take the role out of a passion for Scouting, helping youth, and program in the outdoors are rapidly disabused of those notions under the whip of money and membership, often being asked to depart from the values of the Scout Oath and Scout Law. So, many, many leave after a short time. Those that remain (there are exceptions!!!) are often not the type of person we would want in that role... And the long production line of poor leadership and deficiencies in executive development begins.
  5. I know an SE that got fired from his council, came here as Field Director, and is now back as an SE in another council. It does happen, sadly... they survive and keep feeding at the trough.
  6. It is a corporation. By law, all corporations must have a Board of Directors. (even non-profit corporations) Whether they fulfill their responsibilities or not is another matter. Ever think that this is the way your SE and BSA National like it??? Things that make you go ...hmmmmm
  7. Because they cannot afford to pay them 😜 In fact, most councils I know use their Boards as a source of revenue. That is, if you want to participate in the governance of the council serving our local community, you must pay for the privilege... annually. Going rate for a seat on our Board locally is $5K per year, my sources say... Somehow, being on the Board here, whether they do anything or not, is a source of some sort of social credit in the circles they travel in... https://www.501c3.org/nonprofits-board-directors/ https://www.energizeinc.com/hot-topics/2012/august
  8. And the weather is entirely predictable. It is near the height of cyclone season in the Northern Hemisphere. Look at recent history: https://www.worlddata.info/asia/south-korea/typhoons.php Would you plan a World Jamboree in Florida at this time of year?
  9. If it is good enough for our military...??? This falls on very deaf ears. The Department of Defense does not exist to provide creature comforts for tourists. Snarky comments about prison stripes belie any "very appreciative" sentiments.
  10. I think you have this part wrong. BSA did not cover for anyone. It's that they had accusations, and not enough info to make allegations. False allegations are a crime... defamation, libel, slander, etc. As I understand it, where they had enough info, or victims or families who wanted it brought to the authorities, they reported. What BSA did was to hide the fact that they had a problem within the organization with child predators using it as an environment for depredation. They chose to protect the image of the organization and accepted the risks involved without making substanti
  11. There are many who cannot distinguish between the two. Ideology often runs deep into our Scouting experiences here in the US. This (for example) was the source of much of the pushback against the genesis of the Citizenship in Society Merit Badge. And that pushback caused BSA to rewrite (thankfully) many of the originally released requirements.
  12. The are many groups within the US that are (were?) considered "pillars" or a "bedrock" of America, and represent "all that is good about America" Here are a few: Boy Scouts of America Girl Scouts of USA US Olympic Committee American Red Cross American Legion Little League Baseball National Academy of Sciences Daughters of the American Revolution This list is not "official", and will vary depending on whom you talk with. One good listing contains those organizations with a Congressional Charter, although some are questionable, and Congress is no lo
  13. OK, so what happens if the Scouts do neither?? What are the consequences?? "Pick up trash or do push-ups" is just plain silly, and shows a lack of understanding in dealing with youth. In the Scouts' minds, you cannot really make them do either, so to make this ultimatum makes the leader look foolish. I do not see this as a safety issue... nor corporal punishment... It is hazing, however. Which is also prohibited. If, indeed, this demand was made by a leader, and the push ups were imposed somehow, then you'd be obligated to report it. If you intend to do so, recommend
  14. On deployment to the sandbox, one day we recorded 50 C (122 F), and that was the ambient air temperature... And we were on the tarmack loading and launching aircraft... the soles of our boots got squishy... You could only work for about 20 minutes, and then had to go cool off and hydrate for 30-40. Black flag days are wonderful 😜 Some of our planes were grounded because their performance charts were not graphed, nor their flight computers programmed to go that high. (Engineers... sheesh...) I still use the heat index info to limit Scouting activities... check it out... https
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