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Everything posted by MikeS72

  1. The red beret was always cool, it took just the right amount of swagger to pull it off!
  2. As a Red Cross instructor, I completely agree. I made that same comment to a SM a couple of years ago when two of his scouts were 'teaching' First Aid at Webelos Woods and told the boys that the first course of action for bleeding was to apply a tourniquet, and that the first step in case of cardiac arrest was to elevate the feet and pack the person in ice. First Aid is not one of those things where close is good enough. When my nephew took FA at our troop's second summer camp last year, I sat off to the side observing, and was very pleased with how well the young man teaching the class
  3. My great-nephew was a first year scout last year, and did 2 summer camps. I made the same recommendation to him, that he look at things that can be tough to do at home versus camp. Of course, it was then his choice as to what he wanted to do, other than a couple things he wanted that had restrictions. Between the 2 camps he completed Fishing, Canoeing, Swimming, First Aid, Horsemanship, and Robotics. He had a partial in Rifle, which he will finish this year.
  4. I will take a look at my copy when I get home from work this evening, and see if i notice anything other than that.
  5. This link will show you what changed in January 18. http://www.usscouts.org/mb/changes/mb010-18.asp
  6. When you go to Scoutbook the login page should have a message telling you to log in using your my.scouting.org login, both username and password.
  7. Central Florida Council does, although folks with a Doctorate are not very common. I will be doing my Masters this year, and will probably begin work on the Doctorate program next. I think one of the biggest things I got from last year's classes was the networking with Commissioners from other districts, and seeing what they do as compared to my own district.
  8. This is from the FAQ on the official OA page: Q. Will camping be counted retroactively for those currently in Venturing and Sea Scouts? Yes. Camping that has taken place within the two years immediately prior to the election will be counted beginning February 1, 2019. This camping must have taken place while an individual was registered with the BSA as a program participant and must be while participating with a BSA Venturing Crew or Sea Scout Ship. We would not require the camping to be while participating with a Crew or Ship, and not require the same thing of a Troop. I have b
  9. From the currently posted Guide to Merit Badge Counseling: The counselor must be sure the Scout has either another registered adult or the Scout’s parent or legal guardian present at all instructional sessions. This is from the handbook, but is superseded by the changes made last fall requiring 2 registered adults over the age of 21 (so much for those 18 - 20 year old ASM's) at any Scouting activity. From the extensive reading I did after this change was announced, it appear that having the Scout's parent or guardian present is the only exception to that second adult being regi
  10. I would recommend contacting your local lodge leadership and get their take on this. Many parts of BSA advancement specifically exclude camping done with a pack. As several others have stated above, it may come down to why were they there. If just because it was a family event and they had no choice, probably excluded. If they were staffing the event, may find that the lodge will say it counts.
  11. We were at Woodruff the week following the incident at Bert Adams, and were one of several units there on a Saturday. For a small additional fee, they allowed us to arrive on Saturday evening, as we drove just about 12 hours to get there. Our council camp has an early warning system in place for both storms and lightning. During our week there in June, the entire camp assembled in the dining hall twice, once for about 2 hours due to severe lightning in the area. Not at all unusual for summer in Central Florida.
  12. Just gave it a try and got the following error message: Requests to the server have been blocked by an extension. This is at work, on a school computer, so could have something to do with our network. I will look at it again when I get home. I did a number of the new Scouts BSA segments earlier in the week, but with all the updates they are pushing out, I would not be surprised if there are issues.
  13. Photo links worked fine for me. Impressed by the young man on the far right in the last pic, who braved it in shorts.
  14. Have you tried searching on scoutstuff4sale.com? They have thousands of items related to jamborees there. Also, it is good to see another Wa-Hi-Nasa Lodge alum here. That was my original lodge; inducted in 1969, Brotherhood in '70 and Vigil in '72 as a member of Anawaha Chapter, Cogioba District.
  15. I would think that would be extremely costly. I would also question whether submitting an application for a secondary position (i.e., an ASM who is also a den leader or holds a district position) actually triggers another background check, as there is a cost each time it is redone on an existing volunteer. I can honestly say that other than my original employment background check with the school system, I have no idea if it has been rerun any time in the last 20 years or more. In that instance, it would cost our school district in excess of $350,000 each year if we did them annually. I
  16. Agree that this is a weak link that needs to be eliminated. I does not take long to get background checks done. When I was hired by the school system, I was required to submit to a FBI national background check. This was well before the almost instant checks that can be done now, and it was done in a matter of days. No reason at all why a potential leader can not be told that they are not registered until we get word from council that they have been cleared. Being an educator rather than a lawyer, I am not sure if giving results to the CC or COR is legal. Maybe one of our legal
  17. This by far the most reasoned and well thought out response I have seen concerning this topic. If everyone felt the same and acted accordingly, this would not be such a contentious topic.
  18. I will have to go back and look in my old handbooks as to the exact Cooking MB requirements at the time, but it was an Eagle required MB when I earned my Eagle in 1971. Looking at the history of Eagle requirements, it has been a required MB since 1914.
  19. This is very much what I think the 'linked' model is supposed to look like. Share a C.O., committee, resources, but operate as two separate and autonomous units. Having the boys and girls troops meeting together, with the girls operating like another patrol is, I am sure, going to happen in some cases, but it is not what is intended.
  20. Interesting appendix. Our council summer camp has a Native American program, Both Atl Atl and blowguns are used as a part of that program.
  21. I wish our kid's were like yours. They chose to get up at 4:30 Saturday morning, to depart summer camp, and on our last backpacking trip they wanted to get up at 5:00. Not sure why on the backpacking one, since the sun does not come up until 7:00!
  22. That all depends; are we talking Kenneth Branaugh, or Gilderoy Lockhart. No to Branaugh, big thumbs up for Lockhart. Just imagine (pun intended) the adventures he would inspire!
  23. I can attest to the 1971 date, as I was registered with both a troop and post at the time, and my younger sister joined the post in 71, just after I aged out of the troop at 18.
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