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Everything posted by DuctTape

  1. keep it simple, imo. No fractional ages. 14 y/o and 12 y/o ok 14 y/o and 11 y/o not.
  2. Over the years much has been discussed regarding "completing the requirements". Most of these discussions will focus on the the last 3 steps of the process, "the scout is tested, etc..." Sometimes, often in passing, a reference will be made to the first step in the process, "a scout learns". Also often ignored is the purpose of Advancement as a Method, and not the aim. Thus, I think it might be a good idea, especially for new Scouters to hear (read) about best practices for the "A scout learns" step. Also in the GTA is a fifth step, often not very well utilized except by the best patrol
  3. Another thing about "obstacles" in the training to do the requirement (ie being tested) is to ensure the scouts know/understand/and can avoid obstacles by modifying the route; not just following a straight bearing. It is a good idea during the learning, to have them practice taking a bearing between controls which has a "water" obstacle in which they must deviate by either going around, or using a bridge.
  4. I was asked to be the mB counselor at a MBU for Camping mB at a neighboring district. They wanted it to be an introduction to camping for the new scouts. A group of 20. They asked if two hours was enough. I said 2 hours is perfwct for me to do an intro, but I would not be signing any blue cards. She asked if 3 hours was enough. When I went through the reqs with the MBU director, and showed her it would not be possible, but I was happy to do an intro to camping class and give the scouts my contact info to do the mB. They found someone else to do the class and sign off. While I think
  5. The librarian can also work in concert with the instructor to help them by sourcing other learning materials. Or with the grubmaster to source menus, and recipes. Or with the PL to find maps and camping locations/ideas. Imagine the librarian building a collection of reference materials and more importantly being the research arm of the patrol.
  6. The SPL duties can be rotated by the PLs early on. Election of a POR is not to give a patch, but to fill a role. For example, if there is no gear election of a troop QM is not necessary just to "fill the position". The same with SPL, until the troop "needs" someone to fill a need, it is not much more than a patch position, not a position of responsibility. Train the scouts to fill needs with POR; not fill POR with scouts. This begins at the patrol level. Think about how this simple change of how we think about the POR transcends all other scouting structures, and what problems it solves
  7. yeah. Focus on the patrols as individual units. A SPL is only necessary to help with organizing the multiple patrol patrols. Until the patrols are fully functional within, they need not attempt any inter-patrol organization. Even most established troops do not really need a SPL, most need to focus on the patrols first.
  8. Kind of like a simple "No one on one contact" rule.
  9. And gives a false sense of security. The GTSS has become a monstrosity which satisfies insurers but does little to actually increase safety and mitigate risk. Why? Just like a computer system which requires too complex a password that nobody can remember, people need to write it down somewhere usually near their computer which is easily found thus rendering the "increased security password" meaningless. The GTSS has jumped the shark in this regards. I am sure the risk management experts will disagree as their system works on paper. The problem is theory vs practice.
  10. My proposed wording would be to simplify, and get rid of the "registered" and 21+, all the exceptions, and weird iterations, age, gender, blah blah. Just make it "no one on one contact", that is it.
  11. It is a question of the speaker's intent. Are they being generally respectful, or is their language choice a means to be passive aggressive. The speaker *knows* their own intent. The audience infers intent based on context, tone, body language, personal history, etc... I think the OP is noticing some in their area which appear to be more passive aggressive. Which IMO is unfortunate.
  12. to demonstrate "object in eye"... as with all depends if severity to demonstrate... 1. tell the person to blink their eyes to force tears to flush. 2. Pull upper lid over lower lid to attempt to "use eyelashes to brush out" object. Scout can demonstrate these with themselves. 3. Flushing is not demonstrated with actual water, but the technique can be demonstrated. For shock, (spinal, neck injury precautions taken into accout) the scout can demonstrate by: (fake) dial 911, helping the victim into a reclining position. Elevate their legs. Maintain body temperature, with blanket.
  13. In the first, demonstrate means the scout performs the first aid on a simulated patient. Actually dresses the (fake) wound, etc... In the second, show (not demonstrate) is because it is not appropriate to actually perform rescue breathing, etc...
  14. Of course fuel as a variable comes into play if one is using a stove. I am fortunate that almost all of the backpacking areas I am able to make a twig fire. I know this isn't true for all.
  15. Sewing a lightweight SilNylon tarp is a rather easy task. Almost all of my scouts have taken a sewing course in the middle school. Some even asked if they could make gear in the sewing lab. Fleece hats, balaclavas are a favorite. Buying a few yards of fabric from ripstopbytheroll and some seam sealer is inexpensive. Plus the added benefit of scouts creating instead of the default purchasing.
  16. I have had scouts who were Jehovas Witnesses who also do not participate in the PoA.
  17. Of course each day's plan will dictate menu choices. For example, if one is at a dry camp, then b-fast will be something with the least amount of water in it. My point was regardless it takes time to break camp, more than the 10 extra minutes it takes to make any sort of breakfast and that ten minutes will not make much of a difference in mileage for the day. I typically don't do a real breakfast in general, but that is a function of my body not liking food that early. With scouts, I am usually up hours before them so by that time I am ready. Usually had my cuppa already too.
  18. Even a full 15 minute cooking time is not that long, especially with a buddy or patrol. One cooks while the other packs up camp. Then eat together. Then the cook packs up while the buddy cleans up. The extra ten minutes is only 3 tenths of a mile walking.
  19. Barry, I must apologize. My post was not intended to be judgemental of anyone here. I am sorry if you took it that way. Many times questions and discussion arise here focusing solely on the requirement itself. My intent was only to broaden the discussion by including the program and the other elements of advancement as a method.
  20. Too many (not on this forum) seem to think the requirements are to be done at home and then signed off when accompanied by a parent note. This is not cub scouts. First step is instruction on the GPS etc, by their Patrol Leader, Instructor, etc... This instruction should include using the gps to determine location, provide driving directions, walking directions, off road travel, etc... The instruction should not be limited to the most basic minimal "sign-off" of the requirement. Then they practice. Then they are tested. I always like to have requirements be part of the adven
  21. Welcome. The decision for the minor details is made by the person(s) who are running the "event". These details are not discussed or decided by the pack committee, but by those tasked with accomplishing the event. For example. The B&G banquet. There should be a sub-committee (mostly non-pack-committee) tasked with organizing and implementing. They are given a budget, and some parameters which are sometimes tradition (like location and date), and everyone else supports them. At pack committee, they are an agenda item to report on progress, and answer questions, but not to deliberate d
  22. The Nestle NIDO is similar in packaging to the baby formula ("fortificado"), not baby powder. Nestle also owns KLIM (milk backwards), another whole milk powder. This is usually found in asian stores.
  23. also, if you have access to an Asian grocery store, they have aisles of instant ramen. These are not your 6packForaDollar crud, but very very good. Most have 3 or 4 packets of "condiments" which are added.
  24. Agreed. I posed the questions to have us remember to not steal an opportunity away from the scouts in an effort to be more efficient. What we do as adults should not replace the scouts' responsibilities.
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