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Everything posted by Scouter99

  1. Oh, gag me! They made Cyber Chip part of advancement? It's a joke! Can you imagine how many stupid online safety presentations we're all going to have to sit through over and over?
  2. Thanks for linking this because it also contains the new Troop Leader Guidebook (replaces Scoutmaster Handbook) which was announced 2 years ago, never arrived on shelves, and not a peep since.
  3. The option to accept online apps is enabled or disabled from the unit pin settings in myscouting. Your unit key 3 have default access and can add other users.
  4. Online applications have been live on BeAScout.org for almost two years.
  5. The 13th point of the Scout Law is already "Excepting Eagles, OA bigwigs, and sons of Scoutmasters"
  6. Of course what one considers a swear word depends on regional differences. The company my father worked for opened a new office, we moved from one southern state to another, and other employees from northern states were brought in to open the new office. Families made friends, and I was shocked to hear the northern families' (including moms and kids) casual use of the D-word and S-word (I feel stupid phrasing it that way but I'm assuming the mods prefer it). My mom explained that people talk differently in different parts of the country. As a kid, maybe 3rd or 4th grade, I was sat in my b
  7. We ran into this when several new scouts transferred to our troop from the troop down the road soon after crossing over into that troop (I guess the experience was different than the advertisement). They came on their own, but a few years prior, a couple scouts had transferred from them to us, so all of a sudden they were at Roundtable and day camp talking about our huge conspiracy to steal "their" Webelos. Troops don't own or have special rights to a pack that shares their unit number. They're better positioned to recruit, but letting packs know who you are and where you are has nothing
  8. What's a swear to you? Yesterday a Scout from another troop was lamenting that he forgot to say "no onions" on his burger, so I joked he was going to fart all night, he said "we don't talk like that in our troop." I told him I also say "crap" with a wink, to which his pal said "wow, money in the swear jar." He was 15 with his buddies, I'm pretty sure he was being a smartmouth, but God knows nowadays. Do I speak crassly all the time? No, it's not courteous. Words have meanings and connotations, I pick the right one for the effect I'm going for. Now, if you're talking actual swear wor
  9. And with that point, it is important to point out that a boy in Scouting when this man was (1970s) was 35-70 times more likely to be abused by a family member or other caregiver (teacher, doctor, etc.), as pointed out by an FBI consultant/policymaker on child abuse in the Warren Report: "The existence of the I.V. files confirms that there are some men who access youthâ€serving organizations in order to establish sexual contact with youth, often of a particular desired age. However, when compared to methodologically sound prevalence rates of sexual abuse of children during the 1970s (NISâ€I),
  10. "...McDonough said the abuse, which happened from when he was 12 to 16..." "...charge of indecent liberties with another teenage boy..." One more gay guy, and many more to come. No wife. http://www.robertsfamilyfh.com/obituary/124755/Leland-Opalinski// The lawyer is one who has made a career suing BSA, I'm sure he digs up plenty, and (vice versa) I'm sure when someone decides to sue their Googling leads them to him. The man made it clear that he's over this—"McDonough said that he no longer gives much thought to Opalinski."— so, sure, what's his motivation if he does
  11. Rick is just as close minded and prejudiced as anyone, he just thinks it's the right kind of prejudice, as all prejudiced people do.
  12. As the handout for camp staff here says "Boys are testers, if you retreat when tested, they will advance." New York pushed, Gates stepped aside, more councils will follow. National doesn't forbid this, Gates has made it clear.
  13. I'm in the schools in the middle-middle to upper-middle class suburbs of a mostly conservative state that is moving towards a swing state. This kind of idiocy is here. We were all recently given a speech by the administration who told us to start considering that the disciplinary problems we had with many students were not really disciplinary problems, they were cultural problems. Sure, if your opinion is that the ability to refrain from throwing objects around a classroom, refrain from profanity in a classroom, refrain from fighting in school is simply not endemic to certain "cultures"
  14. The Chronicle of Higher Education had a good article about this from the perspective of people working in a field (academia) that is very hostile to Scouting's ideals and culture a few years ago when this current media storm began. http://chronicle.com/article/Once-an-Eagle-Always-an/134136
  15. As a Scout, I always dreamed one day I would send in my $5 and get the plans for this hovercraft, but, alas, it never happened. I was an old soul, and knew I was never going to have a vacuum motor laying around. Did any of you ever build this, or know a Scout who did? (wasn't sure which forum to put this in, maybe working with kids?)
  16. My unit's SM is bigger than any of them. I often wonder why BSA even offers uniforms in anything over XL.
  17. Sure, there's 2 lessons in taking one on the chin there. One for the SM's son, who the other boys grow to despise when daddy takes this attitude, and good for SM dads and their inept sons to learn that nepotism isn't achievement. And second for the boys of the troop, who take one on the chin when they bear the results of parentage used to pick leadership rather than ability. We've had 4 SM son SPLs in the past ~6 years, 3 appointed without elections, magically. One turned into a little tyrant whose idea of leadership was squalling while playing portable putt-putt. The other two were barel
  18. It's not. Merit badges are not troop program and troop meetings should not be merit badge school. If that's been your son's experience for the past couple months, find another troop with youth and adult leadership that know what they're doing.
  19. Can you reconcile or clarify these two statements, which seem to contradict each other: Which badges do you counsel that a Scout can get signed off without being able to recall or demonstrate the material?
  20. I fail to see how discussing ways to improve users' experience amounts to ungratefulness. Or am I reading passive-aggressiveness into your post that isn't there? Let me know within an hour and I will edit my response. See, there's one non-typo reason to not limit editing, already The other day, LeCastor wanted me to edit a certain word out of a post; I was happy to, but it was impossible. Two. Of the forums I visit, this is actually the only forum out of a dozen or so where editing is cut off. It's simply strange, thus my input on the matter.
  21. That's a real shame, though I imagine I would have made the best out of things and got on the stump for the whole troop to know how so-and-so got his First Aid MB
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