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5yearscouter last won the day on July 27 2013

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  1. We were told today by our DE that the $66 bsa national fee can be prorated to $5.50 per month. And our council program fee of $60 can be prorated to $5 a month. $10 discount if we do online applications, but those are currently turned off as we go thru recharter process. But the $25 new member fee is not prorated. A new scout in our area will have to pay $66 + $60+$25 = 151 before buying a uniform or a book. Our troop waived any troop fees for our recharter with new year starting August 1st. That's not sustainable but we have only had a few virtual meetings since shut down in mid March. With AZ numbers of covid so high, we don't know when we will be able to have real meetings again. Nobody wants to pay that much for no real scouting.
  2. how bout call your local church and see if the pastor needs help calling elderly shut ins? Just to check on them, say hi, ask if they need anything. make a list and give back to the pastor so they can follow up. yeah you probably need to already have a relationship in your church. You could probably go around and wash cars sitting in driveways, or sweep front porches. with the owners permission of course. You'd have to figure out how to ask who needs this service, without getting face to face Make your own mini food bank with any extra food you can gather, and put it out by your mailbox with a sign. advertise on your neighborhood facebook or next door. Although a lady in my neighborhood did that and someone took everything.
  3. Find a council/camp that does ATV riding and maybe the pistol markmanship course. Go to a high adventure camp like Philmont, but gotta find one that is open at this time of year which prob doesn't exist. Earn the National Outdoor Awards or some other awards that no other scout in his troop has ever earned. Earn all the merit badges related to what he wants to do when he grows up/goes to college/gets a job. Do more service hours, or hiking or backpacking or insert thing here than anyone else in his unit, district, council. Have him help along other scouts who are also on deck to miss their Eagle by a month or so.
  4. For a brand new small troop, I'd want a committee chair, Sec/Treasurer, and Advancement Chair. SM and ASM work the program side as they should. working with the scouts to make a new scout appropriate first year calendar of events. At first, almost every scout who submits an application you are gonna need an adult to also submit an application and take training. At first all the adults of a small troop need to be on the same page so all going to training together would be great. Although you do have to remember there is program side(sm/asm directly working with the youth) and paperwork committee side handling membership applications, advancement/BORs, permission slips/reservations, and financials/fundraising. com chair will have to be willing to do every job that the adv, and sec/treas is unable to get done, working closely with the sm and asms to be sure the program succeeds.
  5. DE I was talking to at council office yesterday said they were told registration fee has to be minimum of $48 just to cover insurance. So how much do you think they want to make on each registration over top of breaking even? Grand canyon council announced they will change our recharter year from jan to dec instead to fall in July. That way we'd pay a prorated amount of the new BSA fee and they think it will be close to the same. So to pay a prorated amount Jan thru July close to $33, would mean an annual fee of $60 (7/12 prorated of $60 is $35 if I did my math right.
  6. Oh gosh, you can't have a SOCK FIGHT? We had a cub scout indoor snowball fight, using brand new socks. Socks were then washed, packaged and donated to homeless shelter. We got over 800 pairs of socks and not a single person was injured by cub scouts throwing socks at each other.
  7. Grand Canyon council used to add $2 for insurance. Till last year they added a mandatory Friends of Scouting donation per scout to each unit. $63 per scout or if paid before recharter $50 per scout. huge jump. Not helping retention. Luckily our unit has a good (separate from popcorn) fundraiser, so we could cover most of the $50 ourselves, but did pass on some of that to parents in the form of raising what we charge annually.
  8. Grand Canyon council had already started laying off the council office employees months ago
  9. So if 2 adults over 21 need to be there for outings and meetings as of Oct, how is this going to work with summer camp program areas. Currently most program areas run with a Director usually age 21, and an assistant age 18 and a handful of staff of various ages and genders. They hold meetings with their staff in their program area, program area set up on pre-week before camp gets started, clean up after scouts are done with merit badges for the day, where other adult lleaders (scoutmasters with their scouts) aren't around, but where the director and asst director are around youth and aren't both age 21. It's hard enough to get dedicated, mature people to step up to be director and asst director all summer for low pay at our summer camps. They are very happy when dedicated staff turn 18 and could be an asst director. But now it looks like both would have to be 21? The director usually gets paid a more cause they are 21, sin order to entice them, but now how to entice 2 age 21 year olds? Whenever staff leaves summer camp to go into town--like to do laundry and shop for deodorant or go to the movies, most camps count that as an outing. And our camp has always made it two adults in any vehicle, one of each gender since they hire youth female staff age 16 and 17. But there aren't very many adult director females over age 21. saying merit badge counselors aren't really leaders is false, they are adult leaders who fill out the adult leader application. So it would have to say for a private meeting it's ok cause in view of others. But what about merit badge roundups, where a classroom setting full of scouts is not a private meeting? Oh cause they are outnumbered by scouts no one on one, but certainly not two deep both over 21 that the new requirements seem to say has to exist for ANY scouting to occur. But merit badge counseling doesn't require 2 adults, just 1 adult and a scout with his buddy. This isn't going to work out as intended. All leadership positions are going to end up being only for people over 21, so nobody ever has to guess someone's age when looking around the room at a troop meeting.
  10. Our Chartering Org has a different COR for the pack, troop and crew. But national wants it to be one person Every year at recharter whoever's charter that gets renewed first resets the cor for each unit and then council registrar has to go in and change em back.
  11. If you are running a one room schoolhouse version of cub scouting (all dens in one room cause you only have 1 or 2 scouts in each rank) this is probably going to be the hardest to implement as coed. Because you will not have enough parent/leaders to make separate accomodations for gender. In that instance a suggestion would be to do a different night of the week for the girl dens (whether all the same pack or two different packs will depend on if you get enough core committed adults). To help get more adult leaders, require all scout applications to come with an adult application attached with ypt certificate. Then you work on the next trainings and get those adults running dens or whatever. If you are running a full program of cub scouts with all den levels with training, it may be easier, if you have room in the building you all meet in to accommodate girl dens in the next room over. or if the dens meet in different people's houses then you need more houses. the separate dens come together for inter den competitions and pack meetings but each den is able to meet on their own. I think that is best case scenario for larger size packs. But again, you may have to force each youth application to come with an adult application attached, and additional payments. But that means your minimum amount to charge is $35x2 + any pack fees. So $100 a year scouting before doing any activities or uniforms. yucko, but reality.
  12. Well since he did all of the WORK (earned all the mb) before he turned 18, and he was just waiting on the BOR to be scheduled to complete the last portion of the requirements for eagle and his palms. So he gets the palms.
  13. If you catch your error on a rank or merit badge or award in internet advancement before you click SUBMIT to council, you can cancel by clicking START OVER on the top right side of the screen. and then reload the roster and start over. But that's cause the report doesn't go anywhere or do anything with scoutnet (or whatever they are calling it now) until you hit submit. If you do not catch your error and have already submitted to council, you can't go in and delete the date on the next go around, it won't save as blank fro the date. You can CHANGE the date, so if you just entered the date wrong, you can fix the date the next time you log in, But if they never earned it, you can't delete it. So if you accidently entered canoe merit badge under the wrong twin brother, when their names are almost identical, you will have to call your registrar, or email (if they reply promptly to email) to ask them to delete the date earned under the wrong scout. btdt. lol.
  14. I would think you would want him to step up to the next level Cyber Chip requirements to ensure he learns the next level of online safety.
  15. Around here, in our district, the LDS adults tend to stick around in their called position for a long time. They might be working with cubs again after years working with boys, but they are also running the eagle boards, or roundtable break outs or other larger things. They have a lot of commitment to scouting in the LDS church, and I admire that. I hope that the change to drop Varsity and Venturing and the ensuing drop in units, doesn't kill off LDS scouters commitment to all the rest of scouting that they do. I hope they keep/ allow/ encourage older youth to continue registration in their troops or encourage them to seek out the OPTION of non LDS traditional unit Varsity and Venturing programs in their area if the youth doesn't want to give up on say varsity/venturing awards. It's certainly going to make things different at roundtable.
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