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Everything posted by TAHAWK

  1. That some conduct is less bad that other bad conduct does not seem to be much of a standard for teaching values. "A Scout is trustworthy. A Scout only commits lesser crimes. We only steal a little." Is it really unfair or unreasonable to expect adults who agree to be models of ethic behavior for children to be willing to comply with the law. regarding stealing.? What would your Mom say?
  2. Here is the reply to my email pointing out this article to someone we all know, a regular spokesman for BSA. He, of course, had spotted the article. Since he did not give permission to give his name ( and I did not ask) I present his comments without attribution. While I understand the sentiment, I do demur somewhat to "Webelos III." Dens spend most of their time meeting separately, an advantage over the troop-method and therefore tend to identify as den members.
  3. We have had good luck in having the distict's SPLs/Crew Presidents meet as a committee to do the planning with the events to be sponsored by one or two troops. The sponsoring troops describe the event, including rules, provide for event equipment, and staff the event at the camporee or klondike. Two or three of the right sort of adults act as advisors resources and use questions to be sure the events are doable and the rules crystal clear. The committee of SPLs elects the "SPL" for the Camporee or klondike. That SPL is responsible for follow-up to be sure the sponsoring units' p
  4. Agreeing that there are bigger crimes than stealing. And still believing that there is a diplomatic way to handle this . . . Imagine that the Scouts figure out that the Scouter stole the film so he could show it to them and that the Scouter felt it was not a big deal in the great scheme of things to steal the film - or that he feels stealing intellectual property is not REALLY stealing at all. One copy is only a misdemeanor, not a felony. Sorta' like shoplifting a $100 worth of stuff from the Walmart. What is the lesson for the Scouts? The FBI has its point
  5. Sounds like some good suggestions above. Ohio had a 35-year high for mumps in 2014. Measles hit a peak near 400 in July, mainly among the Amish and leading the nation. (One result was that the Amish decided to have vaccinations - a change in policy.)
  6. "For those pro's remaining, this paradox, Recruiting does not increase membership, program does. If we build it, they will come - quality units (not Excellence nonsense) and local camps both with cool scout adventure programs." +100
  7. Video: "The purposes of Advancement are to build the boys' confidence and self-esteem." [apx] BSA: "The steps in the advancement system help a Boy Scout grow in self-reliance and in the ability to help others." "Experiential learning is the key: Exciting and meaningful activities are offered, and education happens. Learning comes from doing. " "Success is achieved when we fulfill the BSA Mission Statement and when we accomplish the aims of Scouting: character development, citizenship training, and mental and physical fitness. We know we are on the right track when we see youth
  8. In 1972, the two Orange County, California, councils recombined into a single council. This action seems to have been stimulated by the decisions of the two councils to sell their respective camps and build larger camps in more remote locations. The result of combining was a single super camp, surrounded by a National Wilderness Area, and a camp sinking fund that keeps getting bigger despite occasional "dividends" to the well-funded council's general fund. It claimed 25,803 youth in traditional units in 2013. Cannot find more recent numbers.
  9. I too miss the bugle calls that regulated troop, district and council events, including summer camp. Scouts at summer camp were very quick to pick them up, especially Meal Call and Mail Call. Troop 43 had five buglers and an annual challenge system to fill and rank those five positions. Seems like there is not a fixed ceremony. Various Scout camps varied then and now. The military services do it differently. When I was seventeen, the First Division, U.S.M.C. raised the colors to "To the Colors" and lowered them to "Retreat." But when there was a band present, they p
  10. Again, I apologize for a lack of clarity. My research brought me to numerous fascist and racist sites that spout a torrent of bile about Muslims, not to mention about every other group other than them. Iwas that hate speech that I meant byu "hate group nonsense." That "nonsense" is a strawman since it is so obviously divorced from any objective reality. I thought that statements by CNN, the UN, the New York Times, and Her majesty's Chief Superintendent of the Constabulary were in a different, qualitative category as compared to, say, Storm Front. I should not have called Th
  11. If you are not using "discrimination" to mean behavior that is unlawful, then I truly missed your point. The Unruh Act did not make the BSA's conduct unlawful because, the Court held, it did not apply to the BSA or such organizations. I have no doubt that BSA ignores me. Makes me wonder why you come here to address the generally-ignored. Just what is your goal? BSA probably does not ignore the WOSM and its acknowledgement of the atheism of certain religions. Yes. Every single Buddhist and Jain in BSA is an self-acknowledged atheist, publically acknowledged as such by WOSM and ha
  12. Wicki has internal appeal procedures and has "locked" some articles to prevent what amounts to vandalism.
  13. The ruling was in two cases in which the local BSA councils were being sued for alleged civil rights violations. Pretty famous cases. .Curran v. Mount Diablo Council of the Boy Scouts of America, 17 Cal.4th 670, 952 P.2d 218, 72 Cal.Rptr.2d 410 (1998)(sexual orientation) and Randall v. Orange County Council, 17 Cal.4th 736, 952 P.2d 261, 72 Cal.Rptr.2d 453 (1998)(religious requirement). These wins by BSA were widely publicized, especially within the ACLU. The BSA councils were found not to be subject to the law. Buddhists are atheists. If BSA didn;t know that, I pointed
  14. My fault. I was not clear. There was an announcement that a site giving all the rules about uniforms and insignia would be up and running a couple of years ago. The current "Guide" has been patched and patched, and is not a particularly complete or useful tool.
  15. The degree to which a person becomes defensive when questioned and sulks when he does not "win" is one measure of being a "big" and "mature" person. Sadly, the "size" of a person has little to do with height or weight, and "maturity" is not a matter of years.
  16. I was trying to distinguish between what are sincerely-help ethical or moral judgments and the law (as it evolves). I was not asserting that the two terms have the same meaning. However, because "invidious discrimination" (AKA "invidious intent") has repeatedly (but not consistently) been said to be an element that must be proved for discrimination to be unlawful, it does not seem to be particularly useful to say that discrimination is "invidious" when that conduct has been held to be lawful, even Constitutionally protected.. Obviously, the authorities in California do not agree, but I am
  17. The UK top cop was talking about zones inhabited by foreign-born persons where the police do not operate because the population elects not to use that aspect of government, preferring instead to be their own law, including , he said "Honor Killings." I have already said I have no personal knowledge. Perhaps the UK police official is incorrect. The hate group nonsense about Muslims is a strawman. Lack of policing in Muslim slums due to "practical problems" instead of acknowledged policy and practice may be a distinction without a "practical" difference.
  18. I hope we can distinguish between thoughtless violations and knowing violations. I also hope that a calm, adult conversation would lead to an end to such activity. without hard feelings. Yes. Judgment is required,. Turning a blind eye presents an ethical issue as contrasted to a legal issue ("accomplice") Few jurisdictions retain the concept that failing to report a felony is, itself, a crime. There is, as someone else noted, the "Fair Use" doctrine. Copying a couple of pages for the kids is probably OK. Selling copies of a couple of pages is not' Porky
  19. Well, I hope I am capable of logic. Logic tells me that since BSA's discrimination has been found lawful, it is not, as you repeatedly claim, "invidious." It's just discrimination, which is generally lawful. I fail to see the logic of your question. The courts have not found BSA's discrimination to be unlawful, hence it is not "invidious." At least that is so for now. Tell me more about this club. Is it restricted to Catholics, such as Knights of Columbus? If I am equivocating, it's as a professional, but I do not believe that I am. I am merely attempting
  20. Say things like that, and someone will be unhappy and offended. The truth hurts.
  21. Stosh, BSA changed direction because they decide Scouting needed to become more urban and less outdoor in order to attract the increasingly urban population of youth. Ignorant of the past, they failed to note that Scouting had always been most successful in urban areas and less successful in highly rural areas. Apparently novelty is a draw. The anti-military period was just before WW I. Shooting MB's were eliminated. Scouts were "for peace." General Leonard Wood quit the national board in protest. TR complained openly and bitterly. Then we got in the war and "patriotism" swept all
  22. New position patch - "Honor Guard." But it goes on the right sleeve: http://blog.scoutingmagazine.org/2015/01/27/honor-guard-patch/#more-31938 It is suggested that we be sure the Scout shop has the patch in stock before making a buying trip. Boy, that on-line uniform and insignia site would be a nice thing to have delivered on.
  23. Unable to post all day. Ed: Well, maybe not. This posted, unlike several previous efforts to report problems. I'll try to pot in the threads again.
  24. Yes, indeed. For some reason(s), Bill's contribution is downplayed. "Scoutmaster to the World" but not to the U.S. Yet he was the champion of elected Scout leaders, here and elsewhere.
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