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Everything posted by TAHAWK

  1. Yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theater? Under Schenck v. United States (1919), read in light of Brandenburg v. Ohio(1969), "advocacy of the use of [unlawful] force" is not protected by "Freedom of Speech" when it is "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action" and is "likely to incite or produce such action." But superior people need not follow the law.
  2. "Invidious" is an interesting word given that most discrimination is lawful but still capable of causing anger in those negatively impacted and others who feel the discrimination is wrong. A decision based on state law. Given that Boy Scouting is the official youth program for boys in the LDS Church and given that any adult member is subject to being called to serve as a Scouter or in some other capacity in Boy Scouting, may members of that church serve in judicial office in California? In fact, may those belonging to religions that discriminate against gays serve in judicial of
  3. "Crime" is the concept that my wrong against you is a wrong against the state, not merely a personal matter between the two of us -- or our kin. You give up the freedom to exact personal revenge in return for the state's commitment to exact "justice" at my expense. The concept was alien to England until William I arrived. He legislated morality and used sufficient force to, more or less, make it stick. Well, that's the theory. "Superior" people, knowing themselves to be "superior," tend to ignore rules and facts that are inconvenient, They see the "greater truth" that is
  4. The warrantless internal surveillance of telecommunications has gone on since the 1960s. I worked for what was and now is AT&T, and I'm not guessing. I reviewed the renewal orders from the feds. A high percentage of all calls were and are computer-scanned for certain words and word patterns and kicked out for human review if they qualified. Say "fertilizer," "kerosine," and "Allah" in the same conversation. Not hard to find the information' although you have to look for it. The media pretty much ignore it. Try "Echelon" or "Operation Shamrock." Started in the punch card era and zips
  5. Too bad. Being a Scout in a (large) troop that had at least one of everything (black, brown, yellow, white, every sort of Christian, Jew, Muslim, Shinto, Buddhist, and Baha'i) was a very good thing for me. It's hard to listen to prejudiced generalizations when your patrol mates and tent mate are "minority" in several respects. I was in a distinct minority in that troop as I was not a military dependent, but I was forgiven my strangeness.. When the local stake only had thirteen Scouts, they Scouted with us for a year until the next crop of Cubs crossed over. The thirteen Scouts r
  6. I typed up a three-line post, entered save, and got "Please enter a message with at least 1 characters." What do I win? ^___^
  7. The fact that many "lines" are not black-and-white is part of the nature of Scouting work. We don't work to a rigid template when working with people and objectives like "good citizens." We can but try.
  8. To observe that scientists can be wrong is no more than to say they are human. To observe that they may attempt to crush those with different answers - that turn out to be more accurate - is simply the same. Few like to be corrected and the objective "scientific mind" is largely a myth. I find that if the topic is Climate Change (formerly "Global Warming") most will agree that conservation is important. Only so much room in the aquarium. (Then there's Rush.) It gets tougher when the causes of climate change are debated. Climate Change Deniers are no more edgy than Ice-Age-End
  9. Yup. Those Den Chiefs are a pretty good "trick." Welcome.
  10. Both councils in which I work have such events and they are very well attended. Here's the list for the up=coming Baden-Powel Institute in Cleveland. [TABLE=width: 400, align: center] [TR] [TD=class: xl63]Session 1 - 8:40 AM - 9:30 AM[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl64]Leader Liabilities - Room 668[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl64]STEM/ROCKETS - Room 669[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl64]The Power of Long Term Relationships w/Volunteers - Room 691[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD=class: xl64]Eagle Scout Advisor/Coaching - Ro
  11. Regardless of the theory, some years ago, a local stake had trouble finding a Scoutmaster. A non-LDS Scouter ended up being the SM until an LDS Scouter could take over. After five years of his service as SM, a replacement was finally called. The LDS Church gave him some sort of award. Nice medal. I was given to understand that he was the first Baptist to receive that award. We have had several basic training events at one of the LDS churches in our district, We did serve coffee, including "high test." None of the participants were LDS Church members. Possibly the health rules apply to mem
  12. I suppose it's a matter of quite legitimate differences in point-of-view. Many a Scout will, in his live, be called upon to propose something in writing. Success in that endeavor may be very important. "Be Prepared." "For what?" "For any old thing." I can help, so I do. Not that I write it for them. It has to be the Scout's "voice." But I explain the importance of a good impression and of clarity, and I coach them. I have done the same for the kids at a high school my employer "adopted." I receive luxurious compensation for my time. It's the journey, not the destination.
  13. Scientists are only people. They are as capable of irrational worship of something as anyone else. Look what happened to the men who proposed: 1) that bacteria caused ulcers; or 2) that stress caused disease. They were literally laughed at because 99.99% of the experts knew they were wrong. Then, whoops!, their results were replicated by everyone who tried. The 99.99% were wrong, as they have sometimes been wrong over the millennia, "Everyone knew" nothing harmful leached out of Lexan. Study after study showed it was safe. Then it was noticed that the studies finding it safe were all paid
  14. If the MBC is not doing his or her job, only the "unit leader" can file the formal complaint. That, not a veto over the Scout doing MB work, is the tool to correct the problems that you imply. I have filed such complaints. After investigation, 4 of 5 MBCs were decertified for eliminating or adding requirements. (No 5 quit in a huff, and she was reportedly the biggest offender. See, MBCs also think they can ignore the rules in the name of doing "the right thing..") I agreed that the discussion was not held as required. So have the discussion. The issue for the SM in the OP seems to be cont
  15. There's no rule against it. More noise, however. Geometric curve. If they are sticking out, probably too many. 0___0
  16. As noted above, the requirement of a discussion between the Scout and the SM creates an opportunity for the SM to be what you described - a mentor. That is far from a trivial thing for a person who cares, as you clearly do. There are other possibilities for which one might wish besides SMs assuming powers they do not have OR SMs being totally out of the process. One other behavior that I would desire would be SMs doing what they are supposed to do within the process.. I was not aware that the process was set up for the SM to be the one(s) to take care of MBC problems. In my counci
  17. National Council never gave the SM the right to render that "judgment," so it has no occasion to take it away. The SM's role in the process was ably described by CalicoPenn. That role would extend to a SMC with the Scout if he crashes and burns trying to pass a MB he was not ready to take. Lesson learned? The path to success often goes through failure. And if he actually passed, he was right about being "ready" and the SM was wrong. Self-defining. On the other hand, SMs who take it on themselves to elevate their individual preferences over clear BSA.policy and practice have occasion
  18. Famous right-wing magazine, Time, critiques CDC's "inflated" rape statistics: http://time.com/3393442/cdc-rape-numbers/ DANGER. ACTUAL JOURNALISM WARNING Then there's USA Today, whatever it is: http://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2014/09/22/rape-cdc-numbers-misleading-definition-date-forced-sexual-assault-column/16007089/ ******************** All superior people are liable to twist truth in service of "greater truth." After all, left or right, they just know better than the ordinary run of mortals. The ends justify the means. ******************** Who is tak
  19. Would it seem so strange if we considered that BSA let some atheists in back around 1926? How many associations exclude Buddhists on the grounds of their atheism? Certainly not the largest, Indonesia.
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