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Everything posted by SSScout

  1. All of a sudden I feel really blessed to have had the Troop leaders I had 'way back when'. I don't remember ever having that sort of problem as I was advised and counseled thru my Eagle. Come to think of it, yep, it was almost 30 years ago. I would think the boy has learned the important lesson that, often, "a verbal agreement isn't worth the paper it's written on". GET IT IN WRITING. Somewhere in the bowels of the National headquarters is some paper with signatures on it that attests that a bunch of Old Fogeys thought that a certain young man was worthy to hang a multi colored cloth p
  2. I'm coming in late to this discussion, but I find great agreement with all that has been said. When my son became a Cub, I discovered to my surprise, that the Pack turned Cubs upside down to award the Bobcat. I told them not with my son. And not any more to any other boy. The parents had no idea about the problems and risks involved. Physical injury ( what if some one slips?), psycological trauma, the example of a small 'hazing' making larger 'hazings'seem OK (initially they didn't see this as 'hazing', only good ole boy ribbing taken to a lower level), public humiliation even in "good
  3. One person is the "Camporee Chair". He/she works with the DE and the OA to organize the skeleton of the Camporee. (NB: this is not what we call the Webelos Weekend, which is a seperate affair). Usually, along with the "special" stuff ( climbing wall, black powder muskets, etc.), the CCh asks each Troop to sponsor/organize an activity that can be purely fun or Scout oriented. Some past "Stations" have included frisbee golf, an orienteering course, a nature trail/scavenger hunt, a pioneering contest, matchless fire building, archery. Not all Troops sponsor a "station". I guess som
  4. I know there are lots of good, useful, thought provoking, "AHA!" type suggestions out there , but often they are what I call "self correcting". F'rinstance: "If I told you once, I've told you a million times, DON'T EXAGGERATE!" Y'all got any more?
  5. Oh, it's one hour a week. I'm now into ...oh, let's see... December 2027...
  6. Icons are not only visual.... "Open channel D" "Little buddy" "Round and round she goes and where she stops..." "Plunk your magic twanger , Froggy" "My time is up, I thank you for yours" "Hawaya, hawaya, hawaya..." ""These are the voyages..." "Do not attempt to adjust your set..." "You open this door with the key to imagination..." "Hey kids,..." "And they are MILD" "Let's hear it...for ...THE BEATLES!!" " And awa-a-a-y we go!" "ummm how sweet it is!" ...Here's a hard one...said only once... "...G'bye, kids
  7. "All politics am local" Personal story: When I came back from Roundtable with the information that our District Camporee had to be rescheduled from its original site/date due to a previous scheduled event, the question was NOT "how can we go there on that date" but "who's in charge this year?" And when I named the name (different than the year before), the Troop Committee together nodded and said, "then we'll go." The Program is the most important thing. Next, is the Parents commitment to the Boys. Without that commitment, THERE IS NO PROGRAM. Is that a triad? Program--Boys--Parents.
  8. Yes! I remember that too. Any Moore?
  9. MY version goes ( and you can try to google it)... "I am a fine musician, I practice everyday, And when you hear me practice, you can hear me play, My TROMBONE, my TROMBONE, I love to play my TROMBONE... RaaH Raah RATARATA RAha RA arRAHH (with appropriate trombone motions, thru eight beats only)) my picolo, my picolo, I love to play my PICOLO... Treeedaleealee treadaledaledalele... etc. Pick up all the instruments you like until everybody in the band is playing in sync, in harmony (suurrre) Caliope... Oompa oompah oompahpah ..Move up and down Bass Drum
  10. "all politics is local" (are local?) Scouting is not going to dissapear any time soon, but as an influence on the young (and wow, I used to be a young), it's influence has been eroded. How? TV and other media has contributed to this decline. Where the child got his skills, interests and values (there's that word again) from the family, now he (and she!) get alot of it from the flash and dash of the litle screen (and the big screen). The parents that ALLOW the screen to be a prime source, without challenge, ("now why did Homer say that?") OR LIMIT ("no, our family does not support the idea
  11. Always try to check back on these entries... Thank you SWS, my info was verbal at the RT, so I will go back and speak to our DE designate ( we are between DEs). I think we'll still sell a little PC, none the less...
  12. Yes, the PC is overpriced. Yes, the effort to sell it may not be worth the return to the Unit. Yes, the original story sounds like unscoutlike coercion. But... The Council and National and the District doesn't sell Christmas wreaths or wash cars or put up flags or direct traffic at the county fair (and that is one Troops fundraiser in our Council). So do they raise the Dues to a "realistic" level, or do we sell some popcorn? I've been of the opinion that if GSA can sell cookies at a price CLOSE to a regular retail price, why can't BSA sell the PC at a closer to regular retail price? We'v
  13. Ah, the blessings of growth. Rejoice in poularity, many Troops around the country are struggling. If you can't deal with Patrols that are semi autonomous from the Troop, perhaps setting off a new Troop could be considered. OOO- OOO! I know! The charter org sponsors TWO Troops! A north end Troop and a south end Troop! WoW! True story: My Cub Pack sponsored a "Join Scouting" night at the elementary school. We invited our Scout Troops to come , they set up a rope bridge and model camp site. We also invited the local Girl Scout Troops to come (seemed only right...). They both declined,
  14. Ah, the blessings of growth. Rejoice in poularity, many Troops around the country are struggling. If you can't deal with Patrols that are semi autonomous from the Troop, perhaps setting off a new Troop could be considered. OOO- OOO! I know! The charter org sponsors TWO Troops! A north end Troop and a south end Troop! WoW! True story: My Cub Pack sponsored a "Join Scouting" night at the elementary school. We invited our Scout Troops to come , they set up a rope bridge and model camp site. We also invited the local Girl Scout Troops to come (seemed only right...). They both declined,
  15. Ah, the blessings of growth. Rejoice in poularity, many Troops around the country are struggling. If you can't deal with Patrols that are semi autonomous from the Troop, perhaps setting off a new Troop could be considered. OOO- OOO! I know! The charter org sponsors TWO Troops! A north end Troop and a south end Troop! WoW! True story: My Cub Pack sponsored a "Join Scouting" night at the elementary school. We invited our Scout Troops to come , they set up a rope bridge and model camp site. We also invited the local Girl Scout Troops to come (seemed only right...). They both declined,
  16. I distinctly remember all the SMs I had in my STroop. We had 5 in the 7 years I was in Scouts. I seem to remember that the 'passing of the flag' occurred at the end of a CoH. It was always the last thing . The retiring SM did all the opening ceremonial stuff and the awards (candles, Scout Promise, Scout Law, etc.). Then some other adult type person ( the CC? the CRep?) came up and said some good things about the retiring SM and the passing of time, etc. The SPL and sometimes some other senior Scouts also came up and thanked the RSM, placques and souvenirs were handed out. Something tearjerki
  17. " I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." =Stephan Grellet=
  18. First, I would make sure the Troop Committee or at least the CC meets with the CO rep and understands WHY the split is desired. Money problems? Irresponsible behavior somehow? Difference of philosophy? Personal insult not perceived? They want a different youth group? Like he said... Part on good terms, as best you can... What Eaglebeader said, and everone else previous. Charter Orgs? Cast around to the Scout parents. The Scout Grandparents. The school principal. The local Radio station. Keep the conversations going and the ears open. Someone will know someone who has heard from so
  19. I like that. It bears repeating... "Have high expectations - scouts will strive to meet them. Have low expectations - they will meet those also." Perhaps this applies to the Adult Leaders also?
  20. I am always amazed how Scouts always fail to seek out the Hostel in a given area. The International Youth Hostel organization was founded back in the 1920s and 30s to foster international travel and friendship by creating inexpensive accomodations. Recently,it was finally admitted that the Youth in the title was misleading, inas much as many of the hostel users were young in spirit only, the name was recast as "Hosteling International". The Washington Hostel is truly downtown, at 1009 11th St. NW. walking distance to almost all the monuments and a Metro stop is nearby for further travel
  21. I have no argument with any of the thoughts presented so far. I think we are all in agreement that it is a good thing to teach our young'ns good from bad, give'm consequences for not doing what we think is "the right thing", understand they will make some bad decisions and forgive'm acordingly. BUT... What is the difference in the TEACHING that leads one person to run into the burning house and perhaps give their life to save another, while someone else sacrefices their life to kill others? The first is universally named a hero, while the second might be called a hero in one cultural co
  22. Thank you. Fuzzy: I think the questions are almost always more important than the answers. I think we (our society) loses sight of why our enemy is like he/she is at our greater peril. If we only want to destroy them, then we lose the possibilty of ultimately convincing them of our friendship (or is that something we really want?). Do we prefer them DEAD or our possibly forgiven FRIENDS? I ask the questions because 1) I do not pretend to fully understand the possible answers and 2)I like to hear the further wisdom of my fellow forumites. You all make me THINK, which leads me to play
  23. Howdy, Prairie. Sit ye down and pass the pipe 'round (metaphoric pipe. I don't smoke. Sometimes wish I did, just for the image). Welcome to the forums. Another wall hanger: "Good work is love made visible" YiS
  24. So... The person who stops to change a strangers tire... The person who dedicates their life to inspiring and helping the poor and sick, using all their resources (to the point of being nearly destitute)... The person who seeks to bring peace to war torn areas, at the cost of his life (remember Tom Fox? and others)... The person who makes billions (with a B)of dollars, by his inventing and organizing skills, who then finances many other people to do many good things (by our own definition of "good")... The father who sleeps less than he should to work at three jobs so his children
  25. Dirt Scouts! I do like that... Must 've seen our Troop after a trip out the AT... YiS, big E...
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