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Everything posted by SSScout

  1. Hal: It is only a rumor on this side of the river, too. But the effect would be the same, consternation. Since it is no longer required to spend time in rank before the next advancement, it is very common to pass a couple of rank items at the same time: frinstance, after the Scout earns "Scout", there will be an occasion to earn the First Aid MB, say, during a series of F/A classes after Troop meeting. Earning the F/AMB obviates the F/A requirements for TF, 2 and 1. Presto. Pioneering MB obviates all the knot and lashing requirements for T, 2 and 1. We recently had a 15 year old TF,
  2. As can be seen in the above references, east coast tribes did not "do" totem poles. The west coast tribes did them for identification, decoration and glorification of their clan spirit animals. All this doesn't mean you can't try your hand at a similar project. I have two friends who are pro wood carvers. They love the occasional commission to "adjust" the profile of a standing tree. One did a white oak, evoking the human struggle to overcome adversity, near a local Metro station. This sculpture unfortunately had to be removed due to construction. The other recently completed a really bi
  3. "" If a religeon thinks saluting a flag is the same as idolizing the flag itself, what about crosses, stars, bibles, and what not thew other religeions bow to? Not trying to bash anybody, but seems like a bit of "But it's different when I do it" "" Scoutfish: That's exactly the point. Each faith does see it differently. To some, the Bible is the absolute Word of God, to others, still inspired by God, but written by humans. Ask a Catholic and a Baptist and a Quaker about praying to a statue of Mary, see what opinions you get. To many (most?) faiths, the first allegiance is to God, everyth
  4. ...and you will not regret it. Don't be shy about asking questions, take the training when you can, and eat a polite amount of donuts at every training session you attend. Repeat after me: KISMIF, KISMIF, KISMIF. And welcome to our virtual campfire...
  5. NWScouter: Thank you. I will add this to my "data bank". The less distraction from worship, the better. Liz? Is thee out there?
  6. Calvin Coolidge. Absolutely, slipped my mind. Thanks. So, what else to reduce the problem?
  7. Legalities... No where is it required that a Scout, if it is counter to his sincerely held beliefs, salute and repeat the Pledge to the Flag. It is, however, a Scout requirement to be knowledgeable about, and be able to act appropriately (Wolf Badge requirement #2, frinstance), where the US Flag is concerned. There are many faiths that view the PoA as a loyalty oath and bordering on idolatry, in that one is promising to be loyal to a piece of cloth, both of which are counter to their teachings. The piece of cloth in question, however, DOES embody a proud history and DOES represent a
  8. "Illegal Immigration" Why is it such a problem? Because people want to leave their country and come to the US of A, any way they can. Any solution must/could/should include some or all of the following: 1) Make the US of A less attractive. This means a) eliminating the many of the freedoms we enjoy. Need more government intrusion into our lives and activities. More travel restrictions among the states. Perhaps an internal passport (among other things). b) Define the way an American can worship. Too many choices in relating to God/Spirit/Creator/Nature makes ones life too
  9. What are you to this boy? Cub master? Web Den Leader? Concerned other parent? How have YOU dealt with the Scout's behavior? Does he need an "escort" during activities? What exactly have YOU observed? Is the behavior truly "malicious" or merely "mischievous"? A boy might enjoy seeing another get the blame for something, but what does that indicate? What do you know about the family dynamics? Have you spoken to the boy's parents about your concern? "It has made it hard for anyone to want to be around this Scout". Maybe that is a problem to deal with. It sounds a little like this Scout
  10. Ziplock plastic bags. Quart size is a good compromise.. Dry powdered milk. Bisquik. Cocoa. Sugar. Margerine. Strawberry preserves.(or orange marmalde, or...) PLAIN Instant oatmeal (or real. Just takes longer). Raisins, or other dry fruit. NOTE: If not mixed together, transfer all ingredients to ZLPbags for packing and transport anyway. DO NOT carry in original packaging, prepare at home. Less weight, less stuff to pack out when empty. Pack trash into ONE ZLPBag for pack out (LNT) Read instructions for Bisquik. Read instructions for powdered milk. Measure appropriat
  11. Hendrickms24: Greetings from the Old Line State. Here in the US, I've been assured by my Muslim friends that avoiding left hand contact is cultural, traditional AND religious. But originally based on hygienic reasons, as you allude to. They are still Scouts, and I grasp their hand.
  12. Washington Post did a nice article about the new stamp, with photos. Note the new Centen BIG neckers, worn OVER the collar, and smoky bear hats. No bluejeans. http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/NewsSearch?st=Scout%20Postal%20Stamp& Nope. Doesn't look much like a BSA stamp. Any grapevine about how the design came to be? Doesn't evoke much of any Scouty thing to me. Not even thru the WOSM folks. Gotta buy more "forever" stamps.
  13. Scout fist bump? Scout pinky link? Scout slipnslide? 'Course, the Muslim Troop I Commish won't do left hand shakes anyway, so we do right hand and it's alright...
  14. "DEN CHIEF.... don't leave home without one."
  15. The distinction JiKC is trying to make ( and succeeding very well, I might add) is that we, as Scouters should encourage the Scouts faith, whatever that may be, as defined by the Scout's family and ultimately by the Scout, but... I like to think that a "Scout's Own" service might just include some personal worship, but ,indeed, it would be wrong to have the service (there's a word that deserves it's own discussion in this context. Who or what do we serve?) leader/facilitator imply or insist that one type of ritual or prayer is more appropriate than another. UNLESS everyone attending is of o
  16. I hear "ego led" rather than "spirit led". But then, maybe worship of "nature" could be a religion? Or worship of one's self? The supremacy of the individual? Belive in only what one can "see"?
  17. Lots of good tips. Klondike Derbies coming up. Read "To Build a Fire" by Jack London again. Heater in a tent??? Nononono. See G2SS. Asphyxiasion danger. Fire danger. Melt nylon issues. Burn Scout issues. No need for extra weight. Leave No Trace issues. This is "roughing it"? Save a sheep. Wear Wool.
  18. Jamboree headgear story (from a reliable source)::: When the 2005 Jambo steering committee was meeting to decide on things, the supplier of Staff Hats (among other things) presented each member of the committee with a sample Staff ball cap, personalized in the back with the committee member's name. The chair, (whose name I forget, say it's John Jones) handed his hat back saying, "this is fine. Make 8,000." And they did. 8,000 hats with "John Jones" embroidered on the back. When they arrived, and the problem was discovered, the hats were sent back and rather than make 8,000 more, they embr
  19. Good show, old bean,welcome to the electronic campfire, where all will be revealed. Pull up a virtual log and sit a spell. Cubs are the most fun, I think. Remember to communicate, communicate. Call, email, but call! Personal contact to the adults is best, always; email for reminders, but don't be surprised if you get no response by emailing "I need a volunteer" .Don't be bashful about reminding the adults in the boys' lifes that the boy will only be 7, or 8, or 9, ( or 10! ) once. Make the most of it! Make a list of all the family resources, mom and pop jobs and interests. Then see if so
  20. All God's Critters got a Place in the Choir (Bill Staines) "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord" and all that, but I would hope that you would also encourage the Scout to just sit and LISTEN... to God's creation, to that "still, small voice".
  21. Lenhok Sin, NCAC's high adventure venue, in Goshen Scout Reservation. http://www.boyscouts-ncac.org/openrosters/ViewOrgPageLink.asp?LinkKey=16562&orgkey=1933
  22. Does your CO have multiple rooms? Den per room? Stations for activities? Movie ? Hallway PWDerby? "small" olympics (mini competitions)? Local Volunteer Fire Dept.? Historical Society? Talk to your local Cub Scout Day Camp folks for ideas...
  23. Don't forget that most important part of the Computer SAcience MB::: GIGO.(This message has been edited by SSScout)
  24. two and a half men nip and tuck sons of anarchy south park american dad cleveland show gleemelrose place "fridays the new hump day" (promotion for gossip girl) glenn martin, dds these are some of the tv shows available to the average "basic" cable, fios, dst, disk receiver. in "prime time". don't think your kid isn't watching them when you aren't. all are designed and intended to make the language being discussed here seem ok, acceptable, normal, usual. you pay for the creation of these shows, and you have little or no say in the matter. look to http://www.parentstv
  25. Much congrats! I hope you took lots of pictures of the CoH. Now, make sure the local news gets ahold of the story. Nothing like a local boy makes good story for the evening TV news and Town Gazette. AND the angle of a new Scout unit and how it got up and running. Your local Chamber of Commerce might help you make the right conections. Next, ask your CO if you can establish an Eagle memorial of some kind, a wall placque or display case. or something, because you ARE going to have more Eagles , some day, yes? And a picture album to put all those pictures in of Eagle CoH and camp trips
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