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Everything posted by skeptic

  1. So Shortridge; would you prefer to chance another McInerney situation? If the school had responded to the situation by removing the main source(s) of friction, even though it might not seem fair, this would not have happened. Kids do stupid and irrational things; and in today's world, they often seem to think they have a right to over react and injure or kill. That is what I meant when I note "becomes a threat or makes it an issue". The same thing would occur should a scout choose to do other things that cause similar frictions. The safety, and yes, comfort of the majority is more imp
  2. Yep; all the blather about how out of step BSA is really is nothing to the majority of the membership in actual units. When push comes to shove, if it is your own kid who "might" be directly exposed to even remotely possible negative examples, the parents will side with the safest idea. In this case, no matter how much we hear about how Gays are not threats, and so on, especially males, the parents in the end will prefer to "not take a chance". Also, it is really tiresome to continue to hear how we do not allow Gay kids either, when the policy is specifically aimed at leadership. The
  3. Pack; do not see anyone suggesting B.P., the original, did not make poor decisions or bad choices. Only saying that in this particular case, his pseudo namesake is way over the line; or at least that is how I see it based on his really ugly comments. JMO of course.
  4. BadenP: Every time you post your nasty comments on this subject, your theoretical namesake likely rolls over in his grave in Africa. Having his name attached to such bile must be very uncomfortable. For someone professing to be a Christian minister, I wonder why you cannot see your misperception.
  5. Take a look if you might be looking for somewhere not far from L.A. Besides summer camp, they are open to year round use. They do have snow in winter, though is always a roll of the dice. No fires in camp, but have a bowl. Also have other options if you want to invest a bit more, including cabins and dining hall. I will be up there all next week with my own unit and 3 provisional's. http://campthreefalls.blogspot.com/
  6. We have sold greenery at Christmas for many years, getting them until recently from Sherwood Forest. They had an excellent product and were very helpful; but they were inflexible on quantities and case lots. As the unit got smaller, we no longer were able to support their min's. After writing off the profit two years in a row because of the min's, we changed to Mickman in 2010. While we are not making huge profits, we have potential to increase, and Mickman is anxious to help however they can. We definitely would have more profit if we were closer to them though, as the adds about 20% to
  7. Please explain in non emotional terms why BSA should EVER change the atheist response. God, or specific spiritual belief beyond self, is part of BSA. That is simply the fact. If people do not like that specific element, then they simply can find other avenues. This constant "they need to change because we do not like this or that" is ridiculous. Just MHO of course, and I know there are individuals that somehow think this is wrong. So please, keep your insults or childish remarks to yourselves.
  8. Just wonder what the thoughts are on reincarnating district or community COH's like were common in the 50's and 60's. I remember them being very positive events in local papers, and also made us more aware of other units outside of COR. They often included skits or demo contests, and gave out most awards, including seniority, adult recognition's, and Eagle or Palms.
  9. "Scouting is not mandatory. If you don't like what it believes, go do something else that fits your beliefs. And if you don't live your life according to the tenents of Scouting's beliefs, don't expect to remain part of the organization. Simple." Just responding to Brewmeister Merlyn. Only tangentially connected to your original thread.
  10. Oh come on Brew'; that makes too much common sense. It is much better to complain and try and force them to change for you, rather than simply not associate with them. After all, it their right to make sure no widely recognized group can disagree or follow their own way without interference; even though they would complain if someone (actually have on occasion)suggests they should change their views. It really comes back to people being too full of themselves as I have noted numerous times. Back to preparing for camp and worrying about my own unit and its program. Do not have time
  11. If I remember correctly the union backed off pretty quickly, as they got very little sympathy or support, but lots of critcism. The very first project I encountered as SM was really different. He had noted broken and obscured street signs, or ones that turned around, as well as broken curbs and so on. He laid out a plot map with assigned sections for walkers or bike riders to survey, compiled it all into a master list, then put it on a master map. Lot of work that the city seemed thrilled to have. Of course, they barely followed up on most of the issues, which is sad. There was t
  12. Have been on and off RT staff and now have sort of had it dropped on me by the resignation of the leader. Have had fewer than a dozen, including staff and exec at the past few meetings. The only meetings at which we get a decent turnout are popcorn info night, which became the popcorn kickoff this past year, SFF setup and area coverage to avoid overlap if possible, and before recharter. Thinking we might be better off to go quarterly at a physical meeting and simply do on-line RT of some sort otherwise. Do like the idea of ALL units being part of the staff. We too have meeting overload is
  13. Basement: Both of those could be very time consuming, depending on the prep work and size of the areas. A wheel chair ramp needs to theoretically meet certain minimal standards in most states, and would need to be dug out and have forms constructed if cement, then be leveled to the correct slant. It also might need a special surface treatment. Having not seen the extent of course, cannot judge what you speak about. As far as mulching goes, it again can become a very labor intensive project, especially if done with scouts using hand tools. But, yes there are occasional really weak project
  14. Not sure what projects you saw, but in our district and council they average at least forty to fifty hours; some are well in excess of 100, while a few are extremely high and probably a bit over the top. Yes, a few likely come in around 20 or so, but not many. There is not actual amount, so it simply has to meet the intent and show leadership. Total hours also includes his own planning time.
  15. Actually are pretty good, though you need to actually follow up with practice and individual work. They definitely give viewers a basic grasp of the requirements.
  16. POSITION Im neither right nor left and certainly not center. To me to be among the silent majority means to be among the dead. And for me not two or ten or two hundred make up a minority. Every man is such because every man is different. If I met a man who looked like me and thought like me and walked and spoke like me and was in no way different from me only then would I consider slaying him for he would have stolen from me all those truths and all those lies I'd found out for myself. All the living that had brought me here that man wou
  17. Actually Merlyn, the standing issue likely will eventually reach the high court with the San Diego case. The lower court's ruling on standing is thin at best, and completely illogical (logic is not always used in these decisions obviously) in that the primary litigants "never" actually tried to use the facilities because the very idea of even dealing with the BSA would somehow cause them emotional trauma. Reality is that they would not have been turned away in the first place if they had actually applied; though their first choices may have been taken by others, including scout units. I jus
  18. Just experienced this a few weeks back when a scout, after finishing OA Ordeal and just staying the night for morning ride, walked across the area near my cot, then sat down on a log. It unnerved me because he pretty much did not respond, other than saying yes when I asked him if he was okay. I was just preparing to change some clothes before getting in my bag, and I was under the stars with a cot. It was like he was simply sitting there staring at me. He finally got up and went back to his bag and went to sleep; the others in the area were all under the stars too. Next morning he had no
  19. Ah yes; "citizens bring lawsuits". In most of these cases you can find a political and/or extremist group pushing it from the background, at least to start. Of course, I am not sure what it says about an individual if they are "so threatened by an idea or belief" that they need to sue in the first place. If you do not believe in something, then tune it out and move on; or find some other group with which to interact. The real problem is the development of a radically egocentric society. As long as people feel that "only their feelings or beliefs" are important, there will be frictio
  20. Made me smile; thanks. Was looking forward to an Uncle Dan type individual wearing a 1920's style uniform.(This message has been edited by skeptic)
  21. Thanks; I will mention it to the assistant SE. Not sure where they are at on this, as almost anything new has to be brought to their attention by one of us before they make any effort to work with it or explain. They are understaffed, and under funded, like many, and so the ones there are over worked and always putting out fires.
  22. We still do not have the complete freedom from extra permits locally in our council. I was told again today that we still have to file them as in the past, even if within the local council and less than 500 miles. So, we still have to print and take to the office, or fax. Wonder why the local council could not simply be added as a recipient of the on-line form. Then someone there could record it when they get it. But reality is that most plans/permits are not far enough out to be checked before an activity; so faxing or taking it in is still the best way for it to be on file there.
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