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Everything posted by scoutldr

  1. National Organizations Partner to Launch National Preparedness Month For Immediate Release Press Office Contact: 202-282-8010 August 10, 2004 The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS), The America Prepared Campaign, the American Red Cross, the National Association of Broadcasters and the U.S. Department of Education have joined a coalition of more 50 national organizations to engage Americans in emergency preparedness by launching National Preparedness Month on September 9. The launch event at the United States Capitol is co-chaired by Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Jo
  2. Eamonn is correct...the DE's primary job is to help the volunteers make Quality District. His piece of that is to generate more youth members, more units and more money (from corporate donors). Everything else should be covered by a volunteer...it's the District Chairman's job to see to that. As a former professional member of these boards was fond of saying, however, "What the volunteers won't do, the Professionals must." I have had a similar problem...when I wasn't doing the job the way the DE thought it should be done, he would step in and "take care of it." My response to that is to s
  3. JimmyD said, "I disagree with swimming and life saving with being required because some people can't swim. Lifesaving can be diffcuilt especially if the kid is out of shape." Scoutldr replies, "Well, duhhhh." I guess we'll "Be Prepared"...as long as it's not too hard.
  4. It sounds like you all need a refresher in role delineation. The CM does not hire and fire the CC or committee members. The COR does. The CM's job is to 1) Emcee the pack meetings and 2) Recruit and mentor the corps of Den Leaders, making sure that the Dens are doing their thing. These CM and CC are two distinct roles. Committee work should not done by the CM and DLs (unless they are dual registered).
  5. Just make sure it's your own handwriting!
  6. Paleontology...I like it but we'd be outvoted by the creationists who think that whole dinosaur thing is a scam. I do think that Cooking, Swimming, and Lifesaving ought to be returned to the Eagle required list (no either/or choices)
  7. All those patches would sure look good on the back of an orange jumpsuit! It would clash with the red jacket, tho...yuk.
  8. You guys are starting to sound like Wheeler! Cut it out!
  9. People frequently ask me "why are you not happy"? Most think I'm depressed and need to be on drugs. I do not. I get extremely frustrated by those who waste what little time I may have left on this Earth by their ignorance, stupidity, laziness, carelessness, thoughtlessness, and selfishness. Even more so as I approach the big 5-0 in September. I recently came across a quote that I think answers the question very well...and is a lesson that our children are missing completely...and that depresses me. "The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be c
  10. Since someone seemed interested, El Paso Natural Gas is a publicly held company. I am a stockholder. If this deal goes through, I will make about 3 bucks. The big winners will be those whose mutual funds and pension plans invest in this company...probably some or most of those on this board, unless you ensure you invest only in "green" companies. It was formerly a subsidiary of Tenneco, Inc, (formerly Tennessee Gas Transmission Co, stock symbol TGT) which also owned Monroe Automotive (shock absorbers and mufflers), Hefty (plastic bags), Newport News Shipbuilding (aircraft carriers and subm
  11. Marksmanship MB, 1967. The rifle range was run by a Marine Corporal, who might as well have been a General in our eyes. Shooting was done on mattresses from all positions...no resting allowed. We were allowed to bring our own rifles and ammo. Spent the first day or two "sighting in"...then we learned how to shoot from an expert. By the end of the week, we could shoot the left wing off a fly at 50 meters. Still my favorite MB. We also qualified for the NRA Safe Hunter patch at the same time.
  12. In all likelihood, if the NG deposits are that close, then Philmont is prime property, too. Wait until National puts 2 and 2 together. Does this mean no more popcorn??? It may be worth it! The same objections were raised over the Alaska pipeline...but recent studies have shown that the pipeline itself has had little or no effect on the wildlife. A previous poster made a good point. The whole reason Philmont exists is because of Big Oil profits (Phillips Petroleum). Don't be so quick to bite the hand... Personally, I think the US needs to do whatever we need to do to become ener
  13. Not to be confused with a "skill award" which was a belt loop.
  14. Howdy, Pardner! Welcome to the campfire! Grab a cuppa joe and pull up a log! We're a friendly bunch, mostly, but we ARE opinionated! Just keep a thick skin and remember we're all here for the same reason...the boys (and Venturers). There are a few youth here too, so we try hard to behave.
  15. According to the insignia guide, it is "legal" to wear temporary patches on the back of the MB sash. Nothing is permitted to be added to the OA sash. My temp patches are in shoe boxes in the closet, and when I die, my sons will probably sell them for 5 bucks at the yard sale, since they mean nothing to anyone but me. I wear one temp patch on my uniform shirt...a 1966 patch from our council camp...the first year I attended. I do have a red wool jac-shirt with my 50 miler patch on the right pocket, but that's it. The darn thing keeps shrinking, though!
  16. Sounds like retesting to me, Ed. Then what if he can't do it? Does he fail the BOR?
  17. I don't disagree, acco. But the Eagle is the only "rank" that you wear until you die. "Once an Eagle, always an Eagle", but you're a Second Class only until you earn the next rank or turn 18, whichever comes first. I guess the "gatekeeper" for all of this is the Scoutmaster. We need to be a lot more circumspect in signing off the "Scout Spirit" requirement. Speaking from personal experience, the SS requirement is only viewed in the Scouting context. It doesn't matter that he is failing 3 classes and was given in-school suspension for misbehavior three times this semsester...as long a
  18. We had a similar problem with raccoons at our council camp...no fear of humans and ravaging tents and troop supplies at night, even with us adults snoring loudly. This year there were none. Allegedly the ranger had "trapped" them all and removed them to some other property. I suspect they were sent to raccoon heaven...the Ranger doesn't strike me as being a PETA supporter. Either way, we didn't have a coon problem this year...everyone's candy stash was safe. I agree with the others...if things are so dangerous that camp staff must be armed...I would think that the camp would be closed
  19. Were these the local "public" newspaper? If so, unless the papers were removed one at a time for 50 cents each, it was theft, and the ISU campus cops should be looking to arrest the perps of that crime as well. Were these the ISU student paper (unlikely this time of year)? Or were these the NOAC newspaper? A similar thing happened here...the local University student newspaper obtained the salaries of all faculty members via the FOIA and published them. Within hours of distribution (in free racks all over campus), all of the papers mysteriously disappeared. The University claimed t
  20. Umm, that would have been me. Based on the fact that the little box that the medal comes in has "Eagle Scout Award" on it. You are correct that the Eagle Scout "Rank" is referred to throughout BSA literature...even on the "Application for Eagle Scout Rank". Perhaps the "Award" refers to the medal itself. I don't think it's worth arguing over. Personally, I don't like the term "rank" used in the BSA context. That implies that responsibility and authority are vested in the rank, rather than in the POR. I know many Eagles in troops where the SPL is a Life. The Eagle "rank" should
  21. And you should be fined for violating the noise ordinance. Just like the gangsta rapper should be who is blasting obscene lyrics into my car (and kids' ears) from the next lane at the stop light. One man's "good news" is another man's obnoxious noise. Both have rights to the "quiet enjoyment" of their environment. What a great country!
  22. The Priest of the Catholic church in my neighborhood will have nothing to do with Scouting. Won't even let me use a classroom for adult training. New Priest came in...same policy. Meanwhile, the Catholic church 2 miles away actually charters a Pack and Troop. The Priest is an Eagle Scout and sits on Eagle Boards for candidates from their troop. Why the difference in policy, especially in the same diocese whose Bishop is Scout-friendly?(This message has been edited by scoutldr)
  23. Must be like those cabins at camp that no one is allowed to use, except the Professionals and selected Good Ole' Boys/Girls.
  24. I'm not a Catholic, nor do I play one on TV, but I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express once. My understanding of the Catholic theology is that "practicing" homosexuality is a sin, but if one confesses, repents and takes a vow of celibacy, you are welcomed into the Priesthood. Again, it's the behavior, not the orientation.
  25. What I see going on, not only in Scouting, but in society, is a push on the part of parents to "protect" their kids from ever failing or being unhappy. I was speaking with a friend yesterday, who described their troop meetings as totally run and planned by the troop committee. Every moment is planned and orchestrated, even to the point of having MB counsellors (who belong to that troop only) come to the meeting. During "Merit Badge" time, the scouts run to line up at the appropriate table and "hand in their stuff" to the counsellor who then gives them their assignment for the next week. At
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