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Everything posted by scoutldr

  1. The Pack Committee operates the Pack, not the CM. The committee needs to start scheduling monthly Pack meetings, and then have them...with or without him. If he doesn't show up, have an Assistant CM run the meeting. One person should not have the power to derail the entire Pack program. Just work around him.
  2. In this city, if I want to use a school for a Scouting function, all I have to do is fill out a form and have it approved by the building Principal, and the Superintendant's office. So far, if the space has not already been claimed by another group, I have had no problem. Schools throughout the city are being used by Packs, Troops, Dens, Training, Roundtables, etc. It's free of charge unless it's on a weekend, then there's a fee for the custodian to be there. In some schools, the cafeteria is a church on Sunday mornings. The taxpayer funded buildings are there for the public's use...inclu
  3. Is it that kids are less well-behaved, or that adults are less interested in exerting control and discipline, lest some kid's self-esteem get bruised? Your basic 8 year old boy has changed little over the years...if allowed to run amuck, they will. If that energy is properly corralled and their hands kept busy with firm and consistent expectations, they will respond. We had an entire Webelos den join our small Troop this year. The same phenomenon is happening...parents bring their sons and then pull up a chair and sit for 90 minutes around the edge of the room. It definitely changes t
  4. Most of us have had sexual harassment training at work...this is analogous. An insult is whatever the receiver decides it is. Therefore, the only proper thing to do is to treat others with respect at all times.
  5. That someONE would be the Pack Trainer, formerly known as "Den Leader Coach"...this is a resource that many Districts and Council Training Committees are ignoring, and a lot of Packs still don't recognize. Their role is to deliver the basic training to new leaders in their Packs and then to provide ongoing support. I am experiencing resistance in my own Council...seems like the other Trainers don't want to "let go" of the training and entrust it to people at the unit level. "How can we ensure quality control?"... So, instead we plod along with a 20-30% training rate, but at least we know it
  6. Not sure I understand your question, Dan.
  7. Most of this is covered in SM-specific training. If you haven't had it, it should be next on your agenda.
  8. My council has an "Eagle Log"...a register of all the Eagles ... it is open to anyone who cares to look at it...I found my own name listed. Your council may have something similar. What you do with the information is up to you...I would just file it away in the back of my mind and recognize that the person has some problems. You may want to verify all of the names on the plaque...just to be sure you have everyone.(This message has been edited by scoutldr)(This message has been edited by scoutldr)
  9. At least the CVC is planning a new camp, provided their capital campaign is successful. I can't help but wonder how many years it will take...
  10. The one in Irving is by R. Tait Mackenzie, and was presented by the Philadelphia Council when the BSA was located in New Brunswick, NJ. You might try contacting the curator at the National Scouting Museum.
  11. Sorry about that. Try cutting and pasting the whole link into your browser.
  12. Colonial Virginia Council http://www.dailypress.com/news/local/williamsburg/dp-00424sy0oct20,0,4849841.story
  13. Depending on what you have and how old they are, some could be quite valuable to a collector. Suggest the first step should be to catalog them and look them up in a Scout Collectibles price guide to get an idea of what you have. Another suggestion...at our OA Fall Fellowship every year, we have a patch auction of donated memorabilia.
  14. If that's what the crew wants, it's fine.
  15. Dear Troop 53, September 21, 2004 I am writing to thank you for your most generous gift of a "Pocket American Flag". Unfortunately, in the deserts of Afghanistan where I am stationed it is often very hot, which causes us to sweat through our uniforms. Because of this, I decided not to keep the flag in my pocket, but instead hung it on the wall in my room in our new barracks. I tell you, when you are so far from those beautiful seas of Iowa corn, when there is nothing around for miles but grey desert waste
  16. The DE's serving the same council as I wear "business clothes" (shirt and tie) to meetings as often or more so than I see them in uniform. At camp, they are always in uniform. Doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason...I just thought that was what they did. I have NEVER seen the SE in uniform. In fact, we very rarely see him at all.
  17. Yeah, I know the "book version", too. That's the same thing the book says about the Training Committee. In reality, it didn't work that way, and yours' truly got stuck doing ALL the training. That's the main reason I'm looking to change jobs after 2 years. Being in a military community with highly transient people, it's rare to be able to find a "staff" who will be around long enough to actually learn the job and be useful. So, I'm looking at this with an eye toward, "would I be willing to do it myself if I have to?" Being Day Camp director is a definite "no way." Just heard from a fell
  18. As I recall, the discussion got quite heated. IMHO, the reason for the rule is that the killing of other humans, even though simulated, violates several points of the Scout Oath and Law. Somehow 12 year olds never see it that way.
  19. Hmmmm...Cub Day Camp. That could be a deal-breaker. We traditionally have a heck of a time finding Day Camp Directors and staff. One of the districts had to cancel Day Camp last year as a last resort. You have to find not only someone willing and eager, but who also doesn't have a day job. That narrows the field significantly.
  20. I have been asked to consider becoming chair of our District Camping Committee. Our District is only 2 years old, and we have never had a Camping Committee. What little I know tells me the committee works closely with the OA chapter, promotes camping among the units, and supports the Council Camping Committee dealing with camp properties. Is there a more complete job description? Anything else I should know? I've been told that planning Camporees comes under the Activities Committee, not Camping.
  21. What is your location? Your method sounds a bit different from what the BSA normal methods are in the US. (This message has been edited by a staff member.)
  22. Well, the federal minimum wage is 5.15 per hour. The pay for staff should start there and go up based on skills required and experience. (not age...that's illegal). I have had many young scouts whom I have encouraged to apply for camp staff. The first year, they are expected to work for free as a CIT. Then they get paid peanuts. The excuse is they get free room and board (a tent and a corn dog at the dining hall), too, so that equates to minimum wage or better. The kids laugh at me. Even MacDonalds can do better than that, and these kids need money for cars and college. "It's t
  23. http://www.as-e.com/products_solutions/z_backscatter.asp Similar to the unit used to x-ray your briefcase at the airport, only on a much larger scale.
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