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Everything posted by scoutingagain

  1. OneHour, Just curious. What support did the school give your Pack that you will not get if you change charter organizations? There should be no reason you shouldn't be able to continue to meet at the school, unless the school doesn't allow any other group to meet there, or has restrictions on what types of groups can use the facilities. SA
  2. Just posting an observation I had during the boy scout recruiting day we had in town recently. The two cub packs and two boy scout troops in town set up displays in the town center and had advertised the event in local papers. We built an observation tower with logs & lashings, there was a pinewood derby track, mock campsites, etc. all layed out in the middle of town. We didn't get many direct signups for Boys Scouts, but I understand the packs did pretty well. The Boy Scout stuff helped attract attention to the event. We could have probably signed up about a half dozen girls un
  3. "it was pushed to the brink by the ACLU, and given a choice between allowing a gay public figure to also be a Scout leader or removing that man it was forced to choose with what it viewed as the moral choice." Tordog, as I understand it, the ACLU was not involved in this case until after the BSA revoked Mr. Dale's membership. I agree, the BSA was pushed to the brink, but it wasn't by the ACLU. SA
  4. As an adult scouter, my limited experience with wearing the uniform in public, is that it is a magnet for moms of boys between the ages 6-17 and you get all the helpful advice you could ever want. SA
  5. I know I'm late to the discussion but I have enjoyed reading it. Welcome to the fray, Gawin. I had forgotten what this thread was started on. The discussion as to what God knows and when he knows it versus the idea of free will seems, well, to me stretched at best. I agree with those that say we cannot know how God percieves things, what He/She knows. God is omnipotent and we are not. I must disagree with the idea that if God knows what we will do there cannot be free will. This presumes there in only one future to be known. There may be a million or billion or infinite numb
  6. Wow. I have often thought one of the most popular venues at a summer camp would be the "Scoutmaster's Pub" if one could open one. Now I know one can go to England to find one! SA
  7. As others have said..Wow. I really have nothing to add that hasn't been said. I just wanted to thank all that posted to this thought provoking thread, however it meandered, and to compliment all on their decorum in discussing a sensitive topic. SA
  8. Miki, I stand corrected. I was in Westminster Abbey about 6 years ago when I noticed a group of British Scouts taking photos of a marker. I was curious since photos were not supposed to be allowed. I wandered over to see what they were taking a picture of and it was a marker for Baden Powell. Apparently the Scouts had gotten special permission to take pictures of the marker. I just assumed it was the real deal. Still, nice to know he was so honored. SA
  9. In another thread there is an ongoing discussion about how limiting parental participation may be a recruiting issue. In the course of discussion it has been noted that all activities are open to parental observation, however OGE noted that a class 5 whitewater trip might not be for everyone. It has also been noted on some outings, i.e. Philmont, National Jamboree, that adult participation is limited. How does one limit adult participation without restricting a parents ability to observe? How would a concerned parent observe a Philmont crew? I'm wondering because I may have to pro
  10. " his mother would have insisted that he be buried in Westminster Abbey with all of the other legends in British history." His mother must have insisted, because I do believe he is buried in "Westminster Abbey with all of the other legends in British history." Interesting discussion. SA
  11. For the record, I would stay. I would not totally agree with everthing in the press release but on balance I would feel the program offers enough benefits to my son and other youth that I would stay involved at the local level. But that's the situation I'm in now. I don't totally agree with the National membership policy, but am willing to live with it for the sake of the overall benefits the program offers. SA
  12. I tend to agree with OGE. You can't please everyone, and if no one else is willing to volunteer what can happen? If someone else wants to step up to the plate, you can split your den as you suggested. I would tell the Cubmaster your sorry to hear that feedback and if he could identify specific concerns you would be willing to review them to see if changes need to be made. If there's nothing specific, there's nothing you can do at this point. Keep up the good work and don't let those that would complain and not help out ruffle your feathers. SA
  13. Acco and PackSaddle, If I read your posts correctly you would advocate that the BSA become a public institution teaching citizeship and the ideals of the constitution. What about the issues of faith and reverence as the BSA has historically included? ie. " Duty to God?" and " A Scout is Reverent" Where would these fit into a public scouting organization with membership open to a secular public? Are we willing to drop the religious aspects of scouting to be able to have special access to public facilities? Asking for the purposes of discussion. If scouting became a public insitu
  14. Well welcome Dad Now, glad to have another Yankee onboard and I don't mean Yankee fan. I agree with DNET's post as well. No one is saying the BSA has done anything wrong here or is guilty. But the public image of the BSA has taken a pretty big hit and I believe it will effect fundraising at both the national level and the unit level, at least for the short term. It is also likely to effect near term recruting efforts. We had 9 Webelos cross over about a month ago. At our meeting this week we had 6 Moms show up to observe the meeting. Prior to this week, other than the adult leader t
  15. Seems to me the parents have found a very good solution to address their concerns. If the policy has been explained to the parents correctly, seems to me you will end up with those scouts whose parents don't wish to be actively involved in the troop. This may make the short term logistics of outings easier, but long term it sounds like a plan for Troop extinction. I'd have to go along with the others and suggest this policy of limited participation be revisited. Challenge the parents with finding ways where all can be accomodated, or run more trips. Glad to hear the troop is so
  16. This is a major embarrasment to the organization. I agree with the statements orennoah made. As a scout you not only represent yourself, but the organization as well. Mr. Smith let us all down big time. He may not be convicted of a crime yet, but as BW indicates he's reportedly pleaded guilty, and the press has release some pretty convincing information. JackO has a better chance of being aquitted than this guy. I was hoping this would stay within the print media, and internet but it made the morning news shows this morning. My son saw this and and just uttered an expletive. He's a
  17. As far as I know, no one is talking about requiring individual units to accept gay members. Individual units are allowed to discriminate based on gender and religion so there's no reason they shouldn't be allowed to discriminate based on sexual preference as well. All most are asking, is that sexual preference be put in the same category as gender and religion, i.e. allow for a local option. So as a parent, you could choose to join a unit that allowed gay leaders to be members or not. So the proper question to ask is what would parents do if a charter was granted to another unit that did a
  18. Way to go! Congradulations to you and your son. SA
  19. "A few unit commanders after the fact said they wanted more troops, but the top brass who are the professionals had everything they asked for prior to the military action. " Sorry Torveaux, with all due respect, you'll need verifiable sources to support that statement as well. I recall a certain high ranking General being asked to resign shortly after testifying to Congress BEFORE the war that we would need several hundred thousand troops and likely be Iraq for several years. Other high ranking military leaders have expressed concerns regarding the level of planning and resources alloca
  20. "...it certainly creates fresh new ground for lawsuits, if nothing else. " If that's the case, perhaps the bill should be renamed the Save our Scouts and Employ Our Constitutional Lawyers Act. SA
  21. I've mentioned this before but I guess this thread allows me to make the observation again. Now I'm all for a full uniform and do what I can to encourage it. However, based on observation, it appears to be the uniform pants are not widely accepted. I don't know if that is a truth or a fact, it is my observation. We may whine and complain uselessly on this forum but many others have made their opinion known by not buying or wearing the pants. I was recently at a District MBU. Over 300 scouts and probably 50 - 75 adult leaders. While almost all were wearing an official uniform shirt, le
  22. PrairieScouter, The BSA doesn't say that those who don't believe in God can't be good citizens. I believe the wording is more like to be the "best" kind of citizen requires a belief in God and doing one's best is fully consistent with the scout oath. I think you will see a change on the issue of gay leadership long before there is a change, if ever, on the issue of religion. SA
  23. "I do plan on stepping back and letting my son find his place. But I also plan on knowing as much as I can to encourage and protect him. I do not want to do it for him, I get more satisfaction when he does things for himself. " " I'm not part of the program, just a parent who is willing to do whatever is needed. " kittle, Good to hear from you. So far you've gotten good advice so I won't add to it. But based on the two statements above, it seems to me you have the makings of a great scout parent. Good luck to you and your son. SA
  24. As advancement chair, MB counselor and DAD I basically take the same approach. I will act as counselor for my own son, only when the MB involves a small group of scouts, and whenever possible hand him off to another adult for the purposes of confirming requirements, as indicated, demonstrate, show, discuss, explain, etc. The other counselors involved with the Troop with sons, accept this approach as well. I've never had a parent ask if they can act as a counselor for their own son. I have, on occasion, asked for documentation from a parent that their son has done a specific requirement,
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