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Everything posted by scoutingagain

  1. Well let's not forget the most influential person on the US economy for the last 20 years or so. Alan Greenspan. I suspect Trev is looking for influential folks who are outside an occupation already in public service and did not intend to slight those that already are. That's how I read his post. In that instance I might say Oprah Winfrey. SA
  2. I agree with others that this is an activity that can be done safely, under the right supervision and set up. Our scouts had an opportunity to do this at High Knoll and all enjoyed it, so did the adults that participated. However, these were all scouts that were at least 13 years old. Based on the age guidelines in the G2SS, it seems if having Webelos participate in this event would be questionable. (But this certainly isn't the only area of the G2SS that provides questionable guidance.) One word of caution though. If any unit does this, or participates in this at a camporee, summ
  3. "I do agree that the more liberals who don't like her, the better I like her " Ironically I think the main reason some conservatives don't her like is because some Democrats do. I mean if she was on the Democrat's OK list, there must be something wrong with her. Like Acco, I frankly don't know enough about her to have an opinion. I would have to agree with Kahuna. All I want is a Judge that will ojectively decide a case based on what the law says and the facts presented and arguments made at the time of the case and not impose their own ideology. There can't be a litmus test as t
  4. Welcome jdavey, I will confess this is weak response. I can't help you with ideas for woodworking. Anything I ever did woodworking wise always looked like my junior high school woodshop project. MB couselor wise I can give you a couple of tips. First, if you are working with a group, keep in mind the MB requirements are for individuals so don't give group credit for things like..."discuss with your counselor..." or "demonstrate". These are things each scout should do to earn the MB. Second is, as a counselor you can decide what is acceptable in terms of meeting the requirements
  5. "You wouldn't believe the shouting match over the Scout Sunday and following Pancake Breakfast conflicting with the Cub Scouts Blue and Gold weekend." I really don't know what to say other than I don't have the patience for the behavior described above among scouts let alone adults. Our unit is blessed with a really good group of adults/parents that really enjoy each other's company. We don't always agree but usually come to an amicable consensus on issues. I can honestly say I don't think I would partipate with the group described here. If my son wanted to stay with the unit I'd supp
  6. There's alot of good suggestions here but I generally agree there is nothing wrong with presenting ideas and I agree with EagleinKY that the best approach might be through the SM or the Committee. Having your nephew bring up ideas is not a bad way to go either. The approach may vary depending on to what degree the troop is Boy Led. I was in a similar position 4-5 years ago. The unit was in a rut camping in the same places they had gone to the last 3-4 years doing the same things. Given this history the Boy leadership at that time had no other experiences. I asked the committee has t
  7. Brent, We may live in two different worlds. Here in the Northeast most non-union contractors pay as much or more than union contractors...for the skilled trades. They have to, otherwise they'd go off join the union and work union projects. Non-union contractors do have an advantage though, since they do not have to live up to union labor rules, which as you have pointed out can be restrictive. For the record I'm neither pro or con with respect to labor unions. Have worked on both sides. Be that as it may, my greater issue is less the Davis-Bacon Issue than the suspension of pen
  8. OK Longhaul, I'm confused. There is nothing in the YP or G2SS that I am aware of that would prevent an 18 year old male, and 17 year old female who happened to be members of the same Venture Crew from having a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship. Of course they can't share a tent and couldn't even if they were both youth members on an outing. But there is nothing that says they can't go to the Prom together or have a relationship outside scouting. SA
  9. Scotiacat, I'm from Mass as well, and the answer to your questions 2, 3 & 4 are yes, yes and yes. However 4 is unlikely unless the Church were to declare Bankruptcy and a Judge order those assets to be allocated to a group other than the Pack. As long as the Church wishes to charter a Pack and controls its own funds, there would be no reason to believe the assets the Pack uses would be at risk. However, if the Pack were to disband, the Church could lay claim to the assets assuming they knew they existed. SA
  10. Davis-Bacon only requires employers pay the "prevailing wage", which for practical purposes is the prevailing union wage. It does not require contractors use union labor or comply with union labor rules. It is not uncommon for non-union contractors bid on, win and complete work under Davis-Bacon requirements. In fact, in some areas where some labor categories are in short supply, the "prevailing union wage" is actually lower than the current market wage. Electricians are a good example. Most are reluctant to work on projects covered by Davis-Bacon because they can make more $$ on projects
  11. The following is just my opinion but...I think the chartering concept is pretty clear. While many COs are pretty hands off, and may have little knowledge of day to day activities of a unit or their financial activities, if push came to shove... I think all assets of a BSA unit would be awarded to the CO. Now, as Kahuna has pointed out there may be ways around having the CO as owner. Setting of a separate entity that "lends" the equipment to the unit or having individuals purchase equipment they allow the unit to use. As a practical matter though, many units have their own accounts,(w
  12. I havn't seen anyone talk about closing the borders. What most of us are asking is to control the borders and control immigration. My frustration is not with those that come here to seek a better life. Heck if I could earn 5X - 10X my current salary in Canada, I'd probably think about working north of the border for a few years myself, and I'm not starving and have a roof over my head. My frustration is with the sheer incompetence of the current administration. By suspending the Davis Bacon act and not penalizing employers that hire "undocumented" workers for the clean up of Katrina and R
  13. We consider 18 year olds to be Adults. On or shortly after their 18th Birthday, they are given the "talk". Their new status is explained to them and their responsibilities and they are asked to complete an Adult Leader application and encouraged to attend adult training. They are encouraged to remain active, and participate in outings, training younger scouts, etc. in a role appropriate for their age. Yes all the adult guidelines in G2SS and YPT apply. However there is nothing in those documents that I am aware of that would prevent an individual from participating in fundraising activiti
  14. "(at which time the liberals will be the first to scream about the government not controlling the borders)." The current administation has pretty much opened our southern border to all commers that are willing to pick up a mop and pail to clean up New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. I agree, we'll all be more secure once those bleeding heart liberals currently occupying the White House out. SA
  15. In this day and age I think the owner is asking a very prudent question and FScouter has given the best answer. SA
  16. I didn't know whether to resurrect this thread, post this under the Katrina response thread or the America thread, since that touched on immigration issues as well. But I thought I'd share this information on how this Administation is dealing with the immigration issue as well as Katrina Response. "To stimulate relief efforts, President Bush suspended portions of the Davis-Bacon Act, which requires that construction workers on federal projects be paid the prevailing local wage. Then the Department of Homeland Security said it would not penalize employers who hired illegal worke
  17. To be honest, if I was the owner, I'd consider requiring the scouts and/or their parents sign a permission slip holding the owner harmless. I don't know how valid it would be, but it is pretty standard fare when dealing with private outfittters, tourguides or other businesses. SA
  18. While working in the UK several years ago, I was able to easily understand the natives and had occaision to visit some of our facilities in Holland and found the Dutch speak a very acceptable form of American like English. However, I had some difficulty understanding the Scots. If they're speaking English it's not any form of English I'm used to. The Scots I ran into though we're by and large friendlier and more outgoing than their Engish counterparts. The only other so called English speaking folks I've had difficulty understanding is on a project outside Baton Rouge, LA which from
  19. "although it's very rude to speak foreign languages among ourselves when we know there are people who don't understand what we are saying in offices and close spaces like elevators" So how many Americans does anyone know, that when travelling in a non-English speaking country, speak in the host country's language for the benefit of those that don't speak English? SA
  20. If your looking for a first time backpacking high adventure trek I can highly recommend the High Knoll Adventure at the Blue Ridge Mountains Scout Reservation. See http://www.bsa-brmc.org/pdfs/forms/camp/camppromo/hk.pdf Our unit participated in this adventure this past summer and had a great time. We covered 45 miles or so in 5 days and had an opportunity to participate in activities at each camp we stopped at similar to Philmont. Scouts and adults had a great time. We had not done any backpacking for years and to get ready we did a couple of short overnighters, 1-2 miles away fro
  21. Rooster, I agree with much of what you said. There's certainly nothing wrong with being proud to be American or to be proud of one's faith or pride in our Nation's history. I feel pride in all those things. I choose not to express my pride in my country, faith or history in the manner the author did. SA
  22. Rooster, I don't normally correct spelling. But as one of Slovak decent I couldn't help but notice the reference to Chezc? I believe you mean Czech, or is there some other Eastern European country with a C & Z in it? The Slovaks I know think Czechs should learn to speak proper Slovak. And yes, may God bless the USA, and Merry Christmas, although I believe a Happy Yom Kippur is more timely. And I'm sorry, if a disorganized rant is somehow meant to be a critique of politically correct revisionist history, I must still confess, I didn't make that connection. SA
  23. Well I read the article and can't figure out what it's about. It goes from expressions of patriotism to immigration to an issue about "In God We Trust" on our money to respect for the flag to the ACLU. I have never heard anyone complain about expressions of US patriotism. I know some folks from other countries that are somewhat suprised at our level of national pride, because it's not as openly expressed in their home country, but have never heard them complain about ours. I live in "liberal" Massachusetts. Like we're somehow worse than other liberals. But after 9/11 the flag h
  24. We do the same as www_Dan. We have also elected a separate high adventure crew leader who helps with long term planning for a high adventure activity. SA
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