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Everything posted by Scoutfish

  1. BALOO is for PACK CAMPING , not den level camping. A Webelos DL does not have to have BALOO to take his den camping . Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders (OWL) is recommended, but not required. BALOO doesn't really add any value to a Webelos den camping, especially if at a joint troop function. It mostly deals with making sure that you plan for everybody at a pack campout including brothers who are not cub scouts and sisters who really are not cub scouts. It keeps you mindful of mom and dad being there also. BALOO is making sure you do a family campout that has a bit
  2. This year was the first time we sold camp cards. I had asked our DE about it the year before, and he kinda told me he didn't think it would go over that well. He said we should stick to popcorn in his un-official opinion. He said that popcorn was a far better fundraiser and camp cards generally did not do so well. WEll, this year, I sold my pack on it mostly because....well...popcorn sucks and it's not a good deal at all. The DE said we should maybe only order 100 because most troops in our district only sell 200 or so cards. No other pack sold them. We asked the council fo
  3. When my son was 4 or 5, he wanted to play soccer. So we joined a county soccer league. His coach was awesome. She was great witrh the boys and girls and she was more about the learning and trying and participating than anything else. WEll, game day was always on a Saturday at one of the centralized county parks. Now realize, this park was a county park. Soccer firleds, baseball fields, swings, slides, open fields, walking trails , basketball and tennis courts. So when you showed up Saturday morning, the first thing you were greeted by was a person sitting in a chair at th
  4. Okay, I am not completel;y sure I understand your question, so I will give two different ideas that could be along the lines of what you ask: 1) I have seen Male parents walk up to a female DL and a male committee member..and even though the female was in charge - they turn to the male and ask about the activity, rules, etc.... 2) A for difference in mentality, I also do know this: When mom take the boys to resident camp, parent son weekend, or pack camping - they bring the usual stuff, but also a bag with shower soap, toiwels, shampoo, fingernail clippers, and such. Dad'
  5. Yes...no....maybe? The pendulum ios on the opposite side of the swing. Used to be a time when an eptileptic was yelled at for having fits. Dyslexics where just thought to be dumb or trouble makers. No consideration for anything that was slightly off for you. Either you were okay or you were "retarded". Speaking of "retarded"...how many were sent away to institutions because it was a black mark on a families name to have a less than stellar child. So alot of great stuff is out there, but unfortunatly, it is also at a time that we are full of the opinion that " it
  6. Welcome to a website full of your peers. W all were you at one time: we did, we volunteered, we were/are active with our kids. So, it's not so much what you will do ( because if you are like us - you will do it all anyways ), but how you will do it. That's where the boks come in. As far as being just like everybody else,don't! Be yourself. So far it is working an is an asset!
  7. I'd say the SE was being too strict and applying the rule too much. Ity didn't sound like the scout ( based on your post) made any reference to the uniform or scouting. But at the same time, BSA will readily tell you how many presidents and/or politicians who were scouts and who were Eagles. Hmmmmm?
  8. Never heard of it. We used to use PackMaster and it was okay, but then they went from a download from disk to your computer to being an online program. Glitches, issues, problems aplenty! We decided to scrap a $100.00 a year program that didn't work over 80% of the time and started using traxx instead. Dens use tiger traxx , wolftraxx, beartraxx, etc... They print out advancement and give it to our advancement/awards chair who in turn puts it on scoutnet. He sends it to the scout shop and national at the same time. Haven't had a problem since. Matter of fact, we
  9. " This is what I was thinking, but I figured it goes part-n-parcle with being a Webelos so why call it out specifically? Maybe trying to emphasize that they are different than Tiger/Wolf/Bear?" Yeah, they are - somewhat. In Webelos, you do not have free reign as a boy scout, but you are at a point where you are learning how to be a boy scout: Scout oath, scout law, scout promise, scout motto and salute. You no longer work on electives or requirements for rank. Instead you work on activity badges which is akin to working on merit badges, Parents can no longer sign off on
  10. I'd say secure is not limited to buying. Securing means you "get" the ingredients. A scout is also thrifty. If his dad has a big garden, and has corn, and one of the ingredients is corn on te cob, and the scout brings it..then he secured it for the requirement. Likewise if dad is a butcher, or nighbor is a baker, etc..... If the scout was supposed to "buy" the ingredients, it would say "buy" , not secure. As for "All or nothing" , I say that the SC does not have the right to make this call. He would be changing the requirements or adding to them in that they all have to be
  11. Moose, " Then something like Extra marrital flings after age 25, wife swapping is only after the age of 30.. " Would this require the EDGE methood?
  12. The item actually says: "Help organize Webelos dens and encourage graduation into a Boy Scout troop." Okay, kinda vague, but I take it to mean help them get organized - not create one. By organzining, it more to mean help the Webelos den transition from being like Tiger, Wolf, and Bear dens into slowly becoming boy scouts. Things liek letting the boys vote on a patrol name, flag, patch. Let the boys have more input on camping activities or places for when they camp as a den. Work WITH the Webelos DL in setting up meetings with thetroop, joint acttivities and se
  13. "Tiger, Wolves, and Bears have den names. The Webelos don't, because the way I see it they can choose their own den name, much like a Boy Scout patrol chooses a name." Actually, they do have a den name. It's called a Webelos den. They can choose to use a different name , almost like a boy scout patrol does. But they are still a den. They are in no way considered a patrol. If they choose "cobras" as an example, then they can be refered to as the Cobra den. They can use a cobra patrol patch in place of their den number patch, but are still called dens. Unofficially,
  14. I used to hate the mansions...well, I still do , but see them as a necessary evil. If I do not buy a hammok, I wiull buy a mansion just for the fact I can set a cot in there and a chair too. I'm tired of the sore back I get from hunching over to put on a shirt or that para-breakdance move that I do when putting on pants: First you lay on your back and stick your feet straight up. Then try to put your pants on. But your arms a a bit too short, so you assume a ski jump stance - just flat on your back. Then as your pants are bunched up around your thigfhts, you put your feet down and ar
  15. While you can no doubt, not pin point all the woes of our current education on any one cause...I have noticed that many schools now ponder wether to even have recess anymore. Back when I was in school, students did have a better shot at learbning, we also had an entire hour to play, plus we got an hour for lunch, and a short break during the day. So, lets take young kids, stick them in a chair all day without stretching their legs, and have a teacher drone on and on and on. No free time, no break, no chance to unwind. Then every teacher will assign homework as if they are the on
  16. I think you know this troop well enough. But your son needs to be the one to decide to leave. It needs to be his decision. Now, I'm not saying you just do nothing...I'm just saying you shouldn't tell your son that he nees to find another troop. What you can do is encourage him to realize what is going on and encourage him to either stick with it or move on. By encourage, you can ask an open ended question, and ansmwer his questions with open ended questions: Old_Guy : So son, how are things going with the troop? Is advancement going the way you planned? Are you doi
  17. So let me make sure I understand this correctly: The boys could have went to town, but just didn't want to . The SM didn't stop them from going, they just decided that for themselves. At dinner, the SM just didn't let them have french fries - he didn't prevent them from eating any fish, other sides ( if any) of having bevcerages. So the "no dinner" part of no lunch or didnner is really just " no fries" with dinner. Man! I suprised somebody didn't call child welfare, Geraldo and the National Guard! Just kidding with ya. I'd say bite your tounge. There w
  18. So, not traying to condemn any one person or say there is an absolute line in the sand about right or wrong, but........do we look at ourselves the same way we look at scouts when certain behaviors or levels of acceptable behavior are concerned? For example, we have a few DL's who will expect a scout to attend all specific events' , required meetings ( covering particular skills, requirements, etc...) when it comes to earning a rank or award. And they are just in doing so. But, why do we think that it no longer applies to us. And again, this is not directed to any one ind
  19. The only time3 I have done something with an award that was not quite up to spec was when I wanted to present one to my CC for an outstanding job. He went far and beyond the requirements of the award. But, the paperwork called for the CC to sign off. I talked to my DE and SE and they said that - naturally - the CC shouldn't sign off in this particular situation. You know, for the surprise of it and all. So we skirted the CC signature part of paperwork and used my ( CM )signature instead. But we didn't compromise any of the actual requirements of the service to get the
  20. SwampYankee, I wan't ranting towards you. You asked a legitimate question. But , I am assuming you are pretty new to scouting? Welcome aboard! You will in time see, that, well, there are certain areas in scouting that - well....to be blunt - are sorta a joke. So the only thing we can do is try to bring respect back to scouting by policing ourselves and holding ourselves to a higher standard. The knots are a great example. If you fudge one item of requirent, and I fudge a different one, then the next Cm, fudges a different one, etc....pretty soon, we have a a
  21. Okay, they are "just" knots, right? So what's the big deal if we bend a rule , no? It is a big deal. Here's the thing: I have leaders who could be wearing 5 or 6 knots right now if only they went to RT's. Now, some of my leaders with 3 boys have been DL's or other positions of importance within the pack for a long time. They are the core group of adults who are always there plkaning ahead of time for campouts, B&G, crossovers, etc... They are part of the core group who set up beforehand, and clean up afterward. They have more sweat equity in one year than mos
  22. Couldn't tell you why, but I took a look at the tag on the collar of my Uniform shirt. It was made in Bangladesh. If you don't know, it's located between India and Burma. It's more of a "stan" country than anything else. "stan" country is what a few of my friends and I call the countries that end with "stan" : Kazackistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan,Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, etc..... Just saying because somebody would say Bangladesh is practicaly China.
  23. During pack meetings, We call up each den - one at a time - and the bDL will tell the audienmce what the den has been doing, working on, etc...for the last month. He will them hand each boy his BL, patches, badges, awards, etc.. all in a smal ziplock bag while reading what they are to the audience. The audience usually give a short round of appluase to each boy. Then the next den is called up. WE don't do anything super special for the same reasons basement said: Too much time and pretty soon, the boys would expect applause and an award for wiping their mouth after eating
  24. Well, I know 2 of our 4 ( used to be 8 ) districts take turns hosting camporees. Our distrcit hosts the spring camporee and our neighboring district hosts the fall camporee. Both are open to each other's district. Not sure if the other two districts host any. But proper name aside, do councils usually host a council wide event besides summer camps and such? Maybe state wide jamborees?
  25. Do councils normally have jamborees? As long as I have been in scouting, I haven't always paid attention to the boy scout side of it, so it is possible my council has had one in the past 5 years and I just didn't know it. I am asking because , if I am reading it right, a fw councils do have a jamboree every now and then. Matter of fact, I was sent a friendly invite a few years ago by a fellow scouter.com member to go to an event in Kinston, NC. I think it was a council jamboree if memory serves me correctly.
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