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Everything posted by Scoutfish

  1. A always, I will preface by saying: I respect everybody's right to their own beliefs and opinions and defend youyr right to have them. I also am not predjudiced or bigoted. I goptta bite okay, so let's begin: It's not rhetoric. It's a sin, listed in the bible and in the eyes of God there is no difference. In the eyes of men and hearts of men, apparently, there is some difference. Men like to pick and choose, and God does not. The bible tells us that we are supposed rto rest on the sdabbeth - which is a Saturday, Yet, we do not. We still do as e please, which is a direct
  2. " As a rule I try not to look stupid in front of the group." DAMN! I've broken that rule too!
  3. Reference: Safety Afloat, No. 34368 and in the Online Learning Center "All activity afloat must be supervised by a mature and conscientious adult age 21 or older who understands and knowingly accepts responsibility for the well-being and safety of the children in his or her care, who is experienced and qualified in the particular watercraft skills and equipment involved in the activity, and who is committed to compliance with the nine points of BSA Safety Afloat. One such supervisor is required for each 10 people, with a minimum of two adults for any one group. At least one su
  4. When I was 14, I "helped" spray paint a water tower. By "helped" I was there. I didn't paint on anything. Matter of fact, I didn't even scale the fence like trhe other two did. But I was there, I was aware, and I still hung out with my two friends. When I was 18 to 20 years old...I smoked my fair share of weed. I probably met my lifetime quota of consumed beer too in that time. I got pulled over for a random vehicle check and got caught with one joint when I was 20. I didn't get completely arrested, but I was taken to trhe policr station. At that point, I chnged things
  5. " Naw this is fishes thread... " Now , I hope you don't mean to imply that I am so special that - this thread doesn't get it's fair chance to be completely and totally hijacked from the original thread - like others do.? Unkiewill Basement lives in a special bizzaro council where scouts are not allowed to do anything except raise and hand money to the DE and his back of the office poker room full of good ole boy bussies buddies. What he has described time after time after time is quite possibly the sorriest bunch of excuses for scouters.
  6. Yeah, sounds like Wood Badge Mill to me! LOL!
  7. One-on-one contact between adults and Scouts prohibited. Sorry parents, you cannot tough your children in any way or be alone with them because no exception is listed. According to YP in the G2SS under "Yout Protection and Adult Leadership: " Male and female youth participants will not share the same sleeping facility " The way I read this is "Registered youth participants" such as a co-ed unit as in a ships crew or venturer crew. Not siblings of a cub scout. Especially since - the only time you would see a sister camping with her brother outside of a ventur
  8. SSS I agree with what you are saying. Not everybody can or should teach. Just on a smaller perspective, I can look at my pack committee and leaders. Our CC is a very smart and knowledgable man. Put in in front of everybody at a pack meeting for annouincements and he almost sounds like : " Beuller?...Beuller?, Beuller?.... Some leaders work great with their dens, but again, as they pass out awards to the scouts at pack meetings, trhese guys are sweating bullits and almost stuttereing. Me? I can do it. I can stand up in front of people and do almost anything. I guess I passed
  9. Basement: Your district SUCKS!!! Yes, We need districts. We have 4 districts that used to be 8 districts. Out of the 4 ( that used to be 8) only two districts put on camporees, Webelos(ree) weekends, and other events that are not council camping . Our district has camp cards that suit our district and not the entire council. Our DE has been the longest serving DE in our council and we know each other by first name at RT's, and our co-district camporees. This would not happen on the council level. I'd have to travel even farther to attend meetings, listen to more blah blah bl
  10. I guess it comes down to a basic, yet very common problem: The 20/80 rule: 20 percent do for the other 80 percent. Guess it works that way in instruction too. Your core group of regular volunteers are also the same ones putting on 3 weeks of resident camp, 3 weeks of parent son, 4 weeks of summer camp (adult staff as well as 2 deep unit leadership) venturing activities, the spring and fall camporees, BALOO courses, Pow-Wows, IOLS courses,running PWD's any other events that I can't think of right now. Then on top of that, those same group of volunteers have other outside activitie
  11. No, I don't think it was too bold. Your job is to help and to mentor units , right? So where does it say you have to wait for something to fall apart and trhey ask for help before you act? I mean, it's one thing is they were having meetings and such, but just not to your particular liking. But it's different when you can personally observe they are not getting the basic stuff for survival done. Kinda like a lifeguard: Do you wait for a person to dissapear underwater before you jump in or do you react at the first sign of trouble? Sure, they are not drowning ...yet...but th
  12. Personally. I will judge an individual, not by a group he may be associated with/ I do not care if a person is gay or not. It's not like being gay is conatgeous or that suddenly there will be a gay sex fest at meetings and campouts. But, I as well as everybody else know what BSA's stance is. I do not join a club to protest their rules and insist they change....especially when part of the clubs identity is based on the rules it has. Know what I mean? I don't get a membership at a bar in order to protest consumption of alcohol. I do not join a gun club because I think gun
  13. Okay, that helped me figure it out. S We are in the southern region 425 My council's number is 425 Cape Fear Council 12 It is the year 2012 7 is still a mystery as my council will only teach one WB class every two years.
  14. Congratulations! Just registered and paid for my class on Friday
  15. OUCH! Those words are a basic tennet of speaking in the south. It's also a greeting made to a group of males by an individual male. Speaking of, it reminds me of a joke I heard once , and happen to have some fact behind it: Q: What is the mating call of a southern woman? A: "I'm sooooo drunk!"
  16. Went Friday to the Scout Office and paid for my WB class. Wood Badge S7-425-12 From what I understand, they are doing something different this year by having the first session Nov 2 - 4 and the second session Nov 16 - 18. Something about holidays and time constraints for participants. I know in the past they usually did one weekend in nov and the second in Dec...so I do think I will like this setup better. On a side note, what does the s7-425- 12 stand for? I assume that the 12 stands for 2012?
  17. Kids are - for the most part - as tough as you let them be. When my son was 4 and 5 years old, you'd almost thought he was a vitim of child abuse. Bruises and cuts and scrape every where. Constantly running, jumping, and crashing into everything. So how tough was he? WEll, if he was running around and fell or crashed into something while I was watching him, I'd look at him and ask: "Did you hurt that wall ( or whatever it was he ran into)?" He'd laugh it off and keep right on playing. When my wife would be there or watching him, as soon as he tripped, fell or ran into som
  18. Even though I think the green ands tan would look better, Go with white lettering on a black background to match the color of the nametag you would buy if you were buying it from the scout shop. Or white lettering on red background if you have that type of position within the council.
  19. That's a great point I never would have thought of Horizon:} Checking in at - and thus advertising to the world via facebook - that you are on top of "Mt Alot of sweat to get there". I see no harm at all in this and in fact, it issues a challenge to your other scout friends to do the same.
  20. Hooter's has just never done anything for me. I'm just not impressed. Been there quite a few times as my boss would offer to buy lunch there. Been there a few times with my friends too. They do have an awesome steak and cheese sandwhich though. So, my son may decide to hike there. he may decide to hike to a beach that has it's share of bikinis and thongs. He might decide to hike somewhere more intense. Maybe his patrol wants to meet at a deli that also serve beer and the waitstaff are known for their minimal dress. WHo knows what they will chose. But the
  21. I agree. WE are supposed to be preparing thee boys for handling themselves in the real world. WEll. the real world has women in it!
  22. In my opinion, having a female leader in scouting in a troop that also has male leaders would not take away from the experience any more than having a mom in the house, a female school teacher, coach, etc.... Not as long as there are other male leaders. Now, if it was an all female leadership troop..that could be different.
  23. It's kinda a big lumping of role models.... I can see Boy Scouting as a source of possitive male role models for those who are from broken homes where dad's invovlement is zero or where dad is there, but his presence and or behavior is worse than not being there ie: drunk, always too busy for anything invovling son, etc... But for scouts who are in good homes with fathers who are invovled in there scouts lives...well, scouting isn't gonna compete with dad. Of course, in my time with scouting,. I have seen uncles and grandfathers and uncle who are just as much a positive role m
  24. There was some talk about combining OWLS and IOLS, but so far........ But in reality, you might as well take IOLS as it is just as usefull for Webelos as OWLS is . If you think about it, everything Webelos is pretty much about getting ready for Boy Scouts: You dump achiebements and elective, parents can no longer sign off on things, they earn activity pins instead of achievements toward rank, they can use a patrol name and patch ( even though they are still called a den) , they can camp as a den instead of camping only with the pack, etc...... You could take OWLS, but before
  25. Our cards were tied in with Harris Teeter. Same thing: $5.00 instantly off a $50.00 purchase and figured before coupon discounts. Also we had Taco Bell and KFC with buy one/get one free dinner combos. THose 3 were only for 6 months though. The middle of the cards had 6 or 7 diferent chains: Oil change shop, Barbershop, Mexican restaurant, Tire store, etc.... Most of them were 105 discounts and good for the entire year. WE had our 14th annual chicken dinner last weekend. This year,we didn't do so hot. Our beach location ( we's Home Improvement parking lot) sold $1,830.00
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