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Everything posted by RememberSchiff

  1. Colonel Mitchell Paige, USMC After earning enough merit badges for Eagle Scout, Mitchell Paige left his hometown of McKeesport, Pa., to join the Marines in September 1936. Six years later, he was awarded the Medal of Honor while commanding a machine gunner group against the Japanese during World War II. Paige had never heard a word about his Eagle Scout award, nor did he know what happened to his application paperwork. It took an investigation by an FBI agent to determine that Paige (age 84 in 2003) was eligible for the honor. For years, Paige considered himself an Eagle S
  2. While researching other Eagles awarded later, note a relevant rule from Guide to Advancement Submit (Eagle application) to Council Center "... There is no requirement that an application must be completed or submitted before the 18th birthday. Councils do not have the authority to reject applications submitted on or after that date."
  3. @Rick_in_CA , I created a new topic Rear Admiral Eugene Fluckey was awarded his Eagle in 1948. Our top submarine commander who had been awarded FOUR Navy Crosses, the Medal of Honor , and sank an empty train came back for his Eagle! When Fluckey was 10 years old, he heard a radio address from President Calvin Coolidge that emphasized persistence as the main ingredient to success. President Coolidge said, “Press on. Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not: Nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not: Unrewarded genius is al
  4. This story keeps getting more odd. How often does the National Disabilities Advancement Team step over local Council and the Troop and get directly involved with a scout's advancement?
  5. SOP. I consider this part of "adult association" method, that is in part, learn who best to associate with in order to meet your needs and goals in a timely way. Good practice for the future where they may similarly decide to drop a college course/team due to a poor instructor/coach, change doctors, fire a contractor, ...
  6. Unfortunately, we have high school students who prey on younger students - drugs, sex, robbery, gangs. Some are caught but not all. So we attempt to separate the older, bigger predators from their younger, smaller prey at least during school. It helps, but it is not a complete solution.
  7. Utah National Parks Council viewpoint Mar 13, 2018 Boy Scouts of America is Dedicated to Assisting Scouts with Disabilities Updated 3/15/2018 Boy Scouts of America, Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE “Since its founding in 1910, the Boy Scouts of America has served youth members with physical, mental, and emotional disabilities. Scouting is uniquely positioned among youth programs to meet the needs of Scouts with disabilities by providing diverse programs and social experiences. The Utah National Parks Council has worked closely with this young man and his famil
  8. Scolding? Her product advertising post of 5 days ago is hidden as are other recent advertising posts. How new advertising will offset the costs of operating the new scouter.com is still under consideration by the forum owner Terry. Meanwhile I politely redirect new advertising requests to Terry.
  9. Buddy system. Take a buddy like Mike for safety, leave the Speaker of House Paul Ryan in charge.
  10. Well it is back up today! http://meritbadge.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
  11. http://www.philmontscoutranch.org/TrekPreparation/Shakedown/Weather.aspx
  12. Anyone know if meritbadge.org is undergoing maintenance? Their web server has been unreachable for awhile.
  13. @TuckahoeJoe , welcome to scouter.com
  14. I am sensing an Eagle Scout drain in the Trump Administration. Sect. of Health and Human Services Tom Price (Eagle Scout) resigned and replaced by Alex Azar who I understand was not a scout. Sect. of State Rex Tillerson (Eagle Scout) fired. Designated replacement Mike Pompeo, again as I understand was not a scout. Next Eagle Scout to go?
  15. What to tell our scouts? When teaching citizenship, we often watch Mr Smith Goes to Washington with its positive message of participating and fighting for our principles. But today, if there was a sequel would the message be reversed, Mr. Tillerson Expelled from Washington? Will our scouts become more cynical of government service with the firing of Mr. Tillerson? I hope Mr. Tillerson speaks to American youth this week about government service, particularly under adverse circumstances. Maybe he will come back to the BSA?
  16. No and yes. The roots of LNT start with the BSA and Bureau of Land Management in the 80's. In the 90's NOLS took over with the US Forest Service. Other government partners joined. Government funding of these education programs was always a problem. which lead to the creation in 1994 of LNT, a non-profit educational program which marketed courses to many groups including the BSA. More details at this link. https://lnt.org/sites/default/files/Leave_No_Trace_History_Paper.pdf
  17. @SSF, I wish your post was on a sign at every Camp Splashalot waterfront. I remember when Scouting had a strong Every Scout a Swimmer program.
  18. Yes. What they are eating - mess hall food vs snacks they bring vs snacks they buy at camp store. Definitely need a Snack policy or Snack Czar. Make sure any cuts and scrapes are handled. A supply of large bandaids, some of us call them "Cub Scout" bandaids comes in handy. Get to know camp nurse. Have a large selection of games and songs for anytime - they are waiting in line, back at camp, at the campfire, rain... Most scouts have been to camp before and know the routine which they quickly show the new younger scouts ( a prelude of Boy Scouts). But don't assume, case in
  19. My older son also joined a swim team to pass swim tests. Though not fast or able to flip turn, he medalled in competitions since he had no lane violations.
  20. @MicheleG please contact the forum owner @SCOUTER-Terry regarding advertising your product and services. Thanks. @NJCubScouter, @LeCastor
  21. From our exit discussions, most of our families view Boy Scouts as a middle school extra-curricular activity. Some of those families are in full press for Eagle before high school starts and they depart. A few may stick around for a year or so to complete Eagle. The 18th birthday deadline is irrelevant, as Eagle or not, they leave by 16. Summer SAT-prep and pre-college courses for high school students are very popular, despite the expense. Why go to Philmont when you can spend a week at hopefully your #1 pick college living the college life away from Mom and Dad. With one exception, Scout
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