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Everything posted by qwazse

  1. I would put it the other way. If you are not scouting properly, you're possibly undermining STEM. It's not merely the science-related MBs that make BSA already "STEM oriented." Keeping "mentally awake" is the obvious direct connection to STEM, but "Duty to God and my country" implies that there is something out there greater than yourself, and being mindful of "the other" opens you to discovery. that there are people who need you to amass skills and understanding to tend the resources at our nation's disposal. [*]"Physically strong" implies that you understand how a body w
  2. Or, the cubmaster or committee chair manipulated the dates so they would only have to muck about with registration once for this group of kids. Run a suitable program. You'll have to think about things like weather these boys are ready for resident camp or should they wait another year. Correct the birth dates within the next year or so. That way the boys won't be pressured to cross-over to scouts too soon. Or -- this is highly unlikely -- a 17 year old won't have problems on his Eagle application because on the books the registrar thinks he's too old.
  3. Unless the geniuses are true champions, then playoffs ...
  4. It starts with the moms. They need to believe that it's good for their girls if they pick up the outdoor skills that their baby boomer moms neglected to teach them. Mrs. Q believed that our daughter was right to be bored with her brownie troop learning homemaking, that time with dad in the wild lands was a good thing, that forgoing some school dances was not antisocial. Every depression era campfire girl and girl scout I've talked to said "Of course." It was a darn shame that the one Troop with any sort of outdoor "roughing it" attitude had full membership. Because the GS do hone those l
  5. A little of both. At the district/counsel level, it sounds like you have "scope creep." The addition of the cub camping event, while fun at the time, ate into time and personnel dedicated to round-up and cubmobile. Lacking more people, something's gotta give. At your level, you now have boys spread across two units. Maybe you are growing more into troop activities. Or maybe you would like to try to operate more on a district level and help them set priorities. Well, if either's true then you need to delegate your cub responsibilities. Maybe you are really good with helping your pack r
  6. Funny how the inspection sheets aren't scored pass/fail.
  7. My SM and I are so thrilled when female adults hit the trail with us, we've concluded that this is not the hill we'll be dying on. However, our moms generally hang that uniform up in the closet when they take on troop responsibilities. If they were to ask, I would give them the policy, but also direct them to the variety of BSA dress uniforms for adults. We haven't had any who were really up for ASM (again, we haven't found one who really wanted that position), I'm of the general philosophy that committee members do just as well without the uniform, and therefore this is a non-issue for u
  8. Well, hmmm. I've lost love one's to smoking related illnesses. It ain't pretty. Lot's of stories about regretting ever starting the habit. So yeah, if you love someone -- be it adult or youth, blood family or otherwise, call them out on it. For their sake. But, I enjoyed every moment I spent with those smokers even if some of those days as a kid meant giving them a moment and putting up with the 2nd hand fumes. They were good to me and helped me grow into what most folks considered a fine young fella -- nonsmoker at that. So I never fretted much if my little ones saw someone they respect
  9. Agree with Merl., here. Never liked the BSA marketing rhetoric. Cub Scouting is not meant for boys/families bent on Deceit, Disloyalty, Self-service, ... and Irreverence. Says so in the fine print. Boys/families fitting one exclusionary category may resent being lumped in with those fitting another category, but neither should be blindsided by this tripe.
  10. Seems odd to me to throw dimes down on these particular MBs. Did he think the counselors in his neighborhood were inferior? I'm not against classes indoors. As a scout I went to MB pow-wows on a local college science department -- the counselors were professors; and the opportunities, great. I could understand "citizenship camp" at a national monument during a reenactment week or where the instructor was a judge or ambassador or retired general or something ... and the boys might actually hike over to a hall and observe a hearing, I could also see camp staff who are scouts from anothe
  11. Let's hope not. When they are no longer racy, they will lose their impact. The point is to use whatever will get someone's attention and hope that it motivates self-examination more than it may motivate some other survival-neutral behavior (say, silicone implants). And I think that's where we have to meet the young scout who instinctively feels uncomfortable about this. Telling him we're trying to get everybody to not be shy is presuming that there is something wrong about his inhibitions. Admitting that he may rightly be embarrassed -- but our society is making a trade-off in order to f
  12. Of course I watched the video. All of the little uniform aberrations were so distracting from the seriousness of the the topic.
  13. Ya know, S947, one of my WB buddies had what you're doing as a ticket item. I went to one of his troop's CoH's and was truly impressed at what he accomplished in a year with willing adults.
  14. I haven't been to a coordinated meeting to compare #s in a while. So I can't speak to our merger(s). Any numerical growth is a credit to boots on the ground who sacrifice income by taking a pass on the second shift at work. What it has provided our boys is the sense that they have more primitive camps to choose from in "exotic" locations. (For example, one is near Flt 93 memorial.) There's a consolidated reservation system for every campsite in council, so a boy can figure out plan "B" if his patrol's first choice is already taken. And right now the merger has provided more choices.
  15. KDD, whatever the reason, it's patently ridiculous that a couple of competent 20 year olds can't take their crew on an outing. If this change allows that, it would be welcome.
  16. As long as you don't mind contentious old salts who'll forgive 'baccy and dodgy t-shirts after hours and aren't blinkin' an eye at your bear DL if he/she is askin' $5 per month dues from tight-fisted parents. Thanks for your service to the boys.
  17. The only thing in stosh's reply that is even close to official is and that, boys and girls, is how Exploring got started. Nothing new here. Also, some older boys do want to associate with youngns and others don't mind once and a while. Nothing new here. Everything else are ideas that folks have been kicking around for years. Sometimes Boy Scouts gets classified as a program for Jr. High kids, allowing 2 years for Web's. Other times 5th graders get put in the older bin. Guys in green shirts and Brits like 'skip got no problem with it going coed. Guys like myself see successful GSUSA
  18. Well that just about sums it up! While we're all pulling enough motes from each others eyes to light a campfire ... let's not lose track of the two things from the OP we want to teach our boys. 1) Smoking cuts into your enjoyment of this great country. It's really sad to see scouters turn back a mile into a trail because his/her lungs can't take the climb. (Patrol method lackeys can take a powder. There are some things a dad shouldn't miss.) Our boys need to understand that if they want the most out of every adventure, nicotine addiction is best avoided. That said, the SM's bad habit
  19. There are myriad ways to offend and be offended by one another. And in this case there is an ethical underlying controversy. I.e., are we, through the humor, teaching women that their best path to advocacy is through objectification? I think the best thing you could do is let the ASM know that you weren't prepared for your son to be exposed to the bluntness of the campaign (especially the t-shirt). But also respect his enthusiasm for getting the boys involved in something he thinks is important. Even if you find his actions questionable, the good news is that he did something tangibl
  20. How long are you running these lanterns? Between sunset and lights out? Are you using the lanterns near the stove? Heat-sensitive parts may be a consideration. (The one good thing about the propane stems is the lantern stays in one place.) Do the boys like having that much gear to lug around? Or, do they want to transition to operating much leaner?
  21. Good show BD. (Re: your boys. Not your attitude towards naive cub parents.) Maybe I should spend time applying what I learned from the forums. And less time reading and replying. Now for the hard part: training your replacement.
  22. IMxian13, welcome! 1) The Charter Organization often sets the tone for these things. Every smoker is different, and often your COR is willing to work with what he or she has. If the fella is willing to step out of the room, and put out his cig when a boy wants to talk to him, I wouldn't sweat the uniform. 2) Although I'm glad for the many friends and family who are still with me as a result of grueling oncology research funded in part by it, the raciness of the campaigns can be perplexing. I try to remind myself that I worship "The Full Breasted One", and someone could take issue with ado
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