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Everything posted by purcelce

  1. 1042 at six am central time...things should pick up...
  2. Here's a twist. I got back into scouts after my divorce. I've been back for almost 4 years now. My daughter is in her third year of brownies, and my son will be starting tigers in a few years. Both of my kids have logged in some hours in 2004 at Summer Camp when I was working as Aquatics Director. They've even been to a few family functions and really look forward to them. Scouting has kept me on the straight and narrow, brought me back to church, and is an important part of my family's life. Cary P
  3. Take the advise of all the sages here. Do not be a UC for the unit you are attached to. Ask for reassignment now. Also it's not the DE's job to be finding UC's, that's the ADC and DC's job.
  4. ...for scouter.com I got this message in the upper right hand corner of my web browser, "You are 1 of 1590 Active Users" yea!!!!!!!!
  5. ...for scouter.com I got this message in the upper right hand corner of my web browser, "You are 1 of 1590 Active Users" yea!!!!!!!!
  6. Ya'll have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving. Headed to the backwoods of KY for a family gathering type T-day. Cary P. Advisor Crew 805
  7. We bring them in one at time.
  8. Here are some of my favorites: What is the most important part of the Scout Oath to you? Why? Last point of the Scout Law is Reverent. In the past month how did you show Reverence to God, and going to church every Sunday doesn't count. Scouting have given a lot to you...right? Kids answers yes. How do you plan to give back to scouting once you become an adult. What was your favorite merit badge? Why? What was your least favorite mb? Why? What would you change to make things better in your troop?
  9. Last night I had the honor of sitting on Eagle BOR for our district. We had 7 candidates and with two boards going. All kids made it! Sitting to my right was good ole Manyions. He really impressed me with his questions. Made the kids think about their Scouting careers. Glad to know Manyirons. He's a good ole Scouter.
  10. "We are discussing the Venturing program here, which have Venturing Crews. Please don't use the term 'venture' to refer to them." emb021 take it easy. There is no need to start one of those "class a vs field uniform" wars over on the Venturing/Venture side of the forums. We know what they are talking about. Cary P Advisor Venture Crew 805
  11. Remember our Vets. And thank you to those who have served or are serving. If it wan't for them you wouldn't be reading this post. Cary P MSgt, USAF Retired
  12. Here is an email I sent out today to our Crew Committee. At the Vet's Day parade yesterday I made a few observations: 1 Little background. I was scared that the crew was going downhill. The past attendance of the events were dismal in my book. Communications were not up to "my standards". And I felt that we would be going down the tubes. The Pres has been swamped with school, the crew, OA, and I felt that he was burning out. He emailed earlier this week with an update of how many kids would be at the Parade and he stated he didn't have time call everyone. I sent the
  13. Interesting topic. A lot of subjective interpetation. So here's mine. To advance in rank up to First Class the scout must: Tenderfoot: Spend at least one night on a patrol or troop campout. Sleep in a tent you have helped pitch. a. Record your best in the following tests: Push-ups Pull-ups Sit-ups Standing long jump 1/4 mile walk/run b. Show improvement in the activities listed in requirement 10a after practicing for 30 days. 2nd Class: Since joining, have participated in five separate troop/patrol activities (other than troop/patrol meetings), two of
  14. I'm old school. Go with the external for Philmont. I've got a Gregory external that I used at the ranch two years ago and it's great. At Philmont you will sweat and having the airflow in the back makes life a little easier. I put a tent, thermarest and sleeping gear lashed to the outside and had tons of room on the inside. Don't forget that you will also be hauling food and crew gear at philmont so make sure you have some extra room.
  15. Very interesting...I sat on Eagle BOR for 4 Scouts last night. So here's my 2 cents. If the kid is truely remorseful, and has "paid for his sins" then sign off his application and send him to the BOR. Last summer 3 Scouts that worked with me at summer camp were fired for underage drinking on camp property. Now this is a bigger nono than the forger. All three of these young men "did their time, and paided their debt to scouting" All three of these young men are now Eagle Scouts. The special thing is I was the mb counselor for one of the kid's last mb (after the incident), and
  16. See you guys around the Festivus pole right after the airing of grievences, and the feats of strength.
  17. The training I from my Scoutmaster as a youth. Good ole Harry showed me a lot about camping, backpacking, and how to handle some of life situations. The training I've gotten as an adult just reinforces what Harry taught me. (My partents did have some involvement )
  18. Herms, Don't cap! Advise the kids to see where it goes. My crew started out with about 10 kids and we exploded to over 35 in the first 6 months. Here's the story. This might be long but I'll put a "moral' at the end if you don't feel like reading all stuff. I started a crew last Oct with a core group of older Scouts that were in different troops but wanted to do more high adventure stuff together, yet not become overburdened with more meetings. This talk around the campfire happened in Jul of 04. I told them I would get the paperwork side of getting a CO, adults, and all that oth
  19. Way to go mama! Stand your ground. I think Scouting would be perfect if it wasn't for the parents who don't know or think they know the program. I've run into it lots of times. Heck most of us here have had to deal with a parent situation at one time or another.
  20. I told my crew if they didn't come up with any fundrasisers they were going to sell Trails End...They screamed in fear, and came up with a few fundrasiers. Popcorn can be a motivator.
  21. "Question - I thought that OA was based on the Lenni Lenape (Delaware) tradition? That Vigil names are from that language? I gather the interest has expanded based on the geographical location of the OA lodge? " Most Vigil names come from Lenni Lanape. Howerver mine is Chinook Jargon.
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