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Everything posted by Oldscout448

  1. or if she retained a lawyer he would have given her the same advice
  2. Locking the beer tent? Has anyone considered that this is West Virginia? How much 'shine y'all figger them Scout fellas can drink? I know someone who knows someone who can brew up a batch or two.
  3. Here is hoping there is some sort of grandfather clause. It is going to be very hard to find another scouter in this short of a time frame
  4. OK, let me try to clarify my point as well. National obviously wants a coed program they need the numbers ( read $) but is afraid of the reaction if they come out and say so. So they sell us a soft approach " linked troops" now everyone is happy, the girls get a troop and can earn eagle, the old timers can stay all boys, and with all the new female scouters registering there will be more cash flowing into nationals coffers. A win-win-win. But "linked troops" are only going to be on paper 90% of the time. To much bother to have two meeting nights, or places on the
  5. so a troop that is planning on taking a crew to Philmont in 5 weeks with one adult over 21 and one adult of 19 suddenly cant go?
  6. Sometimes the only course of action left to us is to ride off into the sunset. I suspect I'll be doing the same soon. We didn't always agree TT, but when we differed you always made me stop and think. Sometimes I even changed my mind. This place will be the poorer for your leaving, A scout salute to you, and may God bless your path. Oldscout448
  7. We have mixed dens now, we have mixed troops now. not some where in the future, not in a few years, now. Only a few but no one doubts that there are going to be more and more of them until they are the norm. If you really think that our CEO will be surprised by this, I have a bridge to sell you. No checks please, cash and in small bills
  8. Ah those knee high socks! after a few weeks at summer camp, your suntan looked very strange indeed. I had just made first class when the ISP was rolled out , so I never earned any skill awards. But as a PL I found them very useful when I needed to find my scouts in the dark. clink-clink
  9. And this is the sad truth. It would seem that national is now no better than a political party. Endlessly spinning the facts, ever worrying about the "optics" misspeaking telling lies when ever they believe it will further their agenda, playing with survey data. Ever since I first took the Eagle charge years ago, I have tried to remember that I represented all other scouts past and present. Therefor I tried always to speak the truth as I saw it in all humility. and told the Eagles I mentored to do the same. Now I feel that I have been played for a sucker and a fool.
  10. and they wonder why so many Scouters with decades of service are angry and disgusted. Its not that we hate girls for Gods sake, or even that we don't think they would be an asset to scouting, its the simple fact that we hate being lied to by those at the very head of our organisation. Which by the way has as the first point of its law the word Trustworthy.
  11. IMHO, this whole thing has been a dog and pony show from the start.
  12. Why Jameson76 , do I detect a wee bit 'o sarcasm ?
  13. But isn't that what scouts was intended to be from its very beginning? A group of boys hiking and camping and learning together?
  14. I have a feeling that the scouts in this area will just keep on doing AoL ceremonies for the cubs. Just without the sashes. The cubs love it thats why we do it. As to announcing the no regalia rule at NOAC, I think it might go well past "ticked off" . I would be very tempted to walk down to the stage and throw my sash at the speakers feet. Proper decorum be dammed
  15. I will bet a weeks months pay that SSScout doesn't care a whit about getting yet another knot on his shirt. if he did he wouldn't be asking for input
  16. On paper? a registered scout and elected by the troop In reality? A scout who will do the work and the other scouts will follow. Age and rank do play their part but they are less important than the person. Some SPLs do a great job at 12, some do a terrible job at 17
  17. So can Venture crews go camping on their own?
  18. i once thought that everyone had fired their ten rounds. I called "Cease Fire " twice and turned to check on the next batch of shooters. Just as I said " OK next ba CRACK ! tch...I think my heart stopped until the echo died away, the first time shooter on the far end had one round left, and he had never heard the term "cease fire" before . He had absolutely no idea what it meant . My fault, I had not walked down the line and checked each gun, and i had been hearing range commands for so long I assumed that that everyone understood them.
  19. one other thing . when you are the RSO that is your only job. keep the range safe! Just like a lifeguard has one job. to guard life do not let yourself be distracted by anything a friend calling your name, a fight between two scouts at the archery range, nothing stay focused.. and I wish I had your job.
  20. Assuming that the weather in New Hampshire is like that of Vermont, I second the long pants. Also helpful when hot brass casings are flying about. Good shoes you are gonna be on your feet a lot. A spotting scope if the range does not have one, a fan if you have access to power, helps keep the bugs away at night. A good head lamp. a lockable trunk. a multitool or swiss army knife, a pillow. a small light for your tent. The two most important things however are a "lifeguards eye" that can look at 10 things in 10 seconds looking for the screw up that is about to happen, and the
  21. I believe I know the county in which this scouter hypothetically must reside. Lord knows it has been an ever changing mess. My first thought is " Whoever did the work has earned the right to wear the award." But I can also see how wearing two of the same knot would indeed look a little strange. There should be some way to show this award without seeming vain. Perhaps a small device that could be worn on the knot? As to the accepting of this award, let us assume that the PTB wish to give due honour to this mystical scouter for his service to the current district . The
  22. I think I lost about that much at Philmont.
  23. The insane thing is that IOLS. training in that district teaches that axes are too dangerous for scouts to use. In fact scouters are discouraged from using then as well. Sets a bad example for the boys don't you know.
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