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Everything posted by Oldscout448

  1. Ah, the smell of wood smoke and burning cobbler. Nothing quite like it.
  2. Different question. hopefully an easier one. where will a trans ( female to male ) scout tent? with the girls patrol? then we are not treating her/him as a boy. the boys? scary alone? ostracizing
  3. Help me with this please, are we saying that in order to be a good human one must set aside ones belief in science or religious precepts when ever one dons a scout shirt?
  4. Allow me to clarify something The "something " to which I was referring was the Trans movement thing ( I dont know the PC name) , not the scout in question.
  5. thank you. I think we may just be arguing two different although related things here. I am going to try to saw this with as few details as possible, I sat on a trans scouts BoR last a little while ago. the question of gender identity never came up, National has deemed it a nonissue so insofar as passing a rank it shouldn't. Nor should it be one when joining , if the CO is fine with it. Do I think she is a he? No. How does that offend ? What does offend me is being told that I must be affirming, supportive ,and even encouraging towards something that i
  6. Ah, thank you for the Ah, thanks for the clarification. then we have no argument on that score. Apologies
  7. Hmmm, you have a good point. How about " well up the slope" instead of " the height"
  8. The topic aside here, it seems the height of arrogance to tell anyone that unless they hold a certain viewpoint, they should resign
  9. If that case, I'm afraid they/you will have to get used to being offended. It happens a lot in every ones life. Again, I decline to join in this suddenly popular belief that sexes magically transform. That XX =XY They want to fly with that? OK It's a free country. You want to identify as a cow and sleep in a barn? Go for it. Have fun. But your DNA still reads as human. again reality I have not, do not and will not demand that others share my beliefs and viewpoints. I expect the same courtesy in return.
  10. There is this weird thing I try to hold on to, it's called reality, and it is not dependent upon where I am be it a scout meeting, home or church. " judge"? where did that come into it? I am not judging, I just don't agree. These people have a condition ( I hope thats a non offensive term) that I wish them all the luck in the word with, however they may wish to deal with it. Just don't demand that I pretend that what is male is actually female or the other way around
  11. I am supposed to suspend my belief in basic biology and go along with someones totally subjective feelings about what gender they are?
  12. ah, but back in the dark ages the drinking age was 18 in Maryland Come to think of it maybe that is why so many of us got married so young 😁
  13. What with all the gloom. doom, and turmoil in this section of late, I thought it might be no bad thing to remember and recount a few of our high points on the scouting trail. I'll start. Troop meeting night, I was near the end of my 12 month term as SPL and feeling pretty burned out. Between the troop, the Explorer Post, the IWLA shooting team, OA ceremonies, church,school, and falling in love I was a very busy young man. While driving to the meeting in my car, I mused on the sheer irony of it. As a new tenderfoot I had looked up at the older scouts of the senior patro
  14. Have one in my district, she could have an Eagle BoR by the end of '19 Since gender is now fluid, switching back and forth is just a matter of paperwork as far as BSA is concerned
  15. So if the father didn't see anything how does he know it was an AR that was fired? Or is the term AR now used to mean any semi-auto? Assuming he can tell a 223 ( the most common AR caliber) by the sound, 80 rounds is about $100 worth of Wal-mart grade ammo. Thats an expensive way to say I dont like you being here firecrackers are a lot cheaper.
  16. In our case it was a 21 year old male and a just turned 20 year old female in our Explorer post who got married. We were still trying to figure out what the policy was when she had her 21st birthday.
  17. as one who received more than a little abuse both verbal and physical as a first year scout, I view it as my obligation registered or not.
  18. David CO, how about we focus on the scout right now.
  19. Well that's good. A moderator shooting a junior member! just think of all the paperwork ! Yikes
  20. I truly wish I shared your optimism. The best ( or worse) way I see right now is to just ignore the stupid rules. But then would I be following the seventh point of the scout law? No, could I argue that I am following the second? Maybe. I have no clear answer as of yet.
  21. I know. It was a bit of a search to find one that did more than Webelos III. for my sons to join, and that was 20 years ago. I have been a gadfly to the "drop and plop" Scouters for years. Most of them were unwilling to let scouts do much of anything out of their sight. Heck, I had one SM who threatened to expel an entire patrol because they dared to have a patrol meeting at the local Pizza Hut. But I could always quote the book at them. Now....
  22. if they are adults ( over 18) I would think they can hang with another adult even if by the new regs. they are not allowed to supervise the under 18 crowd
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