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Everything posted by Oldscout448

  1. Sorry , If I had stopped and thought I would have realized I was" preaching to the choir" I guess it's still a knee jerk issue with me after all these years.
  2. If the older scouts do not know the skills well enough to teach them, then obviously the adults have failed to properly teach the older scouts. Example let us assume a new troop Year 1. The SM teaches totin' chip Year 2 SM. has a class with the scouts on how to teach before the next crop of webelos arrive. The scouts then teach while the SM. sits in back and makes necessary corrections. hopefully minor. Year 3 The younger scouts teach the newbies while the older scouts sit in back making necessary corrections. The SM. sits 50 feet away listening, sipping his coffee
  3. I just remembered one case from 15 years back that might just be even more telling. The new SM arbitrarily canceled all elections and appointed the SPL, and PLs. The troop was quickly reduced in size from 35 to about 20 as most of the older scouts quit en mass.
  4. I cannot think of a surer sign that the troop is adult led and run than the Instructors and SPL being forbidden to sign anything off . The canary isn't looking sick, it's dead.
  5. We have the meeting open to any scout who wishes to attend. In practice very few do unless they are required to be. Spl, pls, scribe who takes notes, and the Qm. who gives a report every 3 PLC.s or so . We expect the PL to brief his Apl.on what was decided at the meeting before he tells the rest of the patrol.
  6. And taken as Holy Writ by most politicians!
  7. Ok, if the dad is jumping in then it's definitely a talk to SM. time.
  8. If I were the PL. I probably wouldn't go to the SM. but I would absolutely talk with the SPL. It sounds like Mr. Hurt Feelings scout is angry enough to cause some serious division in the patrol. If not outright rebellion. The SPL.needs to know asap not be blindsided.
  9. Not all those who wander are lost. J. R.R. Tolkien
  10. Not everything you read on the internet is true. Abraham Lincon
  11. I encourage the scouts to fill them in. Not so much for advancement as remembrance. After a few years campouts like everything else begin to blur in the memory. At eagle courts of honor, it's worth a paycheck to listen to the "old" scouts 17-22 years old who have come to honor their friend, sit and laugh as they recount their days as tenderfeet. "Remember the time the tarp fell over... in the rain... and then the raccoons ate all the poptarts...and the SPL ...well it wasn't my fault ..." and on and on. Now that I'm near the other end of the trail, I dearly wish my old batt
  12. As a parent who has raised both genders, I beg to differ. They both need equal amounts of love, care, and discipline. But epual and identical are two different things.
  13. We seem to have two threads running simultaneously here. One is cutting corners which in my mind is like a policeman pulling you over and giving you a point or two for speeding. Where is taking the entire card is like pulling your license for reckless or drunk and driving. On the subject of singing for something lost it has to actually be carelessly lost, not just on a table for a moment with every intention or retreving said object. Heck, they made me do it when I left my Scout jacket at a function because had a sick Scout to get home. the scouts gleefully picked it up and told me
  14. " What you have inside your shirt is vastly more important than any patch or medal on the outside." Scoutmaster to a newly minted eagle scout, circa 1970.
  15. I've been saying that for years. To little affect unfortunately
  16. Lead, follow, or get out of the way. Thomas Paine
  17. Always place clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark. Lazarus Long
  18. The best leaders of all are the ones the people do not know exist. They turn to each other and say "We did it ourselves! " Sun Tzu
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