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Everything posted by nolesrule

  1. "Is the parent under 18? If not, none may be done by the parent. " Hehe. Everytime I read the thread title, that same thought pops into my head.
  2. "Now I need one that tells me how many calories are in a Pollo Monterrey, basket of tortilla chips w/salsa, and a jumbo frozen margarita (w/salt)...at the corner Mexican joint. I guessing 200-300." You wish.
  3. Doing the minimum in Scouting isn't going to result in advancement. If merely fulfilling all the requirements is what it takes, why doesn't every Scout earn Eagle? Advancement in and of itself is nothing more than a checklist. It's a set of predetermined goals. Sure, there is an ulterior purpose to them when combined with the other methods, but to the youth it's just a checklist.
  4. I was not talking about belittling kids, but rather the people who are not Real Men because they use expletives. Yes, there are some people who do use them because of insecurity, but there are many other reasons people use them.
  5. The whole "people who curse are covering for an insecurity" idea is complete equine excrement. While I applaud the effort to eliminate cursing, especially within the context of Scouting, we should not be belittling others in an effort to improve ourselves.
  6. "As has been said, a boy can be a Cub until he is 11y6m or 5th gr +6mo, whichever is later." No, what has been said is 11y6mo or end of 5th grade, whichever is later.
  7. As a self-employed computer tech, and someone who you would probably consider a computer "nerd", I find the tone of some of these posts rather insulting.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)
  8. I believe our council allows it to be typed and printed and then taped (and maybe stapled) into place in the workbook.
  9. "Even as you read this, some where the surgeon who just did enough to graduate from his Surgery Residency is scheduled to do surgery, perhaps in 5 minutes, maybe tomorrow, perhaps next week, but that surgeon is still a recognized, licensed surgeon. " Do you know what they call the person who graduates last in his class at medical school? Doctor.
  10. And to add even further to emb021, each award can only be earned once per program type, meaning the Training Award can't be earned every time you change positions within a unit (or multiple units of the same type).(This message has been edited by nolesrule)
  11. No, the Scouter's Key is earned only by the unit leader of Troops (Scoutmaster), Teams (Coach), Crews (Adviser), Ships (Skipper) as well as all Commissioners and District Committee Members. There is a separate training award for all unit-level Scouters (except Cub leaders) and Roundtable/Huddle staff. Unit leaders can earn that one as well. The Cub Scout program has its own set of position-specific leaders awards.
  12. "Hmm, i wonder if my council finally added that I got the Scouter's Trainign Award fro way back when? " Is that a rhetorical question? :-P
  13. John, I only meant that in reference to my joke of a recipe. I certainly wasn't trying to be insensitive. I probably should have written "so why should I bother trying?" Of course, I intend to wrestle that recipe from her grasp one of these days, along with her vegetable barley soup, lemon meringue pie, plum tart, and just to show I can be politically incorrect, matzah-stuffed veal breast (a Passover favorite).
  14. My chicken soup recipe: Call Grandma No one can make chicken soup better than a Jewish grandmother, so why bother trying?
  15. I'll give it a try, but she's susceptible to the Child Behavior Uncertainty Principle, which states that the moment you try to record your child, inevitably she (as is this case) will change her behavior. This is a variation of the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
  16. You're welcome. You should hear it come out of my 2-year-old's mouth. My mother taught it to her.(This message has been edited by nolesrule)
  17. As Crew21_Adv points out, I think the idea behind pow wow/UoS/roundtable requirement is that it's a position-specific continuing education to assist with program planning. Wood Badge doesn't really help there. All the various Cub Leader awards (note that these are NOT training awards) have the same list, because the idea is for the training to support program (and probably also to improve attendance at the training events). Looking over all the leader awards on USSCP, only the Boy Scout Leader Training Award has Wood Badge attendance, and it's listed as a Performance elective, not under t
  18. I don't believe Wood Badge is synonymous with any of those types of training events that you listed.
  19. I am not an accountant, but my dad is. I am also a small business owner, so I'm familiar with the mileage rules. 1) the deduction for charitable work, in which scouting would qualify is 14 cents per mile. Only business use of a personal vehicle qualifies for such a high rate (55 cents). 2) If you don't itemize, you're not getting a deduction. And even if you do take the deduction, your tax savings is only equal to your tax rate anyway, so a direct reimbusement is a "better deal".
  20. I don't have an issue with someone wearing their youth uniform at their own Eagle COH after turning 18. It happened to me. My b-day is in November. My EBOR was in August, and then I went off to college, so I was unable to have my COH until winter break, about 7 weeks after I turned 18. That said, it was the only time I ever wore my Eagle badge. After the COH, if registered as an adult, wear the square knot. If not registered at all, keep the uniform on a hangar in the closet. You can still wear the Eagle medal to formal scouting occasions, even in civies while unregistered. I always
  21. I also. I forgot to mention the cost oh having a child these days. I'd go into detail, but I have a 19 day old in my other arm, so it's slowing my typing. Maybe I'll review the hospital bill later when I have 2 hands free.
  22. You have to be careful when you reduce demand on manufactured items. Once you go below a demand threshold, machine costs will actually go up because manufacturing will always have fixed costs that are built into the price of units sold. This is very noticeable in the medical devices field (among others, such as aviation manufacuring) because of the need for over-engineering and QA analysis before a unit can be used in the field. Unless there's evidence of unreasonable profit margins in the medical engineering field. I have to apologize. My wife is an accountant at a major engineer
  23. "4. Webelos 2 can use propane stoves. Webelos 2 doesn't exist which makes the question not valid. " Actually, that would make it false.
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