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Everything posted by nldscout

  1. If I was a betting man, I would bet that they cars were not stolen. While I agree it was a hair brained idea to display them the way they were, I bet they were swept up with the trash and dumped and now no one wants to admit it.
  2. gazerstar I would correct one thing. This time we have been told MB midway will only be open to paid participants. There was a lot of complaints in 01 and previous years that paid participants were being cut out of activities by day trippers, some of which came almost every day. They are closing a lot more stuff to daytrippers this time I know some may disagree with this, but the scouts that paid to attend should not have to compete with non paying attendees
  3. I hate to say it, but I am betting a lot of them got thrown in trash by cleanup crew
  4. Subcamp 3 already has it marked on website. supposed to be turned on on monday the 25th. We are trying to schedule a time that our troops line up infront of it and waves to parents at home. We will notify parents of time and place
  5. Enter into a licensing agreement like the commercial companies did, pay them and they will be surprisingly cooperative
  6. I would venture its because they do not want any claims of favoritism. The commercial guys paid for the information and paid to get certified as compatable. So national isn't going to give it away for free.
  7. well I for one would still like to know the incident that was refered to in the initial posting
  8. I would say in the 150-200 range based on the type of grumman it is. If its a lightweight one with the thin aluminum I would say less, they don't take use well. The older grummans hold value well. If it has not been in water for a while I would float it for an hour or so the seal on centerline may leak which is hard to reseal.
  9. In order to make a judgement you need to tell us what this offense to being morally straight was. Its hard to judge without know what your refering to.
  10. E, While this sounds ok from the outset in order to be acceptable this is what the Military Police at AP Hill told me personnally back in May. "AP Hill PM stated they have not set a minimum standard except it must be from an official source. They stated they are not going to be rigid as to type but must contain certain info. Name, age, Discription, photo, and signiture. That is exactly what the local base said also. Both people liked the idea of the membership card with photo and personnal info on back, but card had to be laminated so as to be tamper proof."
  11. Some subcamps aleady have it arranged. Sub camp 3 in NE region already has it set up on their website. Not sure how many others do also. We are trying to arrange a time for the whole troop to appear as a group to wave to Mom and dad from Jambo
  12. If you only count the days after a scout says I want to do Camping then very few would get it. If you use any of the automated tracking programs, like Troopmaster, it counts camping days from the day he joins the troop. And I would not count a day hike as Backpacking.
  13. There is no pre signup for MB's at NSJ. You must be a registered paid participant, go to the MB Booth's you want to do , show Jambo ID and sign-up. Its first come, first served, and the popular ones fill up quick. But don't go to Jambo to do MB's, Go there for all the things there is too do. This is not summer camp where MB's are the theme. If there is a special one that you want that you cannot get at home, then by all means take it. The MB counselors there are all first rate experts and do a super job, But don't make MB's the reason for attending Jambo. In 01 we encouraged th
  14. I ran into our CE today, in our council the registered leader must be from the group that is on the tour permit. Thats his reading of it.
  15. We have a rule in our troop. If you want a chair to sit in, bring your own or sit on a log.
  16. I would have to disagree. My reading of G2SS is one must be registered in the unit.
  17. While I am not a fan of BIG thick by-laws or troop rule books. I do beleive a troop needs some rules that members and parents can understand. The SM is wrong in saying that he must sign it to be in effect. Writing by-laws is a committee decision, not the SM. If the majority of the committee approves it then its a done deal. And the SM is appointed by the COR and CC, that is a BSA rule. That being said if 1 of 2 is leaving in a month, and the other is leaving in November, wait them out. Then write new bylaws. My feeling is if it more than 3 pages it tooooooo much and n
  18. I would like to correct one thing that was said. The application does not need to be turned in to district by the 18th birthday, a scout only has to complete the advancement requirements by that time. He could turn it in after his birthday and still get eagle. 90 days after for BOR with no explaination, 180 days with CE explaination.
  19. They are supposed to do what they did in 2001. They are planning on turning it over to a commercial auction company who will place it in lots and action it off for the national council. The only problem was the size of the lots in 2001. 200 coolers, 2-300 toasters, 25 canoes, etc.... Unless your a big outfit or a reseller it was kind of useless to bid.
  20. yes he can earn eagle as explained below. This is nothing new, its been like this since the start of venturing. Any male Venturer who has achieved the First Class rank as a Boy Scout in a troop or Varsity Scout in a team may continue advancement toward Star, Life and Eagle Scout ranks up to his 18th birthday. He must meet the requirements as prescribed in the official Boy Scout Handbook and the current Boy Scout Requirements book. The Venturer may fulfill leadership requirements by serving as president, vice president, secretary, or treasurer of his crew, or as boatswain, boat
  21. Our Troop 21 in Northern New York goes swiming in Pool during winter atleast every other month. Plus we do our begining Canoe Training inn the High School Pool. We usually do this in the early spring when it would be impossible to do it in a lake due to water temprature. It works good as you can flip canoes and right them and not worry about hypothermia.
  22. KS and others KS, you got it almost right. For those of you who have never worked with this let me give you the full discription of how it works and how to screen and obtain property. The process for surplus from the Entire Department of Defense all goes to the Defense Reutilization and Marketing Service or DRMS. DRMS runs The DRMO's which are the local offices world wide. Once an Item is turned over to the DRMO it enters a 14 day DOD screening cycle, during this time only DOD can requisition the items. After 14 days DOD then it goes 21 days of GSA screening which any federal age
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