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Everything posted by njdrt-rdr

  1. I guess we've always just done it wrong, but were never told different and didn't realize any different. I guess we let logic take over. When we have one turn 18, they fill out an adult app, take YPT, and get registered as unit college scouter reserve and we let them participate with the scouts, they just can't sleep in a tent with the scout. Generally, it's just for a couple months and through the summer until they head off to college, trade school or whatever they do. IMHO, all of this lawyer type rules is part of the thing that's ruining scouting and ruining leaders who don't want to lead
  2. One way it can control unit activities is if the location closes. For example we are supposed to be just regular weekend troop camping at the local council camp and the council camp is closed.
  3. So, one of my issues is lying flat. At home I actually sleep in a recliner. I've done a hammock and it was more comfortable in that than flat in a tent, once I got in it. But body build doesn't lend itself to hammock camping. I'm short and really fat and have difficulty getting in and out of the hammock. I did try a hammock at summer camp and it was strung up inside a lean-to that had a closed in front. So when I rolled out of the thing onto the floor to get up in the morning it wasn't visible to everyone in camp...LOL...I also have trouble because I'm short and I can't reach high enough on t
  4. I've given up on getting decent sleep on a campout. I come home wiped out every time and it takes me a day or so to recouperate.
  5. For the issue of not enough adults.  In the past for summer camp, we've juggled adults at camp so that no one had to take an entire week off work. We even broke it down to time slots during the day. We had one adult would would come to camp at 7pm, and stay until 7am and then go to to work. At 7am another adult (a dad or a mom) would come and spend the day at camp and cover that time slot. It was a bit of juggling but it worked. It was also a good experience for some adults that don't generally go to anything to see what the boys did at camp. It was very sucessful.  As far as the mer
  6. I'd be curious to know how this goes. We have not switched yet because troop master has the offline app.
  7. It truly is a mess trying to actually abide by the rules. We have the issue with eagle projects now. A scout is working with his mentor or his parent and a group of scouts on some eagle work days and now that has to be 2 leaders present, when you only have a few leaders in your troop to begin with, it's friggin hard, leaders only have so much time and it seems like scouts just assumes that all you want to do is scouting stuff 24x7 365. So lets ask another technical question. Going by the letter of the law, Can a leader drive to a campout with 4 scouts in the car.There's now only 1
  8. We meet once a week as a whole troop its usually school cafeteria, our local park or our charter org location. When it's PLC it's either at one of those locations or a leaders house. Scout master conferences and board of review happen at the same place during the troop meeting.
  9. Technically isn't this against the rules now? I thought the rules were any outing the scouts participate in has to be attended by 2 "registered scout leaders"...
  10. While they say co-ed is not the plan and should not be happening. I'm at our local cub pack blue and gold Sunday and one of the boys crossing over has an older sister with a scout uniform on. We start talking to her to find out she is in a troop in another council because the troop in the town next door, runs their troops, boys and girls together. All meetings are together, all campouts are together, every activity and event is together. She went to a different troop because she wanted to be a troop of girls, not a co-ed troop. She said she loves it because they can do stuff and not have to wo
  11. I just think it brings about too much confusion and boots on the ground weren't required to think about the big picture. This wasn't a merger or asking a troop to change it's number. These are new troops forming, cut and dry. New troops should have new numbers. Whether they have the same leadership and charter as another troop really should have nothing to do with it. When it all boils down, no matter what anyone wants to say, they are a separate troop (at this point in time). The boys are their own troop and the girls are their own troop. As far as not being part of "us" if we had a different
  12. I gotta vent. I have to say that the decision by National to allow a girl troop and a boy troop have the same troop number in the same district is idiotic and then to preference with one is Troop 187 B and the other is Troop 187 G....How do you explain that to the general public...For instance we are working with multiple troop and packs for a food drive. THe flyer would usually says thanks from Troop 87, pack 87 and troop 99..So now Troop 99 has a boy troop and a girl troop. So do we modify it and says thanks from Troop 99 Boys and Troop 99 Girls?...Such an idiotic move to further draw a dist
  13. That's some real backwards logic he has there. Scouting is not an infinite program. It's like saying that the amount of kids in school are dwindling because they are graduating...Huh....part of an active well run troop is a solid flow of scouts into the troop. The failure of a troop is not because of scouts ranking out and leaving, it's because of scouts not coming in.
  14. It happens with my troop also. Highschool brings about other commitments and scouts usually goes by the wayside. Some may hang around just enough to finish their eagle. Unfortunately after 1st class, there's no requirements in the ranks that require them to go on outings. Not to mention balancing any activity in high school with scouts is extremely hard. My kid is in drama club and they practice 6 days a week for the entire school season. If they are in a sport, it's even worse. Also you have to realize that by this point, they've been in scouts for 9 to 12 years and scouts is year round, it n
  15. I'm a committee chair for the troop and was for the pack. The CC takes care of the Charter, all the SM does is sign it when it's ready.
  16. Total hogwash. If I had to have parents present every time I discussed with a scout about his behavior or remarks or actions being incorrect, parents would have to be present 100% of the time at every meeting, campout, etc..
  17. Hmm...That never dawned on me with an eagle project...I'm sure I'm wrong, I guess generally it never clicked to me as a scout event because it wasn't run by the troop.
  18. Can you tell me where you saw this requirement?
  19. My kid is a sophomore. There's no shot at him wearing a Class A uniform to school for the day. It would be more possible for them with wear a class B shirt but since that is not an official uniform that can't happen either.
  20. While that's totally true, they get paid to do their job and their job is to deal with National and deal with all the crap that should not be happening at our level. However crap rolls down hill and the volunteers at the bottom are the ones that take the brunt of it. Way back, 12 years ago I had fond memories of my time in scouts as a kid and I knew I wanted to be a leader and thought that even when my kid was done with scouts, I'd keep on as a volunteer. Well over the last 12 years, that attitude has severely changed. I don't have faith in the program or leadership of it anymore. I'm just gla
  21. Depends on the reason he's struggling. For my son it was often just not paying attention in some subjects, talking too much and not getting instructions, not writing down homework etc. Others were he just didn't get the info that was being taught, that was math. He struggled pretty much almost every year in math from the 1st grade to now which is 9th grade.  In grammar school after forgetting to hand in homework or forgetting he had homework beacuse he didn't write the assignment down. I did drop the hammer, I told him no more scouts, no more playing basketball, no more friends ever comin
  22. I haven't slept on a hammock in cold weather but I was intrigued about trying a hammock for sleeping. I'm a short really fat dude and didn't want to try one in public. we had an empty lean to at summer camp and I strung one up in there. Didn't want to have the boys watch me try and navigate a hammock for the first time or trying to roll out of the thing.....It was a bit rough for me to get out of. But OMG....I slept solid all night long and never woke up...that doesn't happen to me even sleeping on cot or a bunk...I loved it...
  23.   This isn't about borrowing a hundred bucks and someones intentions. Your buddy asked you a question twice and each time was a different legitimate answer, So no, you didn't lie to him.   But co-ed wasn't a question, it was a statement made by the head of the BSA. You don't run a company based off intentions you base them from fact and business plans.  This is a multi billion dollar organization that is supposed to be laying out ground rules and direction for people to offer their program. People who volunteer and spend time away from family activities to run this program. they spend
  24. Curious to why you give them a binder when it's already in the scout handbook?
  25. He also said in that video that this was just a discussion on whether they should persue discussing the topic. And that they were under no pressure at all to make a decision. And that they should not make a decision until they had everything ironed out on how Girls should earn eagle, how they should integrate into troops, how they should handle OA. Yup he said all those things, then rushed to a decision without the answers to any of the questions that said they definitely needed to answer before making a decision. It's hard to be a member of a ship when you have no faith or confidence in the p
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