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Everything posted by Basementdweller

  1. found a mulch company that will take the trees and not charge us. I own a landscaping trailer...so it would just be fuel and printing for expenses. like fishing. Now research the burbs to see which burbs charge for tree removal.
  2. I am ok with that. Camps are expensive and are excuses given for hidden bloated budgets. That 80k they need to upgrade the pool. another 1.2 million for a dining hall. Scouting has become bloated. Everyone complains about the low quality of the merit badges at summer camps. Doing away with the poorest performing ones is a good thing. So what do I need in a scout camp beyond a summer camp. A kybo is nice and that is it. how much to maintain a chuck of land with a few trails on it and a dozen campsites and kybos. don't even need running water.
  3. I didn't see where anyone one mentioned money. Still curious how big the troop is.
  4. If you want to end snacks... Give each of them a can of monster and a snickers bar just before the meeting is over. I think that will end the snack demands from the parents.
  5. That is pretty pathetic. A lad has enough guts to walk in and plead his case for something reasonable and actually part of the BSA that doesn't violate the G2SS, ethics or any laws and the SM says NO.... I give your son Kudos and a big pat on the back for me. I wonder if it will give the other adults pause or reason to follow where ever your scout goes.
  6. I don't see it as a rant, I was making a statement.
  7. Yep they asked us a couple of years ago at roundtable those in council were applauded and those who the rest were cat called or met with a hiss. When they do it this year I am going to stand up and object and say what does it matter as long as they are going. go where you want. We don't get free advancement because we go out of council to summer camp.....Let me see, We save $50 per boy and the program is better.
  8. So your not concerned that the Scoutmaster and the core group of leaders getting burned out or losing focus on the rest of the troop????? What your saying is true that the troop could be 100 member but it could also be 10?
  9. Am I the only one who sees the that this will damage the rest of the troops program??????? Two weekends a month backpacking with the unit PLUS a regular troop outing. I imagine the regular troop campouts will suffer.
  10. I disagree, The only thing that will prepare the boys is going on outings with the troop they intend on joining.
  11. Keep in mind that yellow stone has maximum group sizes for back country treks. Philmont doesn't require anything beyond 14 and first class and the BMI. Merit badges don't prove a thing other than the boy can run a check list and if they were earned at summer camp then he was at least semi conscious when the subject was broached. Something seems odd here. So are the adults planning this? I would like to discourage you from taking a large group into the backcountry. I think your trek training is overly ambitious. So you have two trek trips a month plus t
  12. Both patrols are working the council halloween gig this weekend. They are in different camp sites quite by accident.... So 300 feet it is. I am going to try to bunk in one of the lodges. I will add that I did lose a family when Dad didn't understand why I was not up front leading or teaching. SPL was struggling, I tried to explain boy lead and learning by teaching and my goal is for the boys to do 100% of the program.... the patrols broke up into the patrol meetings and then the game. He didn't say anything. Just never came back. Most parents don't care about 300 feet
  13. Your assuming that the SM gives the PLC that much freedom. I imaging a fellow like that would immediately remove the offending lad.
  14. Wow mr. sensitive.....I didn't attack you......
  15. I am impressed too, But worry about spending $200 on printing and envelops for $50 in donations.
  16. I don't think he is talking about SM picking and choosing boys.. But the SM saying no to the OA period.
  17. And that works???? So how much do you gross with that method????
  18. All lodges are not created equal, My sons chapter stinks, so he attends another chapter and attends the lodge level events. Is the Lodge just slave labor for the councils camps???? Is there any program to speak of.???? While it is the Brotherhood of cheerful service, Many councils abuse this. This may be the case. Has anyone actually sat down and asked the SM why? Not try to change his mind but just why??? As an SM I have a hard time sending my guys to set up and tear down camps and work the for profit council events. But honestly the OA is nothing more than a lod
  19. I forget you guys run your troops, Crews and Packs like kingdoms with no interaction with other units on any level of scouting,. If I needed a boy scout, cub scout or crew member for a requirement like this, It is as simple as walking to the next room in the CO and ask for a volunteer. Not a problem
  20. It's only 2 months off. I would continue to ask the difficult questions to the current Advancement chair....Get rid of the good old boys club.
  21. There was a thread over there a while ago Where someone asked about giving appropriate gifts to an eagle scout... One gave framed Norman Rockewell paintings, another philmont trips and another was the Henry Eagle rifle.......those were the biggies, some eagle knives and the like from the scout shop. Seriously folks....I have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours with your boy.... Explain to me again, Why the SM should buy the lad anything beyond an JASM patch?????
  22. I appreciate your enthusiasm....ya H A P P Y we luv your ideas. But I don't want this to become full time jobs.... If I can get the church board to let the troop make their kitchen pass the county inspections which basicaly is servsafe. I can cook out of there.....We can pull the trailer to a high traffic area parking lot and cook 20 or so butts and Clear $800 or so bucks in a Saturday afternoon. Especially if we can get a lot close to the game. Butts are about $6 each thinking I can get 6-8 sandwiches or so a piece. X $5 $40 per butt. so The best bake beans in the world....
  23. Your assuming those folks in those bars are going to want to eat... Most are in there self medicating. What drunk is going to pay $6-7 bucks for a sandwich.
  24. Yes there are and they are spoken for. We were going to sell bottled water at the 4th of july festival.....needed a safeserv certificate to get the peddlers permit. Sure they have budget troubles.....But they are sending their guys to philmont, Northern Tier and Sea Base....
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