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Everything posted by JoeBob

  1. Anwar al Awlaki American citizen - Shoot to kill order directly from the Whitehouse. No trial. No process, much less Due Process. Do any of the civil libertarian puristas on the board want to try to justify the killing of al Awlaki? Or shall we realists just quietly turn our heads and ignore your application of double standards, because it's your boy in the Whitehouse?
  2. One school and one church. For the most part, we like what we get. Got some boys from a nearby pack that failed, and I'd like to give half of them back.
  3. leV: Can I sell tickets to my own hanging? Since my cache of incandescent light bulbs must surely be treasonous by your broad definition and interpretation of the US Constitution. Hanging will probably be a more enjoyable way to die than growing old under ObamaCare! JoeBob PS- I think I'll have a cigarette before they stretch me. Haven't had a cigarette in years...
  4. BadenP: Now you're just being rude.
  5. On the first page BadenP said: "All I can say is that the first line of your post does much to carry on the stereotype of the uneducated southerner." I'm surprised that you resort to an ad hominem defense so quickly. However, in the interest of bipartisanship and good manners, let me point out that the 'S' in Southerner is capitalized; whether y'all are uneducated or not.
  6. This board is usually such an echo chamber of liberals pumping each other (up!), that I just had to have a little fun: http://www.nationaljournal.com/politics/democrats-distancing-themselves-from-obama-20110901 "The presidents dismal poll ratings, should they continue into next year, could sink Democratic hopes for reclaiming ground in the House and retaining control of the Senate -- especially in battleground states and swing districts." What conditions will prod the Democrats into Primarying Obama? Unemployment @ 10% ? http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/gallup-unemploymen
  7. Agree with all the sound and responsible sentiments above. So I apologize for proposing a new merit badge: Gang Tackling Psychos. Could we make it a subcategory of whittlin chip? "First, open your Swiss Army Knife..." I wonder if Anderson was wearing his class A uniform, which may have made him a target for someone intimidated by authority...
  8. Seattle, We don't do anything special. Here's what changed: 1- I quit undermining our Popcorn Kernel. As Cubmaster, I bit the bullet and pushed at pack meetings, and played along that Popcorn was a big deal. Grumblers were asked what else they were going to do if they did not want to sell popcorn... I researched College team pasta, Bar-B-Que Sauce, and a couple of others. They were all equally overpriced. The Trailsend promotional program works pretty good if you don't fight it. 2- We do a few 'Show and Sells' in front of local businesses. We break open the microwave popcorn
  9. I'm a popcorn convert. First year as a Tiger parent, son sold a bunch to the neighborhood. Cute kid, embarrassing the neighbors out of their money... Second year we were ashamed to go back to the neighbors because the quality had been so bad the year before. But the quality of the second year product was actually okay. Finally, they changed the packaging so that it says in large letters "70% of sales price goes to support Scouting". Okay. Still a little overpriced, but it's a fund-raiser! Our pack has close to 10 grand in the bank account at the start of this year. We a
  10. Longpig, anyone? Jonathan Swift...
  11. I was suprised to learn how dangerous the waters of Lake Superior were because of HYPOTHERMIA, even in July and August. Steep vertical cliffs with no water exit around the scenic caves, and cold water combine into a dangerous situation. http://gitcheegumeeguy.blogspot.com/2010/09/kayaker-dies-in-apostles.html I would definitely consider using an experienced local guide. 47 degree water will take away more than your breath!. While you're in the area, I can recommend both of the micro-breweries in Ashland!
  12. Methinks some of you have misplaced the Tea Party. The traditional 'Play along, get along' GOP is scared to death of the Tea Party. The Tea Party is a splinter group of independants and fiscal conservatives who routinely threaten to 'primary' RINO conservatives to make them adhere to conservative fiscal principles. One of the GOP's biggest concerns for 2012 is keeping the Tea Party happy. If the Tea Party doesn't like the GOP nominee, there may be a third party Tea Party candidate. By avoiding social issues and running on immigration, security, and fiscal issues; the Tea Party cou
  13. Our Webelos Encampment falls into the SNAFU group. Or at least one part of it - the 'Outback Adventure'. 'Outback Adventure' was a Webelos only overnight trip away from the younger Cubs. Additional equipment needed: backpacking tent and a third adult to go with the WebIIs. The third adult was supposed to report at 8am Thursday equipped to canoe with the Outbackers to the 'remote wilderness location' and spend the night and morning helping the staff run the wilderness program. I stepped up as the 3rd adult to go outbacking, and registered and turned in the health form on the first day
  14. The only thing new I've learned from Scouter training is how to fill out BSA paperwork. Of course I'm going to have to take woodbadge before anyone will believe me when I point out how boring and repetitive BSA training has become.
  15. From 10 yards a good PD should score 30 of a possible 50 points with a water pistol...
  16. Battery operated LED lights. $25 3 C cell Batteries 55 hours at 20 Lumens 5100 hours at .2 lumens Motion sensor turn on. Easy install. http://www.theledlight.com/Wireless-LED-Step-Light.html
  17. The noise of the generators would make good cover for the sounds made while removing tires. So you should probably wait until you're leaving to add water in the generators' gas tanks... I never claimed to be a nice person.
  18. Hello the Fire, 1- The watergun fight had been the Friday staple at every prior year's Cub Scout Day Camp. This year our Director went to Camp School in Washington State. (Poor planning, last minute volunteer drafted to be camp director; Washington was the only school available in the short time window...) Back here in Georgia, every day at camp was in the 90s, so the water gun fight was much anticipated. But despite pressure and cajoling from pretty much every reasonable individual at camp, the director said 'No Way!' and indicated that the water gun fights were specifically addresse
  19. Same deal here. The Friday water fight was PCed down to throwing water-soaked sponges. A freshly dunked sponge full of water upside the head has a better chance of hurting someone than a super-soaker...
  20. Hey Calico, Here's a link: http://www.learningoutlet.com/products/productdetail/part_number=022386/4883.0.1.1 The shafts don't break and stay straight, but they are heavy. At 5 yards, no problem. The vanes are a soft plastic that gives when passing the arrow rest, but doesn't add much stability in flight.
  21. shortridge, You're right. The site that is wrong is the official site. BSA - I should have known... David, I'll take some of my aluminum arrows next year. Thanks fer pitching in.
  22. I'm starting to wonder if the heavy fiberglass arrows are the culprit. At the Cub Scout distance of 5 yards you can drill the 9-10 ring all day with the same angle of entry. Not much flight time for the shaft to deviate from the trajectory off the bow or the plastic vanes to have much stabilizing effect. At 10 yards the groups open up and the arrows hit the target at varied angles. At 15 yards, the new distance, the observed arrow flight is all over the place, with some arrows wobbling almost sideways. Maybe one shot in five is a flat smooth trajectory. Thanks for the equipment
  23. DFOlson, Thanks for the info on the printed version. Who wants to contact the 'instantly apparent' official site webmaster and correct him?
  24. Bert Adams Scout Reservation uses a Coehoorn Mortar for flag ceremonies:
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