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Everything posted by JoeBob

  1. Hey Ann, I would hesitate to translate one's online behavior directly to offline actions. There are plenty of Alpha Scout leaders who don't have the keyboarding skills to blaze away 200 word opinions. Some of us have to hunt and peck our words, so we're not very agressive online. And if you're a parent of scout age kids, you probably don't have a lot of time to waste online, even though this forum does provide a useful vent for daily frustrations. Which probably keeps me from being as 'Alpha' offline as I might be otherwise. I am most indebted to these online folks for
  2. Jamist said: "Good Lord, I love this forum, but some of ya'll had rather argue than eat." Amen. The forum did take your simple request: "Does anyone have any experience with a Scout who is Muslim?", and disect it right down to the cellular level...
  3. OGE - Vegan Cupcakes? You've got me wondering what a meat cupcake would be like... Or is that just a hamburger with no top bun?
  4. 10-Food really does taste better. 9- Raindrops sounding on the tent. 8- Exciting sounds that go 'BUMP!' in the night. - or - Twigs that slide slooowly down the rain fly... 7- Economics - buy a good tent/bag/pad once - pay for hotels every the night. 6- Campfires heat on your face. 5- Not having neighbors, if you want to misbehave outside. 4- Camping right next to a creek. 3- Trees. Critters. 2- Thunderstorms, up close and personal. 1- NO TV!
  5. You don't have to be rich to run from high taxes: "New Yorkers under 30 plan to flee city, says new poll; cite high taxes, few jobs as reasons" http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2011/05/13/2011-05-13_new_yorkers_under_30_plan_to_flee_city_says_new_poll_cite_high_taxes_few_jobs_as.html#ixzz1MI24tWAv
  6. Calico - 100 years? Maybe 5! Honor Moore's Law.
  7. Brent: You're too nice. In the hypothetical methods of questioning one terrorist to save one million innocents, the only line I would not cross is revenge torture. All efforts would be focused on gaining information. If my child were in the balance, there is no line. The most important part of all that is that your subject knows there is no line.
  8. Thanks for the link infoscouter. What I was looking for was a one page outline with out all the miscellaneous confusion. It's out there somewhere. Or should be.
  9. You hear this often: "torturing captives only leads to stiffened resolve, better recruiting," Is there any proof? "less willingness to surrender" I'll buy that one. "and the torture of our own men and women in retaliation." Since this enemy is torturing and killing their captives anyway, what's to be gained by being nice? The normal rules of chivalry don't apply to an enemy who wants to die so he can get to his virgins.
  10. Is there a resource that lists all training in one place? ie: Cub Scout YPT - REQUIRED a- Tiger Leader b- Den Leader c- WEb Leader __OWLS d- CM Specifics e- BALOO Hazardous Weather Boy Scouts Etc... It would be nice to have a guide to the maze that a new person could follow. Of course if you lay it all out on one page, with links to course descriptions, you might scare away a lot of potential volunteers.
  11. Silly uninformed aethieists! It won't be heaven without my dawg, so he's coming with me!
  12. First bomb - August 6th - wasn't enough to convince the Japanese. USA had to drop a 2nd bomb August 9th. Who is responsible for the second bomb? Since it took two, doesn't that beg the argument about needing to drop any?
  13. Packsaddle, Spew all the belittling words you want trying to hold on to your moral superiority. You have burrowed so deep into the minutia that you must look like an ostrich. But you have lost touch with reality. About the only thing I remember about SERE school is getting stuck with someone else's pants that were too tight. So I guess it really wasn't that hard.
  14. Gawd! Just look at the emotonal backflips you went through to devise an almost impossible scenario! IF we assume that all of your assumptions are true: 1- You messed up when you didn't have a Dr. present and killed your primary witness. Pain does not have to be lethal. 2- 1,000,000 lives per 50 potential saviours - that is 20,000 lives per interogation suspect - pretty good odds. 3- Especially when you consider that 49 of the 50 are not crazy, and a trained questioner will be able to spot those fairly easily. But let's play along with your ridiculous scenario, and say we have
  15. Basement, We terrorize Islam with gay marriage, blue jeans, dresses that show cleavage, and bad movies... ;^O
  16. Packsaddle. Degrees of coercion are entirely situational. What is at stake? Who are you questioning? Waterboarding per se is not for asking questions. It develops a co-operative frame of mind in your subject. You waterboard a subject today, so that they will fear waterboarding in the future, and answer quesions for you in the mean time. Obviously that type of interogation assumes that the questioner has lots of time to humanely persuade the sybject. For more immediate time scenarios (buried alive hostage, ticking nuke) there are hideously painful things that can be done to th
  17. Anyone who resists an enemy SHOULD be a terrorist to that enemy. If waterboarding interogaters terrorize Al Quaeda, good! Americans fight back. Anyone who fights back, using your semantic twist, is a terrorist. Are you a Quaker?
  18. Basement - We disagree on the definition of torture. I'm a Cubmaster for one more year and daycamp shooting sports instructor; unless you can get me fired! (Please oh please?) I've actually filled out the profile associated with this forum, if you'd like to know more about me.
  19. acco: In this context, I'll take being called a Bonehead as a compliment. Thank you! Beavah: I don't mind that you don't want to be the one doing the waterboarding. I do get angry that you fail to appreciate the ones who are willing to answer duty's call. If the legal question of waterboarding was as black and white as you try to state it, why is it so often debated? Even Chris Matthews was asking his panel this morning if George Bush was getting enough credit...
  20. How does waterboarding an enemy violate the scout law? You can TRUST that my LOYALty to my country and family HELPs me to question our Al Quaeda FRIENDs in a COURTEOUS manner. I'll KINDly ask them to OBEY my CHEERFUL requests for information so that I can be THRIFTy with the water. My conscience is CLEAN because I'm BRAVE enough to accept that being REVERENT to my God sometimes requires that I not defer to their god.
  21. The policy of 'Non-Interogation' is actually getting the people you want to protect, killed! Why would the US kill bin Laden before interogating him? Imagine the information that was in his head! Apparently we had bin Laden, and shot him dead: "The president introduced the subject of the weeks great accomplishment in the war on terror by mentioning the sense of unity that had prevailed in the country after Americans learned about the operation that resulted in the capture and death of Usama bin Laden. Applause at that moment obscured the detail the president had let slip: that bi
  22. OGE: Did you have to Google it, or do you know the Latin?
  23. Let me get this straight: You're saying that it is okay to drop into a foreign country without their permission, kick-in the bedroom door in the dead of night and shoot someone. But it is not okay to use fraternity pranks to pressure that same person to answer questions? UnHuh. Beavah said: "That's why da folks who proudly wear the uniform of the United States and use da expression "Huaah!" would never condone such acts. They believe in honor, and an honorable man does not torture a captive. To do so is an act of cowardice, that undermines the values of the United States, p
  24. nldscout: Huaah! Beavah: Either we are at war with terrorists, or we're not. If the wartime exemption on assasination applies to Obama, it applies to interogation. If the questioners are guilty, so is the Prez. Which is it? "White House and CIA lawyers believe that the intelligence "finding" is constitutional because the ban on political assassination does not apply to wartime. They also contend that the prohibition does not preclude the United States taking action against terrorists." http://articles.cnn.com/2002-11-04/justice/us.assassination.policy_1_assassination-prohibit
  25. Beavah - Let's put your answer in perspective. Seal Team Six broke Pakistani law when they illegally dischared a firearm inside the territorial limits of Abbottabad. Everyone in their chain of command, up to the president, is guilty of aiding and abbetting murder. Those video helment feeds that the president watched as his cronies double tapped the elderly infirm victim? Those tapes and photos are evidence and we want to see them now! You should file an FOA request. Those CIA interogators? They're guilty of conspiring to get answers...
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