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Everything posted by gsdad

  1. More posts of, "I only need two rounds for hunting, so go ahead and ban what I don't use". Give an inch, they take a mile. I find it hard to have people who themselves, and their families are guarded by men and women carrying the same type of firearms they don't trust me to own. For those regurgitating the "military grade" desctiption, bolt action rifles were once the standard rifle issued to soldiers. Your revolver was once the issued sidearm for the military. Lever action rifles, were once carried by soldiers. What is reasonable to you, is not reasonable to me. You may be co
  2. BD You have a CCW and carry on non-Scouting events. The same what-ifs apply during these events that apply in your daily life. G2SS aside, how does the venue change anything?
  3. Beavah Because bad things happen everywhere. If I knew there was going to be trouble I would pick a new destination. http://news.yahoo.com/scout-leader-fatally-stabbed-ind-hiking-trip-071727953.html BD If you're not living in fear, why do you carry a pistol? I don't live in fear. I believe in being prepared. What you are describing is the erosion of our gun rights, start with evil black rifles, magazines over 10rds, and keep chipping away. As for the zombie apocolypse, please. I want to give people a Gibbs smack when I hear that noise. I hunt, shoot for fun, and start
  4. The ignorance of people really shines when it comes to "assault rifle" A flash hider does not hide the shooter's position, it lessens the muzzle flash seen by the shooter. Clips hold papers, magazines hold catridges. My bolt action rifle has more effective range than my AR-15, which I might add hasn't assualted anyone. I am sick of the " I own a gun, but don't own semi-auto so they should ban them" crowd. I don't smoke, and abhor the smell and filth that accompanies it, so let's ban tobacco. My dad was a belligerent drunk, let's ban beer and booze, my brother is an addict, let's ban
  5. I take pride that I was inducted in, and served as a youth officer in Unami #1. Changing the Lodge Flap on my uniform was the hardest thing to do.
  6. I think the number of registered volunteers should be a footnote to the number of youth. In my opinion it is not an important fact since we are here to serve the youth.
  7. My boyhood Troop would rent a site with a cabin, and lean-to's for winter months. The older Scouts were encouraged to sleep out and soon realized it was more fun, and usually warmer outside once the fire in the cabin went out. The older Scouts would also take the younger boys under their wings and show them how it was done. The meetings before the weekend campout would be mini winter camping workshops. We had one ASM who NEVER slept in a cabin. He would pitch a tent, hang a tarp, build snow caves,etc... That man walked the walk, and still does.
  8. I am not against the girls making the flag. I will present the option at our next Crew meeting.
  9. Local Scout Shop looks to the best option. Flag $36.99, $2.49 per letter, $1.79 per punctuation mark.
  10. We are looking to buy a flag for the Venture Crew but my Bing-Fu must be weak and I am strking out. Where can I order a BSA approve Crew Flag?
  11. That's a good point about the boots. We had a kid in our troop "dry " his in a cardboard box oven after the cooking was complete. We smelled the rubber burning from across the campsite. Lay boots on their side to dry them, the air will circualte inside better than standing. How often do you feel the wind blow straight down?
  12. Put some of those air activated toe/handwarmers in your socks at night. Use cardboard or newspaper as a cheap insulator under your sleeping bag. You can burn it in the morning. Eat a little bit of protein before bed; jerky, peanut butter, etc.. the digestive process will help keep your blow flowing and keep you warm.
  13. A big pet peave of mine is: " I could care less" duh, that means you care.
  14. I struggle with this. The parents show up and sit among each other and I run the meetings. I didn't plan it that way, it just happened and it works.
  15. We were lucky to lose only a few trees in the yard, there are still some in my area in the dark. Our council camp(Ockanickon) sustained heavy damage and is organizing work parties. It looks like I will taking my chainsaw for a ride next weekend.
  16. It was tough on two the parents, one Tiger slept in a tent with his dad. I took a tent thinking my son wouldn't want to sleep with the rest of the kids, but he surprised me. As for the age appropriate activites, thanks for the input, but guidelines are just that. The kids were well supervised by myself, and the ACM. The parents attending were as excited as the kids.
  17. This past weekend my son and I went on his first camping trip as a Tiger. I am the Tiger DL and some of my concerns about parents rang true, but that is to be expected. Four of the five Tigers atteneded and did pretty well. They beat the Webelos in the make a fire and burn the rope contest, and 3/4 of the slept in the lean-to without parents.
  18. I never thought I would see leather thong in a thread about Cub Scouts.
  19. All of my Tigers can recite the Cub Scout Promise and Law of the Pack. None of the girls in my daughter's crew can recite the Venture Oath, but know the Scout Law.
  20. Before you "drop the hammer" it might be wise to find out why they all decided to bail. You might not like the answer. Even if you can't cahnge their attitude, you might be able to prevent it from happening to your younger Scouts. Are the older boys OA members? If not, perhaps an OA Election might re-spark their interest.
  21. Wow, I didn't think the question would turn into an "I'm right, you're wrong, and I'm telling the teacher" type debate. Thank you for the clarification. All of these rules didn't exist when I was a Scout.
  22. This may be a dumb question but do two leaders need to be in every vehicle? Is it allowed for me to drive a scout to or from a meeting if his parents cannot due to family conflicts? This issue came up at a popcorn show and sell. The "kernel" would have had to pack her vehicle around her son to get everything home. They live on my way home and we were uncertain if it was allowed for me to give her son a ride. It also might come into play with my daughter's Venture Crew. She is asking a friend or two to join but their parents have commitments on meeting nights.
  23. Not a campout, but a complete summer. The summer of 1990, the 75th Anniversary of the OA. I was supposed to work on Treasure Island Campstaff again that summer but due to heat from my dad I had to back out. He was never supportive of Scouting and figured since I had just graduated high school I needed to a "real" job or enlist in the military. Looking back I should have worked the summer at camp and enlisted in the fall.
  24. In my opinon the merit badge is the recognition.
  25. We chose the current Pack because it serves his school and he already knew a few of the older Cubs. They an active Pack, a strong Troop, and Venture Crew that support the Pack. The other Pack was not affiliated with a Troop and didn't seem very organized.
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