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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/29/23 in Posts

  1. Another question is how long until the plan goes effective and what needs to happen before then. A bankruptcy pro I spoke to today dumbed it down for me in a way I understood. This is a lot like closing on your house. You agree on a deal but now there's the sausage-making. You need an appraisal, insurance, termite inspection, flood certification, mortgage approval, title search....and set a closing date for a month or two down the road hoping you can get it all done by then. That's where we are. The Trustee needs to have in place all the infrastructure to start this "not-so-small busines
    3 points
  2. (Can't link to the full article bc of paywall.) BREAKING: Boy Scouts Ch. 11 Plan Upheld On Appeal By Vince Sullivan A Delaware federal judge upheld the Chapter 11 plan of the Boy Scouts of America on Tuesday, saying he found no fault with the bankruptcy court's conclusion approving the plan to channel more than 82,000 claims of childhood sexual abuse to a $2.5 billion settlement trust, and that appealing insurance companies had not shown any clear error in the order confirming the plan.
    1 point
  3. Just saw this Town Hall notice on the TCC website. Interesting, the TCC and Coalition doing it together. Some day this is going to make for a really boring book or a drama-filled miniseries. TOWN HALL: The Official Committee of Tort Claimants’ and the Coalition of Abused Scouts for Justice will hold a Town Hall Meeting on April 4, 2023 at 8:00 p.m. (ET). Zoom: https://pszjlaw.zoom.us/j/85281284960 (no registration required) One-Tap Mobile: +16694449171,,85281284960# Dial-In by Telephone: 1-888-788-009 (toll-free), Webinar ID: 852 8128 4960. If asked for a “Participa
    1 point
  4. It's going to be fascinating to see how this shakes out. A lot of focus, and rightfully so, is on the numerator; how much money is needed NOW. Well, the other side of this is the denominator; the number of Survivors that complete the questionnaire to get an award and the number that are credible. Some number less than 82,500 will be the denominator. How many have given up or won't go to the hassle of completing the questionnaire? How many will provide a convincing argument to support their claim? What will appropriate support be in the eyes of the Trust? Surely this will be more than li
    1 point
  5. There was no expert who testified to any value above Bates. Note that the insurers have no motivation to claim a higher value. That leaves a few claimants who could likely not afford the experts and analysis to prove Bates wrong. I believe in addition to YPT the TCC also got the agreement for the alternative path. That path technically allows full payment of any claim removing the limits of the matrix. I think it is too early to know if it is fully funded. However, I'd recommend getting in early as possible.
    1 point
  6. Yep. A ton of real life examples. Here is one... A Scout attends a school board meeting to satisfy Cit. in Comm req#3. And it isn't just limited to mBs. 2nd class req#7 "participate in a school..."
    1 point
  7. That's a good point about the TCC supporting this version plan. I also wanted to note that, at this point, I'd like it to go into effect. You're also right about history fans: my recollection is that the TCC wailed that the settlements were "historically low" and then started to support the plan after the YPT sections were changed. That's always been a disconnect in my mind. [You've also heard me wail that youth protection had to be negotiated doesn't sit well.] I don't think what I posted is cherry picking. Both judges leaned on the Bates testimony. It's referenced repeatedly, prese
    1 point
  8. Technically, I was at work and saw them out my conference room window when they past their halfway mark. I got my afternoon coffee later. MB work -- unless explicitly stated -- is not a troop activity. It can be fun when it is, but that's not necessary. Meeting with counselors now does fall under YP. And, I wholeheartedly agree, that a good counselor will help the scout plan to the level of his/her ability. I think when there's that second person in the room, good advice is more easily retained.
    1 point
  9. At what milestone does the org “leave bankruptcy”? To me that is when this wrapped up.
    1 point
  10. Certainly riding along at a leisurely pace on a bike would qualify. Having relays of adults would also qualify. Switch out every five or 10 miles or so.
    1 point
  11. There is nothing inherently wrong or against the rules in what you're describing, i.e. an unregistered adult teaching skills to scouts. For instance, about every other year our PLC invites one of our local police officers to come in as a guest speaker for our scouts. They give a general talk, some about personal safety, some about careers in law enforcement, etc. They also teach how to do fingerprinting. They cover about 90% of what is needed for Fingerprinting MB, and then we have one of our leaders who is also registered as a Fingerprinting MB counselor, complete the mb with any scout int
    1 point
  12. Careful @qwazse!! You'll anger the G2SS gods!! "Two registered adult leaders 21 years of age or over are required at all Scouting activities, including meetings." This one kills me... two Scouts should be able to go for a day-hike together without adult supervision. If they have a plan, are properly outfitted, and let someone know where they will be and when they will be back, that should be enough...
    1 point
  13. Mods.....Might be the right time to start a new topic such as "Post-District Court Affirmation" or similar?
    1 point
  14. History fans are going to have a field day with this bankruptcy in hindsight. In the case of the TCC estimate, it was both early on in the bankruptcy and included expectations for all insurers and SOL relief. It should have been as high as possible at that point. Should it be higher now? Sure, but time will tell what percentage claims will be paid in the end. As well, it's important not to cherry-pick statements as the objectors did. The TCC didn't provide any expert testimony/evidence related to valuation at the plan confirmation hearing for one simple reason, the BSA, which the TCC and
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. I agree with the others. As long as you keep showing up, they have no incentive to find a replacement....which is the COR's responsibility, not yours.
    1 point
  17. It happens in many organizations. Sometimes it is necessary to create a vacuum to generate movement.
    1 point
  18. Reading that rule 8 was like me trying to read Japanese.Anybody want to break it down please.
    1 point
  19. For those following along at home, it seems like a good time for a look at Rule 8 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure: https://www.law.cornell.edu/rules/frap/rule_8
    1 point
  20. I think the big question is if a court issues a stay during the appeal to this decision (assuming there is one). Without a stay, it is hard to imagine an appeal not being moot.
    1 point
  21. That just goes to show that I was not up on any such change. I had thought the 20 miles was part of the badge since "always", and it was one reason it was often not attempted.
    1 point
  22. I also find the merger of scouting honor society and Native American historical society to be a poor fit. I can see why it worked in the past but imo it just doesn’t any more. were I in charge with a magic wand, I’d rework the ceremonies and such around historic scouters (BP, seton, Goodman, green bar bill, etc). We’ve been around long enough to have our own history without having to borrow from someone else.
    1 point
  23. There is no consensus in the Native community on this topic. Some are anti BSA, others are pro. it is all over the place.0
    1 point
  24. Welcome @MattySchnides! Zero percent!!!!!!!! And the DE response is laughable.🤣 Units do not exist to provide a cash cow for the council. Give them zero and ignore any other correspondence on the matter.
    1 point
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